Art of Murder Pupppeteer

Posted By: misskedi

Art of Murder Pupppeteer - 09/24/11 09:34 PM

I just got back to go on with this game, don't think i had posted about it yet.
anyway i am trying to fix the flat tire, inner tube. I get tube into the water fountain, then cannot get the marker to work to mark hole.
Don't know if I am doing something wrong or what.

I see someone else needed help with this. If there is a problem in the game, would you please send me a saved game?
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Art of Murder Pupppeteer - 09/24/11 09:57 PM

Hi misskedi,

You might be running out of time before you get to use the marker. Are you double-clicking to exit the garage area quickly, and then straightaway double-clicking on the fountain to move there directly? That will save you valuable seconds. smile

After dipping the tube into the fountain, Nicole should comment. The tube automatically goes back into inventory then. Pick up the marker from inventory and click onto the tube.

If you still need that save game -- which version are you playing? Disc, download or BigFish download? Saves from one are not compatible with the other.
Posted By: misskedi

Re: Art of Murder Pupppeteer - 09/26/11 05:39 PM

I have tried this a dozen more times, but marker will not do anything when I click on tube in inventory.
Please send saved game. I have the game on a CD , which I installed to computer. If there was a Jr. or Sr. mode, I am using Jr. mode.

Maybe I am just not fast enough but, it tells me tire is there and she sees hole, then shows up in inventory.
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Art of Murder Pupppeteer - 09/26/11 06:08 PM

The save is on the way. luck
Posted By: misskedi

Re: Art of Murder Pupppeteer - 09/29/11 02:49 PM

I put the save game you sent into the place where all my saved games are. I renamed it as the next game that should show up after last one I saved but, it does not come up to be loaded.

I tried renaming it as # 1 or #2 and that don,t work either.

Any idea what I am doing wrong?

Posted By: MaG

Re: Art of Murder Pupppeteer - 09/29/11 06:31 PM

Have you scrolled to the beginning of the list?
They might be arranged by dates.
Keep us posted.
Posted By: misskedi

Re: Art of Murder Pupppeteer - 09/30/11 08:03 PM

Yes i haved looked at all games, they only show up as pictures, no names. I click on last picture that I saved and it loads where it should.
Is this what they should do?
The saved games show up in the save games folder in where all the others are but don't show in LOAD game.

Maybe I didn't get them saved correctly? I got the 2 files you sent and thought I put them where belong but maybe I did that wrong.
any more help?
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Art of Murder Pupppeteer - 09/30/11 08:49 PM

Did you number them as a set, and keep their file extensions?

There are more saves HERE which you could try. This is where I downloaded the save that I originally e-mailed to you -- the first in the list which mentions the tyre. There are others. They might work. This game is so pernickety with different versions of the game out there.
Posted By: misskedi

Re: Art of Murder Pupppeteer - 10/04/11 11:19 AM

Guess I don't understand how to number them as a set. Can you tell me how to do that?
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Art of Murder Pupppeteer - 10/04/11 11:32 AM

Say, just for example, that the last numbered file in your folder was 20.

Each save consists of two files: an image file and a data file. You would need to renumber them as a "set", i.e. the same number. So you would have had to renumber the two files as:


And not save0021.png and save0022.aom.

I'm sure you've already done the former, but sometimes it's the simplest things that trip us up like this. smile
Posted By: misskedi

Re: Art of Murder Pupppeteer - 10/08/11 03:52 PM

I have saved both files as save 0032.png. and other as 0032.aom. They show up on "load" screen but are just all black, except the inventory at bottom of screen is just gray. Nothing else there. My last game was saved as both 0031, so i should save these 0032 s , right?

Don't know what I am doing wrong. I have your files saved and will try once more and see what happens.

Thanks anyway
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Art of Murder Pupppeteer - 10/08/11 05:55 PM

It sounds as though you are doing everything correctly, but the saves just aren't compatible with your game version.

I'd suggest downloading a different set of saves for this puzzle from the link I provided above, and see if any of those work for you. The set I e-mailed to you were the first set on the list for the tyre puzzle, so try a set further down.

Unless anyone here has a set they can send to you that might work. luck
Posted By: petert

Re: Art of Murder Pupppeteer - 10/11/11 01:33 PM

I tried to send you a save of the game just after the tyre had been mended and was in inventory.
Did the save get to you? (There are 2 of them, one a screenshot and one a data save, both numbered 14)
My game is also on a CD so you might be lucky.
It is, I understand, a very glitchy game at this point.

Posted By: Rushes

Re: Art of Murder Pupppeteer - 10/11/11 03:22 PM

Thanks, Peter, we appreciate the help. smile I hope misskedi is up and running now with your saves, or a set from the list.
Posted By: misskedi

Re: Art of Murder Pupppeteer - 10/11/11 06:19 PM

I received a saved game from place you sent me , and emailed him back.

So far I haven't gotten them to work yet. Maybe because I downloaded them from my other computer and saved them on other one.

Will keep trying .
Posted By: petert

Re: Art of Murder Pupppeteer - 10/11/11 07:24 PM

Glad you got them, and I hope that you can get them to work.
I THINK that you have to import them into your gamesaves (mine are in My Documents) and make sure that you give them the next number in the series. The ones I sent were no.14.
(No doubt one of the moderators will tell you if that is the right thing to do!!)

Posted By: misskedi

Re: Art of Murder Pupppeteer - 11/04/11 03:42 PM

I am back to try playing this game again.I have the saved game sent to me working. I hear her saying ...there is a hole in tire....but I can't figure our how to use the blue marker on tube. I have both tube and marker in inventory.

It says to use it in inventory on tube. If I am supposed to see the hole, in the tube, in inventory, that's where I am stuck, as I can't see any hole to click on.

Is there a special spot to click, if so can you please help me out?
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Art of Murder Pupppeteer - 11/04/11 04:22 PM

If the save game is working, then the scene with the tyre should already be completed. If you can still see the timer clock running, and Nicole saying the line about the hole, then it doesn't sound as though the save game is working. Did you renumber it correctly and place both files in the save game folder?

As soon as you place the tyre into the fountain, and Nicole mentions the hole, the tyre immediately goes back into inventory. Then you take the pen from inventory, and click it onto the tyre now in inventory. That's it. smile I think the hole is too small for the gamer to see, but Nicole can see it.

The problem may be that you are running out of time before you reach the fountain, and so the tyre has deflated by the time it gets back into inventory. How much time can you see remaining on the ticker clock at the top of the screen?
Posted By: misskedi

Re: Art of Murder Pupppeteer - 11/04/11 08:32 PM

Do you still the saved game at this point, right after using marker on tube? I am really sorry about all this but would like to try installing this save again, I must have done something wrong. Goofed it up somehow
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Art of Murder Pupppeteer - 11/04/11 10:34 PM

I think it was petert who sent you those saves. I don't have any of my own for this puzzle, unfortunately. Perhaps check to see if you still have his e-mail with the attachment from 11th October. luck If not, let us know.
Posted By: misskedi

Re: Art of Murder Pupppeteer - 12/01/11 08:30 PM

Still trying to play this game every once in awhile but giving up at this point. Will keep my saved games and reinstall it. I think I still have saved game you sent me , so will see if I can get it to work that far, then try to pick up save you sent. Might not work so May be back again

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