Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish

Posted By: BrownEyedTigre

Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/21/09 11:26 AM

You can download Princess Isabella Here.

Princess Isabella is all set to marry the love of her dreams, Prince Adam. After returning home from a trip, however, she finds that an evil curse has been placed on her castle by a mysterious witch. The curse has placed evil in every room, and turned everyone inside the castle into mirrors! Follow a fairy friend as you piece together the clues and save your friends and family in Princess Isabella: A Witch`s Curse, a gorgeous Hidden Object Adventure game!

Unique gameplay
Tricky puzzles
Defeat the evil witch
Check out the blog walkthrough

As always, please remember to come back and tell us what you think.

Happy Gaming,
Ana wave
Posted By: Robertson

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/21/09 12:49 PM

The premise sounded a bit silly, but I downloaded it anyway for a trial. Frankly, except for an annoying Tinker Bell clone, it's very impressive! I bought my game for this month, but after an hour with this one today and Mystery Age: Imperial Staff yesterday, I might plead with my wife for a little extra allowance. Maybe I could do some chores in exchange wink. But, back to Princess Isabella: it's an entertaining mixture of puzzles, HO screens, pieces that need to be used in certain places and even different abilities for Tinker Bell. It even has a map to help navigate! Looking at the developer's website, they show a box, so this is going to be on the shelves, I suspect, likely for $20. All in all, it's hard to resist.

Posted By: NYLady

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/21/09 02:15 PM

It's a cute game but you might want to turn the sound off... that fairy nearly drove me mad. Her voice is annoying and I can't understand what she is saying anyway. The words that she says appear so I just read it.

The puzzles so far have been easy... but fun. Things that are easy are still fun for me. Riding a bike is easy, but I love doing it.

The puzzles may get harder as you go. I haven't played but 15 minutes. Good thing they are easy because I don't see a skip feature.

I'll probably buy the game.
Posted By: BellaRosa

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/21/09 02:19 PM

I did buy it, finished it and found it fun.

At the beginning I wasn't sure I was going to like it - as you say the fairy is annoying but she grew on me.

There were some good puzzles in the game too- I had to skip a few at the end (the key ones as I could not do them within enough moves and also skipped the marble popper as that was just annoying to me - there was another one I skipped I can't recall what that was now- but everything else I managed to get done.
I was stuck a few times wandering aimlessly then found a new door somewhere I had not been.

I actually played it without a break which is a sign of not being bored smile

Another good game- yay!!

Oh anyone wondering about length it took me just over 4 hours to play.
Posted By: Kate Anne

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/21/09 02:38 PM

I just finished the demo. I really liked this game. The hour went very fast. I also, found the fairy a little annoying at first but like BellaRosa said the fairy grew on me. I did not skip any of the mini games, I thought they were different and fun. I am going to buy this game.
Posted By: bkrytr

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/21/09 04:13 PM

Bought it. Game interesting. Fairy annoying. Where is the skip feature?
Posted By: Kootsie

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/21/09 04:29 PM

The game is adorable...yes fairy needs a voice transplant but all else is so charming. And the graphics! O my beautiful. Love it! bravo :summer:
Posted By: bkrytr

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/21/09 05:32 PM

found the wt and skip feature. on with the game!
Posted By: carlahelp

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/21/09 10:52 PM


How did you skip? I am stuck on the rifles and cannot get past them. I tried the fairy skip but kept getting her flying over to the shield. Awaiting your answer so I can move on.

Posted By: BrownEyedTigre

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/21/09 11:03 PM

carla, here is a quote from BF Blog walkthrough:

The hint button turns into a skip button when you are in the middle of a puzzle. It also needs to recharge before you can use it. You will not be able to use regular hints while you are doing a puzzle.

Ana wave
Posted By: carlahelp

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/21/09 11:07 PM

I did that, Tigre. It still wouldn't skip. Maybe I'm not sure when to click. Thanks.

Posted By: Bitty Kitty

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/21/09 11:38 PM

The fairy reminds me of someone who has had to much coffee and not enough sleep. However, like everyone else I am off to buy the game because I can't seem to resist the need to find out who this witch is.

Posted By: Sherlock

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/22/09 01:01 AM

Carla, you have to find the last mirror piece to free the maid and she will give you the last rifle part so that you can move on. Hope this helps. wave
Posted By: Redz

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/22/09 02:04 AM

Cheryl, glad to see you have discovered these great casual games, as I have. Hope all is well with you. grin

Joan wave
Posted By: carlahelp

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/22/09 02:37 AM

I already freed the maid. I am putting the rifles in the shield.
How do I skip this darn puzzle? Please, someone tell me how. I have went by the walkthrough but it didn't help.

Posted By: Sly One

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/22/09 02:41 AM


The rifle puzzle I didn't find that difficult. You just have to make sure they are all in the right spot, both the top part and the bottom. It took me a couple of seconds to figure that out so maybe your like me and didn't know that? Other than that I don't know what else to tell you about skipping as the only way is the hint button when it fills. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help. Good Luck! I know you can do it.
Posted By: Sherryah

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/22/09 04:32 AM

I love the game! I also think the graphics are adorable including the fairy. When in the options I saw the word dialogue I immediatly bought the game. I find the storyline delightful. In fact I rate it one of the highest in the casual games I have played thus far. I love the mini games and puzzles.

I really get concerned when people complain that they don't like the voice overs and than the game designer gives up and give the players who enjoy speech in a game, no option other reading boring text. If I want to read text I will read my email or a book, when I play a game and totally become immersed in it, I want to hear speech in the game.

I give the game designers 5 stars in this game. Someone complained at a forum and mocked the the speech in Diamond Jones amulet of the world because his english had an accent. The end result of that was the game designers in the next Diamond Jones eye of the Dragon, only used voice in the beginning of the game, text everywhere else.

I am one of those that get angry about this and expected it throught the entire game like before, because I appreciated the speech in the first Diamond Jones Amulet of the World. So what if there was a slight accent to the Characters voice over, everyone is not from America.

Maybe it is because although born in America and I have relocated permanently to Europe and now hear and found new respect for the people with language accents from various countries and I have learned to appreciate and respect them, not like when I lived in America. I never realized I had an American Accent until I moved to Europe. Everyone comments on it and it really changed my preception of things and prejudices I never knew I had before.

Although no one in this game being reviewed in Princess Isabella a Witches Curse, have voices with accents in it, I just want to come to the defense of the one that did the voice over for the fairy, before the game designers feel insulted and force us to imagine what the fairy's voice will sound like in reading just text again.

I think the voice fits the little fairy, kinda like tinkerbell in Peter pan. My opinion is this, if people like reading text only in the game use your option and turn off the voices. Please don't ruin it for those of us who find voice and speech enjoyable in a game.

I hope this game will be rated in the top ten, because someone went through alot of work to make it so. The graphics after the evil is lifted in each room of the castle are so beautiful! I really hope we will see more games like this. BFG Guy you have a real winner here, in my opinion and congrats to the game developers and Game Designers.


Posted By: looney

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/22/09 05:36 AM

I'm so happy that I got this game! I did the trial and before it was over I knew I'd buy it.

At the beginning I wasn't sure because I liked the game but that fairy ... slapforehead
Funny thing, after a bit I forgot to be annoyed and I loved it!

Great graphics and fun story! bravo

Posted By: Sherryah

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/22/09 05:53 AM

I agree Looney, that fairy helped me out more than I care to admit! She is so cute when we are stuck even before asking for a clue she flies to where we need to go many times. I just love the way each puzzle is different than the others. I also love to break things. Can anyone tell me how come I can't break the vase in the crown Jewels room with the ghosts flying around? Thanks in advance.
Posted By: Margie

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/22/09 12:34 PM

Originally Posted By: carlahelp
I already freed the maid. I am putting the rifles in the shield.
How do I skip this darn puzzle? Please, someone tell me how. I have went by the walkthrough but it didn't help.


Hi Carla,

Click here for a screenshot of the rifles puzzle maybe if you can see the picture closer it might help.

In order to use the skip button, you have to wait until it turns completely red (I think it was red) and then you can skip the puzzle.

I think you have to keep the pop-up window open long enough for it to recharge, but I am mot 100% sure on that.

If you choose to skip, the fairy will solve it for you and the area should be clear. You should just be able to go in through the fireplace at that point.

If none of the above work, you can uninstall, start under a new name or contact customer service at BFG.

Good Luck,

Posted By: NYLady

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/22/09 12:37 PM

I also like voices in the games and don't mind accents... in fact I love a good British accent... I'm a fan of Coronation Street for years... but the fairy voice was garbled on my game and it may be my cheap speakers...but I had to turn it off.

I dislike having to read and read and read...and usually skip the story because of it. I know I often miss a good story because of my laziness to read. I just want to get to the action.

The game is very good even with my sound off.

Posted By: carlahelp

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/22/09 12:40 PM

Hi Margie,

Glad to hear from you. I notice in your screenshot that the left stock has a white thingee on it. Mine doesn't. Also my hint button never turns red. Love you for helping. Please answer soon.

Posted By: Margie

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/22/09 12:45 PM

Originally Posted By: carlahelp

Hi Margie,

Glad to hear from you. I notice in your screenshot that the left stock has a white thingee on it. Mine doesn't. Also my hint button never turns red. Love you for helping. Please answer soon.


Hi calrla,

Don't really know what else to tell you. The solution you see is the only one. I would contact customer support because only the beta version did not have the skip button, the final version does so all you can do is talk to BFG on Monday and see if they can help.

You could also try to uninstall and re-download to see if that fixes the problem.

Good Luck,

Margie B
Posted By: Sherlock

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/22/09 02:10 PM

Hi Joan, so good to see you here as well. I love some of these games! And I am enjoying this one very much. I do't get much time to play during the school year so this was a perfect alternative and now I'm hooked. Hope you are well.

Cheryl wave
Posted By: MaG

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/22/09 02:15 PM


Please check your PM. Thanks.
Posted By: Flo NS

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/22/09 02:37 PM

Actually, I didn't think the rifle part was even a puzzle, I just clicked on the sheild with the part and it placed itself.

You just need to have all the parts, and the Bear revived.
Posted By: Kootsie

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/22/09 03:13 PM

This game goes on my list of all time favorites! Totally loved it and the endgame which I wont spoil added a real adventure game type feel to wussy ending..hehe
Posted By: Penny Lane

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/22/09 04:33 PM

I have downloaded the game but haven't played it yet. Thanks to all of you I am really looking forward to playing it. It sounds like a winner!
Posted By: acornia

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/22/09 06:19 PM

Just need to match the stock and barrel to imprint. The stock will flip to match the part that isn't dusty.
Posted By: thracia

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/22/09 11:56 PM

I just had to drop in to say how wonderful this game is. I have not had this much fun since RTR and Expedition Amazon. So far I have not had to skip any puzzles, and I like the way you can use the map in the book to move around. Handy, since I get so turned around. Anyway I absolutley love this game!!!Gogii did a very good job.

Posted By: carlahelp

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/23/09 01:00 AM

Hey Margie,

I started the game over and finished. It must have been a glitch the first time I tried because this time went thru without a hitch. Very fun game and enjoyed it tremendously. Hope for more like it.

Thanks for your help and I hate to be a bother.

Also I thank everyone for their answers to my puzzling question.
Posted By: C65candy

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/23/09 07:07 AM

Love this game, I just got through playing it twice and enjoyed it just as much the second time. Wish there were more games like this.
Posted By: NYLady

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/23/09 05:57 PM

I wish there was an easier way to navigate the rooms. I keep going to the same ones and am going in circles. The map flashes so quickly I can't find my way around. All I can go in is the
Hallways, Library, Piano Room, Hunting Room, Astronomy room, Lobby, Mirror room. I found my way somehow to the kitchen last night but can't get there or anywhere else today.

Any hints on navigation?
Posted By: looney

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/23/09 06:00 PM

Hi NYLady!

When you're playing, look down in the right corner, there is a quest book. Click on that and then look along the left side, there's 3 tabs, the bottom one is the map. You can pull this up anytime you want to see it. And you can click on a room and "fast travel" there too!

Have fun! thumbsup
Posted By: Tammy64

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/23/09 06:12 PM

Just finished the game. It was great. I like games like that. Looking forward to playing again. Glad to hear about the map in the quest book. I was like NYLady and losing my way all the time.
Posted By: NYLady

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/23/09 07:22 PM

Thank you so much! I knew there must be a way but I couldn't find it and never looked in the book.
Posted By: Margie

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/23/09 11:17 PM

Originally Posted By: carlahelp
Hey Margie,

I started the game over and finished. It must have been a glitch the first time I tried because this time went thru without a hitch. Very fun game and enjoyed it tremendously. Hope for more like it.

Thanks for your help and I hate to be a bother.

Hey carlahelp, glad to hear that you were able to get past it!

Margie B

Also I thank everyone for their answers to my puzzling question.
Posted By: Darleen03

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/23/09 11:55 PM

I played the demo.....Fell in love with the game...

Had to buy it....

The little Fairy is so cute.. :summer:
Posted By: suzannes22

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/24/09 02:52 AM

Hi everyone, I have been playing the game n enjoying greatly, but of course am stuck ,lol
I am in the powder room I have a blue key n don't know what to do with it, also i still need the yellow n blue marbles n cannot locate them either
So close to finishing
Posted By: Sherlock

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/24/09 03:17 AM

You cannot use the blue key in the powder room. But, there is a door in the dining room that should be there now. I think it's in the upper right corner of the room. wink
Posted By: looney

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/24/09 03:18 AM

Hi Suzannes22!

You need to go back to the dining room, with the long table that has a purple table cloth on it. Look to the right and there is a hallway to go into on that side.
You'll find a door there that needs that blue key.

Have fun! grin
Posted By: suzannes22

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/24/09 03:24 AM

thanks very much now i can continue with my adventure
Posted By: bkrytr

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/24/09 03:48 PM

Carla, the hint button turns to a solve button when you do the puzzles. You have to wait until it charges before clicking. I am really liking this game! As BellaRosa said, the fairy grows on you. smile
Posted By: x2kul

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/24/09 10:46 PM

Hi! Please Help!!! I'm stuck at the path with the octopus-type thing and have to fill in blocks. I've already looked at the walkthrough, but am stuck on the right side of the puzzle. My screen looks like the one in the WT with all the arrows, but I can't get to the empty block to fill it in! I've been around and around that 3x3 block on the top right, but can't progress. Any help is much appreciated!

and p.s. (EDITED Out by BrownEyedTigre) grrrr... must get back to the game and be frustrated at this puzzle until someone can help me!! Thx in advance!
x2 Laura
Posted By: Kate Anne

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/26/09 11:54 AM

I loved this game. Thought it was the best game since RTR. It had the cutest slider game that I have ever played. Very original game with great mini games.
Posted By: Cynder

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/27/09 03:15 AM

This one sounds wonderful. I broke my right arm, so I've fallen behind in gaming, but I'm slowly returning and I well may start back with this one. smile

Thanks for the input, everyone!
Posted By: BrownEyedTigre

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/27/09 11:38 AM

Oh No! I hope you can mouse left handed! I hope it heals quickly and think of all the fun games waiting for you. yay

Ana wave
Posted By: Junior988

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/28/09 09:59 AM

Hi! Help please! Am stuck in 2nd floor. I can't go in powder room and I don't know how to kill "evil" in a picture on hallway or royal bedroom.

Please help,
Posted By: BrownEyedTigre

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/28/09 12:06 PM

welcome to GameBoomers Junior988

You need use the crossbow that you get in the royal bedroom in the chest on the evil.

I don't recall what unlocks the powder room door.

Have you checked the walkthrough?

Ana wave
Posted By: 8dognight

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/31/09 03:56 PM

I, too, liked Princess Isabella. It is a surprisingly entertaining and intelligently executed little game. The voice acting is great and some of the accents remind me of characters from Babylon 5 and of old-fashioned, cold war type, eastern European spies. Most of the puzzles are quite simple; others, not at all.

The pixie is sometimes annoying, and I wished for a way to swat her. Other than that, the techniques put a pleasant spin on IHOGs. I'm thinking here of the curse removal scenes in which the castle is transformed and of the pixie's abilities.

I played this one at time when I was certain to be called away at any moment by various family and personal emergencies throughout the day but still had to be around the house. Isabella fit the bill for amusement. If this game were a wine, a connoisseur would describe it as refreshing and unpretentious.
Posted By: Rosaboobie

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 08/31/09 05:12 PM

I too have just finished this game, and found it absolutely delightful and real fun with many hours of entertainment. The voice acting was so good.......except for that darn fairy. She speaks so quickly, if it wasnt for the subtitles I wouldnt have had a clue what she was saying. All in all a superb game with lots of new ideas included.
Posted By: Dolly 1

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 09/05/09 01:38 PM

Hello there would you have a save for the marble puzzle, I just cannot beat it many thanks.
Posted By: BrownEyedTigre

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 09/05/09 02:32 PM

Dolly, we cannot do saves for casual games, they autosave and do not transfer to others. Sorry. I don't remember if there are skips in this game, did you try?

EDIT: Are you talking about the marble shooter at the end? Are you sure you have all the different colored marbles needed?

Ana wave
Posted By: Sorta Blonde

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 09/05/09 04:32 PM

I had a terrible time with the marble puzzle too. I finally just kept shooting over and over fast and eventually the 'skip' option appeared. Fun game though. Loved it.
Posted By: Dolly 1

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 09/06/09 05:29 AM

I haven't seen a skip for this marble game as yet but will keep on trying, many thanks for the help.
Posted By: bkrytr

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 09/06/09 03:36 PM

Finished the game and LOVED it! Even the fairy! smile
Posted By: Rosaboobie

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 09/06/09 04:21 PM

The marble game is not that hard to do.....if I can do it, then anyone can. I tried for ages on this mini game without success, and then realised I only had three marbles.....duh!!

I remember reading somewhere recently here that, once before, a game was criticised for bad vocals, and subsequently the sequel came with no I think its best to leave that poor fairy alone!
Posted By: looney4labs

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 09/06/09 04:44 PM

Rosa, do you have any tips or tricks for that marble game?
Posted By: Rosaboobie

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 09/08/09 08:38 AM

I just kept the pointer arrow in one place all the time - I did not move it around the board at all - I found it much easier this way. And then its just your normal marble popper game - Just nominate one colour and keep blasting all the yellow marbles until they all disappear. It gets much easier as you eliminate each colour.

Sorry for late response - Not been able to connect for past 36 hours!!
Posted By: looney4labs

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 09/08/09 01:16 PM

Ack Rosa, I'd be nuts!

Thanks for the tip. I'm sure it will be helpful wave
Posted By: 8dognight

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 09/11/09 12:23 AM

I forgot to mention that this one has the cleverest slider in terms of graphics that I have seen in any game. It took me several tries to figure out that the white mare and hay bales were sliders at all; after finally working that out, the puzzle itself was quite simple. I had not encountered one that was not a panel on a fence or gate or some sort of picture in a frame. Using hay bales and a horse was a welcome change.
Posted By: denise

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 10/13/09 04:05 PM

I am having trouble in the room where the marbles are and I don't know how to collect them all and all I have is the green one and I don't know how to collect the rest. I am also stuck on the second floor in the east and west floors and when I examine the pictures I don't even know what I'm looking for.
Posted By: BrownEyedTigre

Re: Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse - New HOG on BigFish - 10/13/09 04:11 PM

welcome to GameBoomers Denise. You will collect the marbles throughout the game, you don't need them yet.

For the rest, have you checked The walkthrough here? It will help you along.

Ana wave
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