
Posted By: gymcandy1

Saturdiner - 05/26/18 01:14 AM

"I need my sleep. I need about eight hours a day, and about ten at night."
~Bill Hicks~

And here’s another lesson in good manners: Throwing the bouquet behind you to see who’s next? Really poor taste at funerals.


A friend of mine asked if he could crash on the sofa. He said he’d like to stay at my place for a couple of nights.

He’s such a naive puppy. I’ve been married for six years now. Where does he think I sleep?


Who doesn’t love waking up, looking at the person sleeping next to you and starting the day with a long, loving kiss? Apparently the airline had a different take on these things.


My wife was feeling awfully sick when I got home from work. It was so bad I had to carry her to the kitchen so she could prepare dinner.


Wife: Phillip, you have no clothes on, and you're oiled. Why?! Please explain yourself.
Husband: Well, you did nag me. You said that I never glisten!


My wife had a terrible accident today with my car.
OMG, is she hurt?
Not yet. She locked herself in the bathroom.


That awkward moment when you realize that marital vows have robbed you of your right to a fair share of blanket.


Why did the donut visit the dentist?

To get a new filling.


How did the bunny rob a snowman?

He took out his hair dryer and said: Give me that carrot!


Why did the bee marry?

He’s finally found his honey.


“Name me five different animals, Johnny.”

“The dog, the dog’s brother, the dog’s sister, the dog’s cousin and the dog’s aunt.”


Why does it suck to be a penguin?

Because even when you get angry, you still look cute.


It is evening. Little Johnny and his friend are sitting by a camp fire.

They’ve been plagued by swarms of mosquitoes already for an hour and the assault only worsens when the darkness sets in.

Suddenly, fireflies appear. Little Johnny swears: “These darn mosquitoes! Now they’ve even brought lanterns with them to find us!“


What is black – white – black – white – black – white?

A penguin rolling down a mountain!


What would you get if you crossed a vampire with a dwarf?

A creature that sucks blood from your knees.


“Sir, you cannot fish here!”

“Don’t worry, I’m not fishing, I’m just teaching my worm to swim.”


Why do dolphins swim in salt water?
Because pepper water would make them sneeze.


A little boy visits his farmer grandpa and watches him milk the cows.

The next day one of the cows runs away and grandpa is really upset about it.

“Don’t worry, Grandpa,” says the boy helpfully, “she can’t go very far with an empty tank.”


What did the stamp say to the envelope?
You stick with me and I will take you places!


What happens when a cop gets into bed?

He becomes an undercover cop.


“Your waffle iron isn’t working, dear!”

"Grandma that's my laptop!"


Good morning everyboomie. wave2

I may have to make a run to the sod farm Saturday morning. happydance

I managed to get to Walmart this morning, and then get most of the way around the park before the skies clouded up and started to storming. joy

The thunder cracked so loud and so close that Missy turned around and started to run the other way. It had me ducking my head too. lol

It rained for most of the day. woot

We're supposed to hit 92 degrees Saturday, so I'll be heading out there pretty early. hamster

Have a great weekend everyone. thumbsup

Posted By: BrownEyedTigre

Re: Saturdiner - 05/26/18 05:21 AM

Joe, we hit 90 today again and will be 95 by Sunday. I love it! I jump when the thunder hits too!

So, the plumber failed to unclog the drains by rodding and jetting so we are still without laundry or kitchen sink. lol And of course I have a big party at my house Sunday. Life is just full of laughs. We spent our Friday night at the laundromat and then washed the weeks dishes old school, in tubs.

Have a happy day!

Ana wave
Posted By: venus

Re: Saturdiner - 05/26/18 06:47 AM

luck at the farm, Joe.

Ana, at least you have solutions available. grin Have fun on Sunday, and hope your plumbing is fixed soon!

It's late Friday night, and I'm off to sleep. I have a 3 day weekend starting tomorrow. happydance I also have a voice lesson tomorrow. woot

Have a great Saturday, everyone. spring
Posted By: connie

Re: Saturdiner - 05/26/18 11:56 AM

Good morning everyone, have a Great Saturday. It's monthly drawing time at the Eagles tonight, also a fish fry. Danish, Eggs, Grits, Hash Browns, BB Pancakes, Bacon, and French Toast in the NC. spring
Posted By: soot

Re: Saturdiner - 05/26/18 04:15 PM

hey ho everyone ... it's Saturday laugh

Oh my goodness SortaB...I hope the process proceeds quickly and a new owner moves in who'll be a fantastic neighbor!

Good hunting at the sod farm Joe ... can't wait to hear what you found thumbsup

Ana, you could host an 1800s style vintage gathering and everyone would think you were incredibly innovative yes good at your voice lessons! I'll enjoy your three day weekend right along with ya wink

Good morning Connie...have fun at the Eagles the drawing and enjoy the fish; I'm up for 2 eggs sunny side up, bacon and grits in the NC please

I'm off to garden, feed the doggies, recycles and other Saturday chores and projects.

The dishwasher and sink will be my afternoon project...figure out what's leaking-where think

Have a wonderful Saturday everyone wave2
Posted By: venus

Re: Saturdiner - 05/27/18 05:11 AM

Good night, everyone. sleep
Posted By: BrownEyedTigre

Re: Saturdiner - 05/27/18 05:13 AM

Nighty night
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