Sinking Island

Suspect #9
Hubert de Nolent
Walter Jones’ lawyer, Hubert is cold and calculating. Having won the millionaire’s trust, he knows all his secrets and is most interested in the fortune that will slip through his fingers once the inheritance is dispersed.
  Suspect #10
Sonia Abruzzi-Jones
Manager of her art gallery, she is the only grandchildren who has stood up to Walter Jones. She was very close to her father and believes her grandfather knew something about his death.
Suspect #7
Clara Jones-Mordane
Wife of Billy Jones, Clara is a portrait of decency. Always calm, smiling and understanding. Clara does not hate anyone, except maybe Walter Jones, whose company was in competition with her father’s.
Suspect #8
Lorenzo Battaglieri
Architect chosen by Walter Jones to build his tower, frowns upon Jones, the megalomaniac, who wants to change his life’s work and even breach certain safety rules.
Suspect #5
Billy Jones
Age: 33
Nationality: French
The youngest of Walter's grandchildren, Billy is living off his family's wealth and has always been carefree. However, with mounting debt, Billy needs his inheritance to reimburse his creditors.


  Suspect #6
Martin Abruzzi
Age: 34
Nationality: French
The husband of Sonia Jones, Martin, a publisher, is terribly moody and unpleasant. Martin's business is struggling financially and he needs his wife's inheritance to get his company back on its feet.
 Suspect #3
Marco Jones
Age: 31
Nationality: American
The grandson of Walter, Marco has always been considered weak by his family but his political career has taken off since he met his wife, Christina. Marco's grandfather, believing Christina to be a bad influence, tried everything to keep her away. Marco, in turn, wants to protect his wife from the Patriarch, whose unscrupulous ways he knows too well.
  Suspect #4
Kolio Jumhu
Age: 65
Nationality: Maladivienne
A fisherman on the Isle of Sagorah, Kolio has experience at sea. He is boorish in appearance but should not be underestimated - he is far more intelligent than he looks. Watching his island disfigured by the Jones' tower is literally breaking his heart.
Suspect #1
Baïna Jumhu
Age: 22
Nationality: Maldivian
The daughter of Kolio, a fisherman, this young native used to meet Walter Jones regularly along the island beaches. One day, after a quarrel with the millionaire, a vertiginous fall left her mute.
  Suspect #2
Christina Bromsky
Age: 29
Nationality: Ukranian
The girlfriend of Jones' grandson, Marco, this beautiful Ukrainian woman never managed to fully integrate herself into the family. The patriarch, who believed Christina to be a bad influence on Marco, tried everything to keep her away.





Walter Jones










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