·         Go towards the climbing vine close to the tree with a hive in it. Click on the vine to add it to the inventory.

·         Click on the fragment of harness on the ground beneath the vine.

·         There is also a circle of stones beneath the vine. Click on the smallest stone. The stone is added to your inventory.

·         Go to the other side of the oasis by the hole in the ground. To the right of this, there is a path leading out into the desert. Take this path.

·         Özdemir arrives.

·         Go back in front of the hole.

BE CAREFUL: THIS SECTION IS TIMED, giving you 30 seconds in which to:

·         Right-click in front of the hole to bring up the inventory. Pick up the vine and drop it over the hole.

·         Then take sand from the right of the hole and cover the vine with it by dropping the pile of sand on top of it.

·         Then pick up the palm branch. It is added to the inventory.

·         Open the inventory, select the palm branch and click on the tracks in the sand to the right of the hole.


Özdemir  and Adrian shelter in the hole. The stopwatch is halted.


·         Open the inventory, click on the stone and drop it on top of the fragment of harness. The object is transformed into a slingshot.

·         Click on the vine to uncover the hole.

·         Open the inventory, pick up the slingshot and click on the hive hanging from the tree close to where the two looters are.


The looters flee.





·         Click on Özdemir , then on the word “Hegira” to launch the dialogue. Do the same on the name “Allah”.

·         Click on the columns marked in the sand between the two men. They appear in close-up.

·         Open the inventory:

Click on the name “Abraham”. Drag and drop it onto the top of the last column on the right.

Click on the name “Moses”. Drag and drop it onto the top part of the centre-right column.

Click on the name “Jesus”. Drag and drop it onto the top part of the centre-left column.

Click on the name “Mohammed”. Drag and drop it onto the top part of the column on the left.

Click on the word “Torah”. Drag and drop it onto the lower part of the centre-right column.

Click on the word “Gospel”. Drag and drop it onto the lower part of the centre-left column.

Click on the word “Koran”. Drag and drop it onto the lower part of the column on the left.

·         Then pick up the bowl which is between the two men, then the jug of water on Adrian’s left.

·         Open the inventory, click on the jug of water and drag it over the bowl. You obtain the bowl filled with water.

·         Take the bowl filled with water and drag it onto the columns traced in the sand between the two men.






·         Launch the conversation subjects by clicking on Özdemir . You will enter the Citadel gardens.





·         Click on Özdemir  to speak with him. You will be led into the Council Chamber, then into the Citadel prison.





·         Click on Özdemir  and speak with him. Go through all the dialogues.

·         Click twice on the frescoes located on the wall opposite the window to launch two further dialogues with Ozdemir.

·         Click on the information beneath each one to make it appear in close-up and start a dialogue with Ozdemir.

·         Click on the cage in the dark corner behind Ozdemir to launch a dialogue with him.

·         Click on the doorframe to launch the final dialogue with Ozdemir.

·         Leave the prison and enter the Sufi’s library.





·         Click on the Sufi. Speak with him until he reveals the location of the calendar tables to you .

·         Go towards the bookcase he shows you (it is on your left when you are opposite the Sufi).

·         Take the book from the right side of the third shelf (it is the only interactive object).

·         Leave the library and enter the gardens.





·         Go straight ahead, then pass beneath the arch on the left in order to meet the calligrapher.

·         Click on the calligrapher and speak with him until he gives you the alphabet table.

·         Leave the gardens. To do this, go back through the arch and head to the right. Go back up the staircase.

·         Return to the library to consult the Sufi.





·         When you’re back in the library, click on the Sufi to ask him to consult the holy books.

·         When the code window appears, select:

- “Torah” and enter the code 0/2/6/6.

- “Gospel” and enter the code 1/5/44.

- “Koran” and enter the code 2/177.

·         You should now return to the gardens.





·         In the gardens, go back to speak with the calligrapher until he asks you to find his spectacles.

·         Go back through the same arch, then head to the left. Go near the pond.

·         Take the forked branch from the edge of the pond.

·         Go back past the calligrapher and continue as far as the bottom of the garden. There you will see a tree with a nest in it.

·         Position yourself in front of the tree.

·         Open the inventory, select the forked branch and drop it on the nest. The spectacles are added to your inventory.

·         Go back to see the calligrapher, then open the inventory and drop the spectacles onto him.




·         Back in the cell with the calligrapher, ask him to mark on the plans the words corresponding to the Three Virtues referred to in the dialogue box.

·         Click on the calligrapher and speak with him.

·         Click on the birdcage which is behind Özdemir .

·         Pick up the message attached to the dove’s foot.

·         Open the inventory, click on the message and drag it over to the calligrapher.

·         Click on the three crosses marked on the triptych to launch Özdemir ’s commentary.


A sequence of animations is launched and you are transported to the council chamber. After the conversation sequences with the Governor and Özdemir , the map of Jerusalem appears. Click on the Madrassa Tankiziyya.




·         Click on Imam Abd Al-Wahid in front of the madrassa and speak with him.

·         A young man is working hard to remove some graffiti from the wall to the Imam’s left. Speak with him.

·         Open the inventory and pick up the forked branch. Drop it onto the lantern above the word on the wall (the graffiti was a projection).

·         After the visit to the Madrassa, exit and take the alley to your left. The map of Jerusalem appears. Click on the Ramban Synagogue.




·         Pick up the red sewing kit you find at your feet when you arrive.

·         Go straight ahead towards the centre of the square.

·         Speak to the two rabbis who are close to the circle marked on the ground.

·         Go over to the craftsman and speak with him. The craftsman is the man on his own in front of his stall.

·         Click on the arches situated behind the craftsman.

·         Click on the piece of fabric which is there.

·         To the craftsman’s left are two groups of men. Go over to the further one (close to another road leading to this square).

·         Click on the piece of fabric which is close to them.

·         Enter the inventory. Drag one of the two pieces of fabric onto the arches. Do the same with the second. The object changes.

·         Click on “sewing kit” and place it on the object you have just made to obtain the wind trap.

·         Take the wind trap from the inventory and drop it on the circle marked on the ground not far from where the two rabbis are.

·         Go back to speak with the rabbis.

·         Then leave this area via the alley you came by. The map of Jerusalem appears. Click on the Saint  Sepulchre.





·         Go and speak with the small group of paupers to your right.

·         Head towards the two men at the centre of the square and speak with them.

·         Go and speak with Palamede the archimandrite, who is by the door of the Saint Sepulchre.

·         Go back over to the two men at the centre of the square, then click on the circle marked in the ground in the centre of the square.

·         Open your inventory. Click on “small coins”, and drop them all on the gold coins in the circle.

·         Then visit the Saint Sepulchre with the archimandrite and speak with him.

·         Upon leaving the Saint Sepulchre, a strange character will come and speak with you. Go through all the dialogues until he gives you a date.

·         Back in the council chamber, inform the governor of the progress of your inquiry before picking up a knife from next to a bowl of fruit on a small table at the back of the room near the entrance.

·         Drag the knife onto the date in the inventory.





·         Go to speak with the Sufi in the library.





·         Go to Hayyat’s cell, where Özdemir awaits you.

·         Go towards the table and pick up another knife, a cloth, a jug and a nail.

·         Then go towards the wall opposite the frescoes. Click on the quill, the bowl and the pigments to the right of the straw mattress.

·         Open your inventory and drag the pigments onto the bowl.

·         Pick up the jug of water and drag it onto the bowl of pigments.

·         Drag the quill onto the bowl of mixed pigments. The quill becomes coloured.

·         Pick up the full quill and click once on the site of the Dome of the Rock on the cartouche on the right, once on the site of the Saint Sepulchre on the centre cartouche and once on the site of the Dome of the Rock on the left-hand cartouche.

·         Open the inventory. Click on the nail and drag it onto the cloth. The object is transformed.

·         Click on the “nail covered by the cloth” and drag it onto the oil lamp burning on the table.

·         The heated nail is added to your inventory.

·         Position yourself in front of the frescoes. Click on the central frescoes. A wax cork appears in close-up. Select the heated nail from your inventory and drop it on onto the cork. Then take the parchment from the hole.





·         Go straight ahead. The widow Pichon is waiting on your right. Speak with her.

·         You find yourself automatically in Hayyat’s house. Go to the locked door at the back of the house. Click on its lock.

·         Leave the house and go through the small arch on your right. You enter a courtyard. There are two closed shutters on the wall of Hayyat’s house.

·         Select the branch or forked branch object from the inventory and drop it onto the shutters.

·         Go back into Hayyat’s house and open the door at the back.

·         The oil lamp is on the ground opposite when you come in. Pick it up.

·         Pick up the key, bellows and scissors from the chest and shelves behind the door.

·         Go back out of the house, and head to your right to speak with the blacksmith. There is now an object labelled “bellows tip” in your inventory. Pick up this object and drag it onto the bellows. You will obtain the modified bellows.

·         Go back into the house and click on the frame close to the window of the room where Ozdemir is sitting. You will discover a recess booby-trapped with poison in which there is a second key.

·         Pick up the modified bellows and drop them on the recess. You obtain the bellows filled with poison.

·         Take the scissors from your inventory and drop them on the membrane. Pick up the second key.

·         Turn around. At the foot of the bed is a trunk. Click on it to open it. Draw back the covers and pick up the cylinder filled with scorpions and the last key.

·         Open your inventory and select “bellows filled with poison”. Drop them onto the cylinder.

·         Open your inventory again, select “bellows”, and then drop them onto the cylinder.

·         Take the scissors from your inventory and drop them on the cylinder. Pick up the last key.

·         Go back over to Ozdemir and open the Chest with three locks using the corresponding keys.

·         Take the three objects from the Chest and present them to Özdemir one by one.



Ramban synagogue


·         Go to the synagogue.

·         In front of Isaac, the man beside the synagogue door, open your inventory, select “Talith” and drop it on Isaac. Go through the dialogues before leaving again via the alley. The map of Jerusalem appears. Now go to the Wailing Wall to meet with Kalonymus.






·         Move forward and speak with Kalonymus, who is praying at the centre of the wailing wall.

·         Go through the dialogues. When the dialogue about Burgos has finished, a code window appears. Enter the number 1492 to complete the conversation.

·         Then take the alley behind the rabbi and visit the esplanade of the Saint Sepulchre.






·         Enter the Saint Sepulchre and look for Palamede, who is in front of Christ’s tomb.

·         Select the cross that you found at Hayyat’s house from your inventory, drop it onto Palamede and leave the building. Cross the square and take the alleyway to your right.

·         Now go to the Madrassa.




Madrassa Tankiziyya


·         Turn around and go over to speak to the imam Abd el-Wahid. Select “prayer mat”, then drop it on the imam. Select all the dialogues offered in the topic box.

·         Leave the madrassa square and go back to see the blacksmith by clicking on the Saint Sepulchre district. 






At the blacksmith’s


·         Speak with the blacksmith, then pick up the handle from the ground to the right of your interlocutor.

·         Go back to Hayyat’s house.




·         Open your inventory and click on the handle you have just picked up and drop it on the runaway.

·         In the council chamber where you automatically find yourself, recount the latest events you have just witnessed to the governor.

·         Now visit the library and speak with the Sufi.





·         Enter into conversation with the janissary guarding the entrance until he chases you away.

·         The map of the citadel appears: go back into the corridor.

·         Move along the corridor by hiding in each recess when the janissary passes on his rounds. Enter the chamberlain’s apartment.






·         On the left after the entrance, draw the blade from the scabbard of the scimitar hanging on the wall. The sword dates back to the year 932.

·         You must open a recess to your right that is fenced off with wire. Enter the code 932 on the padlock combination dial and take the casket which is lying there.

·         To pick the casket’s lock, enter the second section of the apartments. Take the needle, sugar pot and spatula from the small inlaid table.

·         Take the ewer from the piece of furniture close to a basket of fruit behind you.

·         Pick up the brazier from beneath the small cauldron on a second table.

·         Go back into the first part of the room and position yourself in front of the chimney. Select the brazier from your inventory and drop it onto the embers.

·         In front of the small cauldron from under which you previously took the empty brazier, take the brazier filled with embers and put it back underneath.

·         Select the ewer and drop it on the small cauldron above the brazier.

·         Select “sugar” from your inventory and drop it on the small cauldron.

·         Select “spatula” and drop it on the cauldron to obtain caramel.

·         Select the needle, then drop it on the caramel in the cauldron. The object is transformed.

·         Now take the casket from your inventory, take the modified needle and drop it on the casket’s padlock.

·         Read the three parchments you find.

·         Now leave the chamberlain’s apartments, evading the patrolling janissary once again.

·         The map of the citadel appears; return to the council chamber.




·         Speak to the governor and give him Hayyat’s letter from your inventory.

·         Go back to the library.





·         Speak with the Sufi until he mentions the Haram El-Sharif.

·         Following the instructions given by the Sufi, piece together the various elements of the buildings erected on the Haram.

·         Once these places have been constructed, you can now visit the Dome of the Rock and the El Aqsa Mosque.

·         Leave the esplanade to return to the library.

·         Return to the council chamber.

·         After the conversation with the governor, go to King Solomon’s Mines.






·         Near the left-hand tunnel, pick up the seal and consult the parchment on the small staircase.

·         Question the three men who accompany you and take the tunnel on the right.

·         In front of the great wall of fire, seize the planks that are placed against the wall close to the rabbi Kalonymus.

·         Drop these planks onto the chariot to get over the obstacle.

·         Continue to walk through the tunnel until the next crossroads.

·         Now take the tunnel on the left. On the ground are slabs bearing coats of arms featuring the animal symbols of the three monotheistic religions. Click on the slab representing, from top to bottom, the ram, fish, lion (centre slab, lined up from bottom) to make the arch crumble and fill up the ditch which was preventing you from advancing.

·         Continue on your way until you reach a closed grill.


·         Once again, there are carved slabs visible on the ground. Add the sticks to your inventory.

·         Click on the slabs to see them in close-up. Select the “ram, fish, lion” stick from your inventory and drag it onto the seal. You obtain the modified stick.

·         Select “modified stick” and drop it onto the “ram, fish, lion” slab. Pick up the key.

·         Select the key and click on the grill lock.

·         Enter the mines’ second room and encounter Hayyat.

·         When Ibrahim threatens Hykmah, click on Hayyat to select the Hykmah dialogue.





GameBoomers Walkthroughs and Solutions