Lara Croft Tombraider 6 - The Angel Of Darkness


Chris Van Zyl


South Africa



Parisian Back Streets


You start off the level in an alleyway being hunted by the police for murder. Walk forward, then pick up the chocolate bar in the doorway. Turn around and go right, then climb onto the box. Jump and grab the ledge above, then pull up. Walk to the edge and jump to the next ledge, then turn right and do a running jump to the large health pack on the other side. Take it, then go all the way back to the ledge. Walk, then climb the ladder. Go to the right, then climb through the window. Search the room for some coins, a chocolate bar and €160. Try to open the closet, then leave through the window. Climb the ladder to the top, then turn right. Go to the gap in the railing, then jump and grab the ledge on the other side. Pull up, then go to the left. Go over the railing and pick up another chocolate bar, then return to the rooftop. Go to the other side. Here, you must perform a small hop to the next ledge. Go over the boards to the drainpipe, then climb it to the top. Go to the right end, then jump and grab the ledge above. Shimmy to the right, then pull up to the rooftop. Run to the small building, then go to the right side to get some health bandages on a barrel. Turn around, then go to the far right corner and pull the barrel. Walk to the edge, then safely drop down to the ledge below. Take the crowbar, then return to the roof. Run to the small building, then use the crowbar to open the door. Walk into the building, then get a gun from the closet. Leave, then run to the broken railing on the left. Hang from the edge, then drop to the ledge below. Take the coins, then climb down the ladder and go through the window. Use the crowbar to open the closet, then you will get a necklace. Leave, then climb the ladder. Do a running jump to the rooftop, then walk to the right. Hop to the ledge, then climb the drainpipe. Shimmy back to the rooftop, then run to the other end of the roof. Safely drop to the ledge, then sidestep to the left. Jump and grab the edge, then shimmy to the left. You will drop to the ledge below, then you will learn how to use stealth. Sneak to the corner and get against the wall, then press left to look at the guard. Sneak to the stairs, then take the gate key from the table. Quietly sneak back to the gate, then use the key to open it. Walk, then climb down the ladder to end the level and start a cut-scene.


Derelict Apartment Block


You start in an empty building with the police trying to get in. Walk and pull the wardrobe towards the door, then push it against the door. Run up the stairs to the next floor, then the police will bust through the door and throw in teargas. Go up the next set of stairs, then jump over the hole in the floor. Go up to the next floor, then a boulder will crash down to the floor below. Do a running jump over the hole and grab the ledge, then pull up and get some health pills to the left. Turn around and pull the wardrobe to make a route to the next floor, then go up the stairs. Get a small medipack to the left and walk to the door, then bash it through. Enter the room, then get some ammo and some batteries from the two closets. Leave the room, then run down the hall and get some bandages to the left. Turn around and go up the stairs, then pull the box toward the stairs. Go around and climb the box, then do a running jump and grab the railing ahead. Pull up, then walk through the door to the next room. Pick up the lift maintenance key on the floor, then take the Apartment 21 key off the hook. Pull the switch to bring the lift up, then go to the elevator. Enter it, then press the 2nd floor button to take you down. Exit the elevator, then do a running jump across the big hole and grab the other side. Pull up and walk to the left door, then use the key to unlock Apartment 21. Go in, then get another gun from the closet and a chocolate bar with some ammo in the desk drawers. Leave, then do a running jump over the hole and grab the edge. Pull up, then walk to the elevator and press the 4th button to take you up. Return to the small room, then leave through the door to exit this level.


Industrial Rooftops


Climb the barrel, then climb the ladder to the top. Use the wire to shimmy across the alley, then a chopper will appear. Halfway across, something will block your way. Pull up Lara’s legs so that you can get over it, then shimmy to the end. Go to the small roof with the crates, then take health bandages. Go left to the roof with the grating on it, then walk down to the end. Jump and grab the edge of the roof, then pull up. Crawl into the box to get more health bandages, then crawl back and safely drop to the small landing between the two buildings. Open the door, then enter the second building. Get the coins in the hallway, then continue to the next room. Take the ammo on the floor to the right, then take the chocolate bar on the small table. Exit through the door, then run to the ladder and climb to the top. Here's a tank with another short ladder. Climb it to get more ammo, then climb down the ladders to the ground. Go left and around the corner past a closed garage door, then go left again into a dead-end alley with a large health pack. Take it, then leave the alley. Climb through the gap in the fence to avoid being cut from the barbwire, then take out your M-V9. Shoot the dog and put your weapon away, then go left and  jump into the red bin. Take the batteries, then climb the fence again. Go to the ladder with the burning barrel, then pull the left barrel to the ladder. Go past the flaming barrel to a heap of wooden cable spools, then pick up the ammo on the ground. Crawl through the opening of the garage door, then take the large health pack from  the floor on your left. Go to the other side of the room, then climb the box. Jump and grab the ledge to the left, then pull up and walk to the other end. Do a running jump across the room and grab the narrow ledge, then shimmy to the left. Pull up, then walk and climb the ladder to the walkway above. Get more ammo, then jump the gap to the door. Open it, then run down the hallway to the second door. Open it, then jump to the fire escape. Go down the stairs and get more coins, then climb to the very top of the fire escape. Enter the building, then climb ladder to exit the room at the top. You will emerge on the roof. Go left and left again, then go to the back of the structure where you will find more coins. Take them, then go to the edge of the building near the hovering helicopter. At the break in the fence, do a running jump to grab the rooftop on the other side. Pull up and go forward, then climb the short ladder down to get more health pills. Climb the short ladder to the roof, then do a running jump to the next roof. Go around past the small building to the other gap in the fence, then the level will end with a cut-scene.


Margot Carvier's Apartment


You will have a conversation Misses Carvier. (2222222) Read the notebook after the conversation, then put it away. You will have less then a minute to search the apartment and flee before the police bust in. A cut-scene will warn you that time is running out. Walk and turn around, then get some health pills in the desk drawer and a diamond ring from the lamp table near the kitchen door. Take the wine bottle from the counter in the kitchen, then run to the exit through the door. A cut-scene will play, then the level will end.


Parisian Ghetto


Exit the train car, then go left to the homeless men around the fire. Talk to the man, then go back to the train. Climb the pipe alongside the train, then climb it to the roof. Go left, then crawl under the large pipe to get a large health pack. Jump and grab the fence on the wall, then climb while going to the right. Drop to the ledge and turn right, then do a running jump to the next ledge and grab the edge. Pull up, then jump to the narrow mossy ledge along the wall. Walk along the ledge to the right through a gap in the fence, then go right to get €160 and a chocolate bar. Return to the narrow ledge, then sideflip to the ledge. Do a running jump to the previous ledge, then grab the edge. Pull up and go left, then jump through the gap in the fence. Approach the man, then talk to him. (22) After the conversation, your notebook will be updated. Look at it and turn back a page, then read it while turning two more pages and reading it aswell. Put it away, then follow the wall to the right and around the corner while going down some steps. You will find €160. Take it, then go back to the man and exit through the door. Approach the lady in red, then talk to her. (121) After the conversation, your notebook will be updated. Look at it and read it, then turn two pages and read it. Turn one page and read it, then turn one page and read it. Close the book. Go to the left, then go down the street to the last door on the right. Enter it, then walk down the hallway to Renne's Pawnshop. Go to the man, then talk to him (2). Sell the items you have, then leave the building. Go left, then go to the manhole in front and turn left. Get the €160 in the corner, then go up the stairs you just passed. Check the small park on your left to get €160, then go down the street to the parking lot. Go to the right and down the road through the archway to St. Aicard's Church, then enter the building through the black graffiti door. Walk to the fat man with the white shirt, then save the game and make a bet. He will ask you to choose between the two fighters, then choose Carl and you will win the gold watch. Go to the statue, then push the block to the left wall. Climb to the platform above, then jump and hold the edge while shimmying to the left. Take a break over the first column, then proceed to the left. Release the edge over the second column, then take the small medipack. Shimmy back to the platform, then climb the wall and hop to the wooden columns. Go to the other side, then jump to the second wooden column. Jump to the small roof ahead, then safely drop to the balcony below. Take the diamond ring, then pull up to the roof. Pull up to the column on the left side, then go to the end. Jump to the second column, then climb down the wall to the block at the ground. Pull/push the block to the other end, then climb to the platform above. Jump and hold the edge while shimmying to the right, then take a break over the first column. Proceed to the next one, then take the ammo at the end. Safely drop to the ground, then leave the church. Go and enter the park through the gate, then you will find Bernard. Talk to him (222) then he will give you the ex-janitor's keys. Read your updated notebook by going back a page, then put it away. Leave the park, then go right and down the street until you see a truck. Go right, then look for the garage door near the alley to the left. Open the door to go inside, then pull the switch to make the lift with the jeep go up. Take the socket spanner on the table, then pull the lever next to the table to open a trapdoor. Get ammo and batteries in both lockers on the left, then get an antique flintlock and health bandages in the left lockers. Go up the stairs and open the door to the office, then get another gun with some ammo. Leave, then go down the trapdoor under the lift. Drop to the second box where you can take a chocolate bar and some ammo, then go climb the ladder. In the new room, take the wine bottle near some boxes and put the socket spanner on the switch in order to use it. The noise will bring the attention of a guard that will open the door. Kill him with your M-V9 and put it away, then take his gun. Follow the hallway and go through the door to the main room, then kill another guard with your M-V9 and put it away. Take his gun, then go to the bar. Push the button near the lift door, then take the ammo when they arrive. Take the two chocolate bars and the wine bottle, then go to the small stage while going around the right side to get some health pills. Go to the other side of the stage, then go up the steps and take the record while pulling the switch on the wall. This will start the music, then two more guards will come in. Stay on the stage with your Desert Ranger drawn, then shoot them both as they come and put your weapon away. Take they’re guns, then climb the stairs to the next level. At the top, shoot another guard with your Desert Ranger. Put your weapon away and take his gun, then go to the other side to find stairs blocked with boxes. Push the metal box to the center, then climb it. Jump and grab catwalk above, then pull up. Walk to the edge of the catwalk, then see the next one fall. Jump to the platform and grab the edge, then pull up. Take out your M-V9 and shoot the guard on your right, then the one behind you. Put your weapon away and run to get the gun, then pickup the large health Pack. Go to the end while getting the gun and the health bandages, then walk to the gap in the railing. Wait for the lighting rig with the flashing lights to come down, then jump to it. Jump to the other side and climb the left side of the rig to the top, then jump from the edge of the ledge to the next ledge. Wait for the lighting rig to reach its highest point, then jump to the green platform. Climb the ladder and go to the ramp, then slide down backwards and grab the end. Shimmy to the right and around the corner, then go to the metal grate. Pull up and take the ammo, then safely drop to the walkway below. Retrace your steps back to the ramp while running, then jump to the ledge when you slide to the end. Jump to the next platform, then jump and grab the catwalk in front. Shimmy to the left and climb up, then turn left. Jump to the platform just below, then kick the small bridge to make it fall. A cut-scene will occur. Turn around, then open the door. Inside, you will find two levers with a ticket office key on the floor. Take the key, then go down the ladder to get a chocolate bar. Climb back up, then pull the left lever two times and the right lever once. Leave the cabin and cross the bridge, then climb the ladder. Go to the light on the left, then open it to get the box. Climb down the ladder, then go to the cabin with your Desert Ranger drawn. Kill the guard and put your weapon away, then take his gun and climb down the ladder. Go and open the door, then go around the walkway and jump to the catwalk. Drop to the ledge in front, then go around the walkway to the stairs. Take out your M-V9, then go down the stairs and shoot the guard. Put your weapon away and take his gun, then open the ticket office door at the other end of the room past the bar. Collect €120 and another ticket office key, then go all the way back to the cabin. Open the door to exit the Serpent Rouge, then go down the ladder and down the hole. Go down the stairs, then safely drop to the street. Go left to the manhole, then go down. Go to the intersection, then take the right path until you find a circular deep area. Walk to the right edge of the broken circular platform, then climb the wall down to reach the opening above where you can find a diamond ring. Return to the circular platform, then do a running jump to the other side. Grab the edge and pull up, then take the ammo. Climb up the ladder and open the door in the next room, then take the large health pack and the €80 in the next hallway. Return to the crossing and go forward down the path, then climb the ladder to the street. Turn around, then go to Renne's Pawshop. Walk, then sell the things you have. Leave the building, then go back to the manhole and go down. Take the left path at the intersection, then go forward until you reach a dead end. Climb the wooden box, then jump and grab the wall. Climb up to a wooden platform, then turn around. From here, jump to the next platform. Jump and grab the small strip on the wall, then shimmy to the right until you can climb to the passageway. Crawl to the next space and move to the next passage, then you will end up at the park. Pick up all the goodies, then unlock the gate to the park. Go up the stairs and go right, then go talk to Bernard. He will tell you the password, then your notebook will be updated. Look at it, then go back one page. Read it, then put it away. Leave the park and go left, then go talk to the doorman standing behind a gate to the right of the church. He will let you through, then the level will end.


St. Aicard's Graveyard


Go left and left again to some bushes, then take the small medipack behind the tombstone. Go back to the graveyard, then go to the small mausoleum to the left. Climb the roof, then do a running jump to the next mausoleum roof. Turn right, then do a running jump to the next mausoleum and grab the roof. Pull up, then turn to the left. Do a running jump to the next mausoleum roof, then do a running jump to the next one. Jump over the fence to the next mausoleum roof, then safely drop to the ground with a grave and an angel. Bust down the door of the tomb, then take the ammo inside. Climb onto the roof of the tomb, then jump back over the fence to the tall mausoleum roof. Walk to the end of the roof, then jump forward and grab the ledge. Pull up, then take the chocolate bar. Go to the left end of the ledge, then jump to the roof of the next mausoleum. Safely drop to the ground, then break down the door of the tomb. Take the ammo and the health bandages, then shoot the dog with your Vector-R35 and put your weapon away. Climb the roof, then jump over the fence to the right. Run, then go left until you reach the gate. Go right between the wall and the mausoleum, then turn left. Take the health bandages and turn around, then go back to the gate. Go left past the big building, then climb the roof of the mausoleum and jump the next mausoleum roof until you are over the fence. Drop to the ground, then go behind the angel statue. Walk and climb the ledge, then push the statue to make a hole in the coffin. Go to the left wing and hang from it, then you will go to the next level.


Bouchard's Hideout


You begin in a tunnel that is blocked by a heap of rubble. Ignore the rat, then follow the tunnel to the corner while dropping through the collapsing floor. Go to the other end of the hole and climb the wall, then go around to the second corner. Grab the pipe to the right, then shimmy over to the other side. Go around the corner to the next ledge and slide down the slope, then jump and grab the ledge. Pull up and walk, then jump and grab the pipe above. Shimmy to the ledge, then go to the edge. Jump to the next ledge, then jump to the hallway ahead. Run, then follow the passage to a cave in. Pull the boulder to shift the pile of rubble, then open the grating you just past. Ignore the rat, then crawl through the gap to the other side. Take the ammo, then open the doors to the next hall. Go left over the rubble, then swim across the pool to the next ledge. Climb out, then go to the next room. Go through the hole in the wall, then go left through the door. You will find a hideously deformed man squirming in his cot. Take the small medipack next to him, then leave through the new open door. Go left, then open the metal door. Enter the office, then you will meet Louis Bouchard. Talk to him. (211) After the conversation, your notebook will be updated. Look at it and read, it then put it away. Pull the lever in the corner to open a cell door outside, then leave the room. Go left through the gate, then go to the coffin in the far right. Take the ammo, then leave the cell. Go left through the next gate, then take the ammo on the ground. Slide the box towards the door, then use it to grab the ledge above. Pull up and pull the lever to open the exit, then backflip from the ledge. Go back to the office and go up the stairs, then you will emerge in St. Aicard's Church. Leave the church, then go right through the archway to the parking lot while going left down the stairs. Go right to Renne’s pawnshop, then a cut-scene will play. Later, go to the back to find a dead Renne. A strange symbol in blood is seen on the floor. Pick up Rennes' wallet and examine it, then you will see a scrap of paper with a code. Use the code to open the door at the back of the room, then pick up a load of stuff. The last pick up will trigger a sensor that arms a bomb in the next room. Press the button to open the door, then go out and go right. Open the trapdoor, then safely drop down the hole. Roll, then do a running jump through the next hole. Turn left, then go along the pipe to escape the flames. A cut-scene will play, then the level will end.


Louvre Storm Drains


Read your updated notebook by going back a page, then put it away. Follow the tunnel to a shallow pool, then pick up the chocolate bar on the ground to the left. Go up the stairs and get a large health pack, then return to the pool. Follow the tunnel to the left, then enter the narrow passage on the left. Go into the water, then swim down to a small room where you can surface. Climb the ladder to a small room with a valve, then follow the narrow hallway and get some ammo. Go through two doors to another tunnel, then go right to a hub where several tunnels meet. Avoid the deep hole in the center of the room, then walk around the rim to the left. Climb the pipe until you reach the walkway, then go around the walkway and pull the switch to shut off a huge fan elsewhere. Climb down the pipe to the floor, then run down the right tunnel to the ladder on the right. Climb it to reach the fan, then pull it two times to make a gap. Crawl underneath the blades, then pick up the ammo. Continue down the tunnel, then turn the valve. A brief cut-scene will show the valve control panel with a light that is coming on. Return past the fan and vault over the railing, then go back to the hub. Do a running jump over the hole, then follow the tunnel to the end. Go through the two doors and into the next room, then turn the valve to start another cut-scene that shows the fifth light being lit. Follow the hallway back to the tunnel, then go right to the hub. Climb the pipe again to reach the middle of the hub, then walk across the black and yellow beam to the third valve. When you turn it, a cut-scene shows water filling the shaft below with another light liting up on the panel. Pick up the ammo to the right, then climb the ladder above. At the top, follow the walkway around to the left. Climb the next ladder, then follow the walkway to the right. Stand under the narrow pipe running across the shaft, then jump up and grab. Shimmy all the way across then, drop to the walkway at the end. Turn the fourth valve, then the first light on the control panel will go on. Grab the overhead pipe again, then shimmy to the middle of the shaft. Safely drop into the pit below, then swim down the long tunnel until you reach the next room. Use the collapsed catwalk as a ladder to climb out of the pool, then follow the walkway to a break in the railing. Jump up and grab the narrow pipe, then shimmy out to the middle of the room. Drop onto the black and yellow crossbeam, then go to the fifth valve. Turn the wheel, then the fourth light will come on. Return to the middle of the crossbeam, then jump and grab the narrow pipe. Now shimmy all the way across to the other side, then climb the bent catwalk to get to the top. Follow the walkway around the room, then jump the gap and turn the second valve. This will shut off the water falling into the shaft, then the final light will go on. Go to the other end of the catwalk, then jump and grab the next walkway. Pull up and open the door, then take the ammo on the floor. Run through the hall and follow it back to the top of hub, then walk across the beam to the big pipe. Jump into it and open the door, then enter the new room. Safely drop to the room below, then follow the walkway to the large tank. Look at your map, then put the explosives on the tank. Backflip into the water before it explodes, then swim left through the tunnel. Swim forward and left through the second tunnel, then leave the water. Go up the tunnel to the opening, then safely drop to the walkway below. Turn left and climb the ladder, then cross the ledge. Climb down the second ladder and backflip over the flame, then climb the ladder to the walkway above. Go to the other side and safely drop to the ground, then go through the hole in the wall towards the golden doors. You will go to the next level.


Louvre Galleries


When you begin the level, your notebook will be updated. Look at it, then put it away. Go up the stairs with your Dart SS drawn, then stop when you see a red moving light. This is a camera that triggers a guard when you step into the light. Go up the stairs when the light moves away, then shoot the guard only once to put him to sleep and put your weapon away. Follow the stairs to a door, then go through it. This room is protected by a series of laser tripwires. If you touch one, it will trigger the alarm where the security gates will block the doors with a guard waiting for you. To successfully leave this room, climb the middle display case. Turn left, then walk to the edge. Jump and grab the top of the slab, then pull up. Take the large health pack, then turn to face the room. Do a running jump to the left display case, then turn right. Hop over to the middle case, then pull up onto it. Turn left, then do a running jump over the moving lasers when they are at their lowest point. Walk to the end of the case, then you will see lasers going on and off. Do a standing jump from the edge to the next case when the lasers go off, then hang from the right side of the display case. Shimmy to the right to cross the next set of lasers, then drop to the floor. Climb onto the cabinet on the right, then grab the ledge above and shimmy left until you can drop to the ground. Go through the door, then a cut-scene will show the next room with some guards. Crawl underneath the X-shaped laser trap, then stand and turn right and go to the wall. Side step left to clear the next set of lasers, then go down the hall with your Dart SS drawn and shoot the guard once. Put your weapon away, then pick up the low security pass he drops. Go through the door to the next room and watch out for the security camera with the red light, then run to the next room and shoot the guard with your Dart SS gun. Put your weapon away. So this is where they keep Leonardo's famous Mona Lisa. It's well guarded with lasers and in case someone manages to penetrate them, poison gas will come out the vent. Go to the small display case in the far left corner, then pull it away from the card slider. Now go to the large display case in the middle of the room, then push it to the bench. Return to the card slider, then use the low security pass to disarm the lasers around the painting. A brief cut-scene shows what happens. Roll, then do a running jump to get behind the big display case. Climb to the top, then do a running jump and grab the edge of the Mona Lisa case. Pull up to avoid the lasers, then crawl through the duct. Continue to a yellow ladder, then climb up and kick down the grate. Shoot the guard with your Dart SS gun and put your weapon away, then go out. Go right and climb onto the air conditioner, then climb the curve metal vent. Turn towards the wall, then jump up and grab the ledge. Shimmy past the decorative grill work and pull up, then walk to the second one and shimmy past until you can pull up to the overhead cable. Jump and grab it, then shimmy to then end. Go right along the ledge to a drainpipe, then climb down. Shimmy to the right and climb to the window, then shoot the guard with your K2 Impactor and put your weapon away. Run and take the key he drops, then climb back through the window. Shimmy down the drainpipe to the ground, then go up the steps and open the mesh door. Go through and go right, then bash down the blue door. Take the health bandages inside, then go through the mesh door to the drainpipe. Climb to the top and shimmy to the right, then pull up onto the ledge. Walk to the end, then jump over to the next ledge. Run down to the caged area, then use the crowbar to open it. Enter the storage area and climb the machine, then crawl through the duct to the end. Climb down the ladder, then follow the duct to an opening in the floor. Drop into a storage room, then open the door. Shoot the guard with your K2 impactor and put your weapon away, then go down the hall and open the second door. Shoot the guard behind the glass door with your K2 Impactor and put your weapon away, then take the gun on the shelf to the right. Go to the security camera monitors, then use the one on the left to spy on Margot Carvier's office. Zoom in on her computer to see a paper with a code, then remember it. Return to the hallway and go right, then use the keypad near the door to enter the code. Walk into the office and go to the desk, then open the cabinet to get Carvier's security pass. Your notebook will be updated. Look at it, then put it away. Use the computer to find out more things, then read the book on the shelf to the left. Go to the desk near the door with the paper, then read it to find out more things. Leave the office and run to the end of the hall, then use Carvier's security pass to unlock the door. Go down the stairs to the bottom, then follow the hall to a room with doors on the left and right. Go through the right door, then shoot the guard with your K2 Impactor and put your weapon away. Go to the next door and swipe your security card, then go through to the next room. Pick up the large health pack on your right, then watch the red light on the ground. Go left to the other end of the room while avoiding the lasers, then go left through the door. Go to the other end of the room, then go down the stairs to the camera with the red light. Take the batteries on the steps, then go through the door. Take the health bandages and the small medipack, then go back through the display case room to the next room. Cross the lasers and go to the other end of the room, then go to the door to the left. Use Carvier's security pass to unlock the door, then go down the stairs to another room to the right. Shoot the guard with your K2 Impactor and put your weapon away, then go down the stairs to a door. Go through the doors and go left, then go right down the stairs to the dig site entrance. Go through the blue metal doors to finish the level.


Archaeological Dig


Go around the fenced-in excavation to the right, then you will see a guard emerge from the trailer as you approach. Shoot him with your Desert Ranger and put your weapon away, then enter the trailer. Take his gun, then pull the switch to turn on the power. Leave the trailer and go right, then shoot another guard with your Desert Ranger and put your weapon away. Take his gun, then go through the big metal doors you just passed. Go to the desk with the controls, then use them to move the scanner. You will see bones on the ground, then scan near the top left corner until you locate the first ancient symbol. Take the printed symbol from the printer, then exit the room and go right. Enter the second trailer. Take the printout of a second symbol, then use the computer to find out more things. Leave the trailer, then shoot another guard with your Desert Ranger and put your weapon away. Go around to a hole in the fence, then climb down the short ladder. Go to the right edge of the platform, then do a running jump over the railing to land on a wooden ledge. Ignore the guard below, then climb the walkway and go right. Go to the middle and go left, then pull the switch to lower the hydraulic lift and return to the small platform. Climb down to the rock ledge below, then sideflip to the lift. Go to the spinning symbol wheel, then look at your notebook while turning the pages to the end. The puzzle at the bottom of the book is also the clue from the two printed papers you have. Pull the crank at the wheel to put a symbol in the bracket, then go right and up the steps where you will find four levers at the top. Pull the lever to lock the symbol in place, then go to the wheel and pull the crank for the next symbol while pulling the lever again to lock it in place. The circular trapdoor will open above when your done, then jump back to the stone ledge below the walkway and climb back up to the trapdoor. Safely drop into hole, then you will go to the next level.


Tomb Of Ancients


You begin the level by dropping into a greenish tunnel. Follow it to the end for a panoramic cut-scene, then walk to the edge of the cave. Drop and hang from the edge, then climb down the rock wall to the small green ledge below. Kill a pesky bat with your Vector-R35 and put your weapon away, then go to the edge. Do a standing jump to the wooden beam ahead, then harmless bats will fly out from the tunnel ahead. Jump into the tunnel and follow it to a hole in the floor, then safely drop onto a ledge. Drop to the ground, then follow the tunnel to a broken bridge. Do a running jump across the gap to the other side, then shoot a bat with your Vector-R35 and put your weapon away. Take the health bandages in the room, then return to the end of the bridge. Look to the right, then do a running jump to the small ledge and grab the edge. Pull up and turn left, then walk to the edge of the ledge. Do a standing jump to grab the next ledge with the gargoyle, then pull up. Drop and hang from the front, then shimmy around to the far side. Drop to the sandy ledge below, then go to the middle of the ledge. Drop and hang from the ledge, then climb down the rock face to another ledge below. Grab the climbable wall on the left, then climb all the way around to the back. Drop to the ledge below, then jump to the wooden beam. Pull the lever to extend a series of ledges, then do a small hop from the beam to the first ledge. Do a standing jump to the second ledge, then jump and grab the third ledge. Pull up and jump to the fourth ledge, then safely drop to the ledge below. Turn around, then do a standing jump to the sixth ledge. Grab the edge, then safely drop to the ground. Ignore the undead knight, then run to the small opening in the wall and crawl through. Pull the lever to extend more ledges in the main room, then crawl out and run to the left. Pull up onto the lowest ledge. Walk, then do a standing jump to the second ledge and another standing jump to the third ledge. Grab the edge and pull up, then jump up and grab the fourth ledge. Pull up, then jump and grab the fifth ledge. Pull up, then jump and grab the sixth ledge. Pull up and turn around, then jump and grab the seventh ledge. Pull up, then jump up and grab the final ledge. Pull up, then jump and grab the next ledge. Pull up, then do two standing jumps to the last two ledges. Go to the wall and pull up into the alcove, then pull the lever to open the trapdoor in the middle of the room below. Drop back down to the ledge below, then do a running jump to the second ledge. Grab the edge and pull up, then do a running jump to the last ledge below. Walk to the edge and turn around, then hop to the next ledge. Do a standing jump to the next ledge, then hop to the next ledge. Hop to the next ledge and hop to the ground, then run to the open trapdoor and drop in. Follow the tunnel and kick down the door, then take the V-Packer and some ammo in the room. Follow the tunnel to the end and kick down the door, then go through the first small room. The gate will close behind you. Pull the lever to your right, then it will open the gate at the far end of the room. It's timed to close after few seconds, so you have to hustle to get past the darts and spikes. When your through the gate, go left until you get an update from your notebook. Look at it and turn back a page, then read it and turn back a page. Read it, then put it away. Go through the door to the next level.


The Hall Of Seasons


Open the next door, then you will enter a short hallway with four receptacles decorated with paintings and stone carvings. Each carving represents the four elements of Fire Air Earth and Water. Enter the main room with another undead knight, then go to the middle of the room. Here are four buttons on the floor. Step on the one that looks like wind, then turn around and go through the right most door with the wind carving at the top. Pull the lever, then go through the open gate. This is the Breath Of Hades. Walk to the deep pit and turn right, then push the wall to the end. Take the ammo in the room, then pull the lever to open a gate on the other side of the room and raise some logs for you to jump across. Return to the pit, then jump the logs to get to the other side. Use small hops as well. On the other side, take the Air crystal and then return to the pit. The wind has stopped, making the jumps a little easier. Hop on the first two logs, then jump on the log to the right. When you land there, the stone statue will slide back. Jump to the alcove and pick up a large health pack with some ammo, then make your way back across the logs to the entrance. Run through the gates to the Hall Of Seasons. Step on the button that looks like a star and turn around, then go through the right most door. Pull the lever, then go through the open gate. This is the Sanctuary Of Flame. Go forward, then a cut-scene will play. Wait for the lava to reach the water, then you will see the water turn into a yellow color with a bit of eruption. Stay away from the darker blocks, but you can still jump on them. Walk and jump to the other side, then run up the stairs and take the Fire Crystal. Go back down and turn left, then do a standing jump from the top of the stairs to the first floating platform. Jump up and grab the edge of the platform, then pull up. Jump and grab the edge of the alcove, then pull up. Take the health bandages and the ammo, then do a running jump to the stairs. Walk and make your way to the exit, then run through the gates to the Hall Of Seasons. Step on the button that looks like water and turn around, then go through the left most door. Pull the lever, then go through the open gate. This is Neptune’s Hall. When you enter the room, dodge the undead knight’s fireball by going to the right and then punch/kick him into the pit. Take the ammos in the corners, then go to the second room. Drop into the water, then swim down and forward to a room with fish swimming around. Swim into the small room ahead, then pull the lever to raise the water in the next room. Swim back out past the blades, then go up through the hole where you came in. Climb out of the water, then go jump into the pit. Face the archway with the stone face above it, then swim down on the right side through a small opening in the wall. Pull the lever to raise the water level once more, then swim back to the surface. Face the door with the stone face below, then go through and go left. Take the large health pack, then go back to the water. Go through the door to the left, then go left and get some ammo. Go back to the water, then go through the last door to a hole in the floor. Drop in the hole and swim down, then go forward to get another large health pack. Continue forward and down through another opening, then get another large health pack. Turn around and swim through the hole in the bars, then continue to an opening above where you can get some air. Save your game and go straight to the next area, then spikes will shoot from the wall. Stay to the side, then swim straight on through the holes in the bars. Go right to get some air, then go down and get the ammo. Go forward down the tunnel, then swim down to get the Water Crystal from the pedestal. Down on the side of the pedestal is another lever. Pull it to open a door, then swim up to get some air. Swim down through the opening below the carved face, then swim up through the hole in the ceiling to emerge at the small room. Climb out and exit the way you came, then return through the gates to the Hall Of Seasons. Step on the button that looks like a map and turn around, then go through the middle door. Pull the lever, then go through the open gate. This is the Wrath Of The Beast. Go forward, then a cut-scene will play. Walk forward, then drop down on the right to get some health bandages. Climb up the next ledge and go left, then do a running jump to the next ledge. Walk along the narrow ledge near the wall until you reach the other end, then go forward onto the far side of the block until it starts to slide across the room. Hop to the orange block ahead when you get close enough, then turn right and jump to the next block. Do a running jump to the next block and turn right, then go up the collapsing stair with a running jump. Climb the blocks and turn right, then walk to the edge of the ledge. Jump forward to grab the ledge above, then pull up. Jump to the next higher ledge and grab the edge, then pull up. Turn right and run along the ledge, then jump near the end to land on the steps. Pick up the ammo with the Earth Crystal, then a cut-scene will play. Go down the steps, then three undead knights will rise up from the ground. Dodge the fireballs to outrun them, then go to the waterfall by the doorway if you are hit by a fireball. Run around to lour them away from the levers, then go pull them to open the exit. Go through the gates to the Hall Of Seasons, then go to the short hallway where you entered this level. Place the four crystals in the receptacles to unlock a door, then go left past a couple of doors through the open door. Pull the lever, then you will fall to a room below. Take the ammo, then slide down the ramp. Pick up some more ammo, then go to the circular hallway. Ignore the long spiked rim, then jump over it and over the lava pit to grab the ledge. Pull up and continue on, then run past the next trap. Enter the elevator on the right, then pull the chain once and turn around. Take the health bandages and some ammo from the alcove, then pull the chain again. Follow the hallway to return to the main hall, then step on the Air button and turn around. Go to the middle door, then pull the lever to fall to the room below. Slide down the ramp, then take the large health pack at the end. Go to the circular hallway and turn right, then jump over the lava pit. Go past the left door and jump the two lava pits, then go right to the dark room. Pick up the ammo at the end, then return to the circular hallway. Go left and jump the two lava pits, then open the door to your right. Go down the stairs to the bottom, then pull the lever to open the gate. Follow the wooden walkway to the left, then turn the valve near the air sign. Go back to the entrance, then turn to the center of the room. Do a running jump to the circular platform surrounding the machine, then walk around to the other side. Grab the chain above and shimmy to the other end, then drop to the ledge. Go left and climb the ladder, then turn the valve near the water sign to let water into the boiler. Shimmy back to the center platform, then go around to the left. Do a running jump to the small wooden platform and grab the edge, then pull up. Climb the ladder leading up, then get off to the right. Turn the valve near the earth sign to fuel the furnace, then climb back down and go to the dark alcove. Safely drop through the hole, then safely drop from the ledge to the floor. Avoid another undead knight roaming around, then get some ammo on the cement floor to the left. Climb the ladder to the middle platform, then walk to the valve near the fire sign. Turn it, then the machine will start to move. To avoid the deadly blades, step back from the valve and then safely drop to the ground. Turn around, then run left towards the ladder and climb to the top. Go forward and climb the next ladder, then push the lever to operate the gates. Continue up the stairs to the room above, then go left past the traps to reach the elevator. Pull the chain to get back to the hall, then you will see four huge pillars moving up and down. Go to the lowest pillar, then jump up and grab the edge. Pull up, then walk to the edge. Jump to the next higher pillar, then repeat the process for the third and fourth pillars. Once you're on the highest pillar, face the center of the room. Jump up and grab the metal ring above, then pull up and go across the flat metal ledge to the edge. Go over the railing, then run around the room to the right. Ignore the undead knight that burst through the wall, then go up the stairs to the top. Two more undead knights guard this circular walkway. Ignore them, then run around the room until you reach a climbable wall. Climb up and go to the right, then get off on a small ledge with a lever. Pull it to open a gate below, then jump down to the walkway. Go around the room to the door you just opened, then go through and get some more ammo. Push the wall to reach a secret room, then pick up a large health pack on the floor. Go back to the climbable wall, then climb up to the ledge. Climb the wall and keep going straight up towards the ceiling, then keep going up until Lara turns. Go to the left to a small ledge, then drop to regain your strength. Walk to the edge of the ledge so that the center of the room is on your left, then jump up and grab the ceiling. Go forward and around to the left, then stay close as possible to the right edge. At the edge of the ceiling, keep holding forward then Lara will swing around and start climbing the curved roof. Continue to the top, then move left a bit to land on the ledge. Now you're in the top of the dome. The gate opens as you approach, then run up the hall to another gate. Go up the stairs, then a cut-scene will play where Lara enters a tomb and reads an inscription on a crypt. Look at your updated notebook and go back a page, then read it and go back one page. Read it, then close the book. The goal is to grab the first Obscura Painting from the hands of a statue that's holding it, but the ghostly guardian is not going to give up his treasure so easily. The painting is surrounded by a blue light, but it will disappear when you’re close to it. Don’t let the ghost touch you, or it will drain your life away. To avoid the ghost, duck and crawl and then go to the left side of the room to get some goodies. Crawl to the other side of the room to get more goodies, then crawl near the statue with the blue light. Quickly stand and draw your V-Packer, then duck and shoot the ghost. When it goes over you, wait for it to come over you again. Shoot it until it stands, then quickly put away your weapon and go to the statue with the blue light. Take the painting, then go to the door. Go down the stairs to the flooded hallway, then go to the end of the hall. More water pours in, then you will be back at the Tomb Of Ancients. Swim up through the opening in the ceiling, then go to the top of the cave to get some air. Go forward to a ledge and pull up, then take the health bandages at the back. Jump back into the water, then swim towards the hole in the rock above. Swim through the tunnel and go up, then you will be back at the Archeological Dig. Use the box to climb over the fence, then go to the metal doors on the right to enter the next level.


Galleries Under Siege


Go up the stairs and go left, then go right up the next set of stairs. Keep going up, then shoot the guard in the gallery with your K2 Impactor and put your weapons away. Take his ammo, then continue up the stairs. A cut-scene will play where a break-in occurs. Teargas also complicates things a bit, so you have to move fast. Continue up the stairs, then shoot the guard with your K2 Impactor and put yourweapon away. Take his ammo, then follow the hall to a door with poisonous gas leaking through. Go through, then go into stealth mode. Sneak to the guard on the left, then break his neck. Take the Mag Vega he drops, then run through the gallery and shoot another guard with your K2 Impactor when his done sliding from the rope. Put your weapon away and take his ammo, then go through the door. Go left, then shoot another guard in the next room with your K2 Impactor and put your weapon away. Take his ammo, then go up the stairs through the door. Shoot another guard with your K2 Impactor and put your weapon away, then go through the first door on the right. Go to the room at the end of the lab, then take the respirator from the cabinet. Use it to breath clean air, then exit the lab and go left through the door. Go down the stairs and go to the hall, then shoot two guards with your K2 Impactor and put your weapon away. Go through the door on the left, then go through the gallery with your K2 Impactor drawn. Shoot another guard when his done sliding down the rope and go through the door on the left, then shoot the next guard and another guard coming from the stairs. Put your weapon away, then go to the bottom of the stairs to the left. Go through the next door, then go left to finish the level with a cut-scene.


Von Croy’s Apartment


Werner's apartment has been ransacked, but at least the bad guys left plenty of ammo lying around. First, look at your updated notebook, then go back five pages. Read it, then put it away. Walk to the left and check out the computer for some information, then turn around and check out the book on the desk for some more information. Now go to the kitchen to collect some ammo, then go behind the spiral staircase to get some health bandages. Kick down the door near the staircase, then get more ammo in the hall. Go up the stairs to the bathroom, then get some ammo with a small medpack from the wall. Open the door to the bedroom, then go to the desk to find more information. Get more ammo on the floor, then get more ammo in the small room with a large health pack. Go down the spiral staircase past the kitchen, then go left to the dining table. Take the ammo and go right, then take the gun with more ammo. Take the walking stick, then take out your Rigg 09. The Cleaner runs through the open door from the hall, so start shooting while dodging his fire. When he takes a bit of damage, he'll run out into the hall. Put your weapon away and run after him where you will notice that he disarmed the laser tripwires in the doorway, but he has set others in the hallway of the apartment building. These prevent you from going left, so turn right and then go to the end of the hall. Break through the red emergency door, then get some ammo and a small medipack. Return to the hall, then go through the door on the right. Get more ammo on the floor, then get more near the closet. The Cleaner blasts his way through the wall, so duck and then take out your Rigg09. Shoot him until he runs away, then follow him and put your weapon away while getting the chocolate bar on the table and the Cleaner's gun with some ammo. Go out into the hall and turn right, then crawl and use stealth to crawl on your belly. Crawl through the lasers, then turn the corner at the end of the hall. Bombs will explode, destroying part of the staircase and setting fires here and there. Do a running jump to the next floor past the flames, then get a small medipack at the end of the hall. Go back to the railing and go left, then sideflip to the staircase below. Drop down to the floor on the left, then get the large health pack on the table and more ammo under the stairs. Go up the stairs while jumping the broken pieces of stairs, then go left. Go into the doorway to the left, then take the ammo. Quickly go to the next door across from here, then take the ammo on the ground. Watch the lasers as they go on and off, then quickly jump over the last laser on the floor. Go to the doorway in the left corner, then quickly go to the last doorway to the far left. Draw your Viper SMG, then sidestep to the left and shoot the Cleaner. A cut-scene will appear, then the level will end.


The Monstrum Crime Scene


At the start of this level, your notebook will be updated. Open it, then go back five pages. Read it, then put it away. Approach the man near the red car, then talk to him. (22222) Look at your updated notebook and read it, then put it away. Go left down the alley, then shoot a guard with your Viper SMG and put your weapon away. Pick up the hammer, then leave the ally. Go to the far right to a trapdoor, then use the hammer to open the lock. Open the door, then safely drop down the hole. Get a small medipack at the end, then leave the sewer. Go right down the ally with your Viper SMG drawn, then shoot the guards and the dog. Put your weapon away and use the hammer to break the lock off the trapdoor, then open it and safely drop in. Follow the tunnel to a water-filled trench, then go right and go through a hole in the wall. Go up the stairs, then a cut-scene will play where Lara catches Bouchard snooping around. Talk to him. (22222) Later, your notebook will be updated. Look at it, then go back one page. Read it, then put it away. Go through the wooden door into the main room of the apartment, then climb the spiral staircase to the upper level. Go left around the balcony, then push the small chest of drawers. Climb onto the scaffoldings to the top and do a running jump to the scaffolding ahead, then go left and jump to the other end. Pull the chain twice to open the face of a clock where a number three will be shown on the floor. Turn left and do a running jump to the scaffolding on the other side, then pull the chain four times that will move a cabinet downstairs. Climb down the scaffolding and go downstairs, then take the small medipack from the wall. Go to the clock and use it, then move the clock-hand to 3 o'clock. Press enter, then it will open a secret passage in the middle of the floor. Walk down the stairs to a secret room in the basement, then go to the two display cases for some information. Look at your updated notebook, then read it and put it away. Go to the display case in the upper left for more information, then pick up the paper on the floor. Look at it, then use the code on the keypad at the wall. Take the Last Obscura Engraving, then rum up the stairs and leave the room. A brief cut-scene will show that Bouchard is gone. Go to the hall, then go to the door on the left. After the cut-scene, search the body and then go down the stairs across the room to the red door. Open the door, then go up the steps and talk to Luddick. This will end the level.


The Strahov Fortress


You begin in a large warehouse with stacks of huge metal containers. Look at your updated notebook, then go back one page. Read it, then put it away. Go to the open container on the far side of the room, then get a large health pack inside. Go back out, then go to the big metal container to the right. A cut-scene will appear. Jump up and grab the container, then jump and grab the container to the left. Pull up and turn right, then do a running jump and grab the air conditioning unit on the wall. Pull up and turn right, then do a running jump to the walkway and grab it. Pull up and climb down the ladder, then ignore the three guards below by using stealth. Go to the ladder on the other side, then climb it and use stealth. Go right, then go through the door at the end. Swipe your security pass to open the metal door, then enter the next room. Two more guards are on patrol. Take out your Viper SMG, then shoot the first guard at an alcove right above you and then go shoot the other two guards and put your weapon away. Take they’re ammo, then return to the door and climb the ladder to the room above. Take his Mag Vega, then pull the switch to start a cut-scene. Leave the room, then go climb the ladder on the other side of the walkway. At the top, follow the walkway to the crane control room and then go down the steps towards the door. A cut-scene will play, then the magnet will destroy the gun turrets. Return across the walkway to the long ladder and climb down, then go back across the walkway to the other side. Go to the right, then climb down the opening to the floor. Go across the room, then go through the door on the other side. Go to the door on the left, then your notebook will be updated. Look at it, then put it away. Go right to the other side until you see a dog behind a fence with some crates, then you will see a leaky pipe that can cause fatal burns if you get too close. You'll need to shut off that steam. Push the wooden box against the fence, then push it to the left against the stack of crates. Stand on top of the box you just moved, then push the second box to the other side. Go to the other single box in the middle of the floor, then push it against the stack of crates. Return to the first box you moved, then pull it back from the fence. Go around and push it to the box with the red stencil, then go around to the stack. Climb onto the box near the fence and turn left, then push the box to the end. Go around to the other side of the box, then stand on top of the box with the red stencil. Pull the box you just moved, then climb over it and push it to the other side. Climb on top of the box, then push the right box to the fence. Hop back down to the ground, then go towards the metal wall and go right while going left. See the two stacked crates, pull them as far as you can. Use the crates to climb up onto the ventilation unit, then turn the valve to shut off the steam. Drop down to the ground, then go to the fence with the dog. Shoot it with your Rigg 09 and put your weapons away, then climb the crates to the top. Jump up and grab the pipe, then pull up Lara’s legs so that you can shimmy to the end and drop to the ground. Your notebook will be updated. Look at it, then put it away. Go around with your Rigg 09 drawn, then shoot the second dog and put your weapon away. Climb the ledge with the saws, then climb the stone slab. Climb the ladder near the wall, then pull the switch to operate the huge saws. This will cut the slab of stone and will also slice open the ventilation duct above. Climb onto the beam to the left, then walk across the beam towards the saws. Climb onto the square steel duct, then go to the end. Drop and hang from the edge, then let go and quickly grab again. Pull up, then crawl to the end. Press forward to do a somersault, then a horrible cut-scene will occur. Later, crawl forward to the end of the duct and then the camera will shift to a wide-angle view. Flip forward out of the duct and take out your Viper SMG, then shoot the guard and the gas canister. This will cause an explosion in witch the big cable spool will roll off to the left. Put your weapon away, then go get the high security pass. Go right, then run to the short hallway in front. Go up the steps, then use the pass to open the door. Shoot another guard with your Viper SMG and put your weapon away, then take his ammo. Take out your Mag Vega, then kill two guards in a small lounge beyond the control room. Put your weapon away, then take they’re ammo and the chocolate bar on the table. Go back to the door, then search the lockers for some ammo. Use the control panel, then a cut-scene will occur. Later, leave the control room and then go towards the lasers. Go left into the hallway, then use the security pass to open the door. You will find Luddick's smoldering body. Take the gun on the bed and search the locker for some health bandages, then go to the main hall. Take the gun from the shelf across the room, then turn left. Commando crawl under the deadly lasers, then stay to the left to avoid heavy damage from the mine. Stand up when you reach the other end, then go to the left and turn right to the door that was previously electrified. Use the keycard to unlock the door, then go through to enter the next level.


Bio - Research Facility


Go through the door to enter the greenhouse, then go down the steps and talk to the man near the fountain. Go into the fountain, then pull the gargoyle to open a secret passage. Go to the passage in the far right corner, then climb the ladder and take the ammo. Pull the switch to open the exit, then drop down and return to the greenhouse. Go down the small passage, then get some ammo at the end. Go behind the plants in front, then go to the left corner where you can get more ammo. Go up the stairs into the airlock, then press the button to exit through the next door. A cut-scene will show the layout of the room, then a mutant will escape from he’s tank. Jump over the small wall, then go left and left again into the bushes where you can get some health bandages. Go out to the room, then sprint forward to some steps and go right. Go up the steps, then sprint right to the end. Take the ammo, then slide down the ramp. Go forward, then go right. Sprint to the steps in the far left corner, then go up the stairs and go left to the end. Get more ammo, then go to the middle of the path to get more ammo. Jump and grab the drainpipe above, then shimmy to the top. Walk, then go to the right. Turn the first valve, then go to the other side until you reach two gaps in the walkway. Take small hops to get over them, then go turn the second valve. This opens a trapdoor at the bottom of the tank from which the mutant emerged. Return to the drainpipe, then shimmy down to the ground. Run to the tank and drop through the hole, then you will fall into a pool of water. Climb out of the pool and follow the passage to a slope above another pool, then do a running jump and grab the ladder. Climb it, then take the small medkit at the top. Go through the door, then follow the steamy hallway to the end. Go through another door, then shoot the guard with your Scorpion X and put your weapon away. Go down the stairs to the ground, then go to the wall in the left corner. Climb the vines to reach the ledge above, then climb the ladder to reach the walkway. Walk, then pull the switch to move a small platform towards the far end of the room. Return to the bottom of the ladder, then safely drop to the walkway below and turn around. Run down the short flight of stairs, then jump to the pipe next to the wall. Take the ammo, then turn the valve to shut off the steam leaking from a pipe on the other wall. Walk back along the pipe and jump to the walkway, then run up the stairs and go left to a broken section of the walkway. Jump across and climb the ladder, then go around the plant to pick up some goodies. Go back to the ladder, then cross the walkway to the other wall. Walk along the narrow ledge near the wall, then climb the pipe. At the top, press left and up together, then grab the edge. Shimmy left to the ledge, then pull up. Climb the vines on the wall, then climb up to the ceiling. Keep pressing forward until Lara turn’s around, then monkey swing to the metal track on the ceiling. Turn right, then move forward to land on the metal platform. Cross the walkway, then climb down two ladders to a blue door with a button. Press it to open the airlock, then go in and press the yellow button to open the next door. Go to the right, then a cut-scene will occur. Climb down the ladder and go to the raised walkway, then get some ammo underneath it. Go up the stairs to some valves, then you will see that each of them is labeled with an arcane symbol. The diagrams on the bulletin board to the left shows different chemical mixtures you can make by turning different valves. Push the table away from the bulletin board to reveal a clue, then you will see a diagram with a red X that shows a bad mixture for the plants. Turn the valves shown on the diagram with the X, then pull the lever to the right. This feeds the bad mixture to the giant vine, then it will open the door for you. Exit there, then another cut-scene will occur. Go to the right, then kill the guard with your Viper SMG and put your weapon away. Take his low access pass, then climb the low wall to reach the plant bed. Climb the ladder to the walkway above, then go to the left. Go up two flights of stairs, then walk onto the small block. Take a small hop to the first block, then hop from the edge to the second. Jump from the edge to the third, then jump and grab the walkway ahead. Pull up, then run to the left and go to the edge of the walkway ahead. You can’t make this jump yet, so go left to the tree in the middle of the platform. Kill the guard with your Viper SMG and put your weapon away, then follow the walkway around until you come to a gap. Do a running jump across and grab the edge, then pull up. Take the large health pack, then jump back to the walkway. Go back to the ledge you couldn’t jump before, then line up the gap carefully. Do a running jump and grab the edge, then pull up and go up the stairs. Follow the walkway all the way to the left, then climb the vine-covered pole and shimmy to the right. Pull up, then a cut-scene will occur. Later, continue forward to the dead guard near the plant. Pick up his access pass and take the ammo near the end of the walkway, then return to the broken edge and drop to the level below. Return to the other end of the walkway, then go down the stairs. Go to the very end of the walkway, then hang from the edge and shimmy to the vines on the wall. Climb down to the stairs, then shoot the guard with your Viper SMG and put your weapon away. Go get the access pass, then follow thewalkway to a ladder where you can get some ammo at the end. Go to the other end of the walkway, then do a running jump across the gap and grab the edge. Pull up, then follow the walkway to the stairs. Go to the top, then walk on the small block. Hop to the block below, then jump from the edge to the second block. Now hop from the block and slide down the roof, then grab the edge and let go. Go to the left end of the ledge, then take the health bandages at the end. Jump into the water, then climb the stairs. Run through the doorway, then use the three access cards to open the exit. Go down the steps to the left, then go through the poison gas room to the right pillar near the hole. Take the ammo, then return to the stairs to get some air. Go left through the poison gas room, then get more ammo to the left past the last pillar. Drop into the pool, then swim through to another small room. Climb out onto the ledge, then pull the small box to the hole in the walkway above. Climb onto the box, then jump and grab the edge. Pull up, then search the lockers to find some health bandages and some health pills. Jump back into the water, then swim back to the poison gas room. Climb out of the water, then go up the stairs and cross the walkway to the far end. Enter the first airlock and press the button to exit on the other side, then go left into another airlock to end the level.


The Sanitarium: Kurtis Trent


You start the level with Kurtis Trent. Walk, then pick up the ammo on the floor to the right. Hang from the elevator shaft, then drop and grab the next ledge. Pull up, then go around the shaft and take the ammo. Hang from the shaft, then drop and grab the next three ledges. Pull up and take the health pills, then safely drop down the shaft and grab the next ledge. Drop to the ground, then open the trapdoor. Exit the lift, then go left. Climb down the two ladders, then go to the edge of the ledge. Jump and grab the walkway above, then pull up. Run through the door on the left, then shoot the mutant zombie with your gun and put your weapon away. Open the gate, then go through the hall. Go to the dead guard, then a cut-scene will occur. Take the ammo on the ground, then go to the doorway ahead. Kill another mutant zombie with your gun and put your weapon away, then go through the open door near the dead guard. Talk to the man, then leave the room. Go right to the gate, then try to open it. Kurtis will use his far see ability to locate the door code, then it will be recorded in the items of your inventory. Use the code to open the door, then go past the next office to the gate. Take out your gun, then shoot the mutant zombie through the gate and put your weapon away. Open the door, then go through the short hall and out the next door. Take out your gun, then shoot another mutant zombie in the hallway and put your weapon away. Go through the next door, then shoot another mutant zombie with your gun. Go to the room on your right, then shoot another mutant zombie with your gun and put your weapon away. Search the open cell to find a chocolate bar, then leave the room. Go down the hall, then ignore the man in the orange suit. Go further down the hall, then shoot two mutant zombies with your gun and put your weapon away. Go to the dining room and get some ammo in front, then go right to get a chocolate bar. Continue along the curved hallway, then go to the end of the hall through the green doors. Go to the end of the hall to the laboratory, then get some ammo near the dead creature. Go to the dead scientist, then take the access pass. Return to the dining hall, then look at the plaque next to the door on the left. Enter the dining hall, then go to the far right corner to a door. Use the access pass to open the door, then shoot another mutant zombie with your gun and put your weapon away. Go up the stairs and go right, then get a large health pack. Now continue along the walkway to the other side, then do a running jump over the gap in the floor. Go to the computer and enter the code you saw on the wall below, then the door will open. Drop through the gap in the floor, then leave the kitchen and the dining hall. Go through the door with the plaque, then go through the next door. Go to the right, then shoot another mutant zombie with your gun and put your weapon away. Go forward, then a cut-scene will occur. Later, go down the hall to a vent. Open it, then crawl through to the end. Climb up into a higher duct, then follow it to the lab. Cross the room to the right, then open another duct. Crawl through, then climb into a higher duct. Keep going, then a cut-scene will occur. Hop down and pick up the ammo, then take out your gun. Get close to the yellow tank, then shoot it to destroy the broken ladder and put your weapon away. Climb up where the ladder was, then pull the switch to turn off the fan. Crawl through it, then go through the duct in floor. Follow the hall to the right, then you will enter the next level with a cut-scene.


Maximum Containment Area


Follow the hall to a door, then open it. Go through past the office, then go down the hall to the right. Go to the deadly pool, then face the right wall. Jump and grab the wires on the wall, then shimmy to the left. Drop to the floor, then take the ammo. Return across the pool, then go back to the office and go right through a gate. Follow the hall through another door, then take a right while sticking to the left wall to start a cut-scene. Remember the code, then go back to the office. Walk through the door, then enter the code on the keypad. This opens the door where you saw the code before. Run to that door, then go in. Get the access pass and some ammo from the dead guard, then take the chocolate bar from the desk. Quickly take out your gun, then shoot a killer mutant zombie from the hall and put your weapon away. Exit the room, then go left. Swipe the pass card in the card reader to raise the metal doors, then go through. Go forward, then go to a room near the door in front with a bag sitting on a cot. Search the bag to get some ammo, then leave the room. Go left and down the ramp, then go through the doors. At the end of the hall, you will see a soldier hiding in the duct. Go right and take out your gun, then shoot a mutant zombie in the hall. Continue forward and shoot another mutant zombie to the right, then put your weapon away. Go right and open the door, then you will see the Proto Nephilim. He will run past you, then he will kill the soldier in the duct. Go left and down the hall, then crawl through the duct to the staircase leading down. Go to the bottom and follow the hallway to a metal door, then open it and go through. Follow the walkway around to a ladder, then climb it to the top. Go left to the walkway, then walk to the containment chamber at the center of the room. Climb onto the roof of the chamber, then go right to the edge. Jump to the broken walkway, then run and jump the gap in the walkway. Climb into the duct above, then follow it to a vertical shaft. Climb the ladder, then you will emerge in a room with two dead guards. Pick up the chocolate bar and the access pass, then press the button on the wall to open the door. Go back to the hallway, then go left until you reach the door with the card reader. Use the card to open the door, then go through to start a cut-scene. The Proto Nephilim finally decides it has a taste for you. Take out your gun and start shooting while pressing with left or right. You will see that the creature suddenly leaves you alone in witch you can put your weapon away, this is you change to get the ammo by the lever and the large health pack by the door. Take out your gun, then wait for the creature to come again. When it returns, shoot it while stepping back. It will fall, but will get up again. Shoot the creature two times for it to escape, then get ready for another round. Shoot it until it falls, then it will get up again. Shoot the creature two times for it to escape, then shoot it again when it returns. Shoot it until it falls, then a cut-scene will occur. When it’s dead, pull the lever to end the level.


Aquatic Research Area: Lara Croft


Lara is back in action. Press the button to open the door, then start walking. The room has sensor-triggered machine guns on the floor, so don’t jump down if you wanna get killed. To get past them, safely drop off the walkway to the left of the entrance. Commando crawl along the floor and through the small opening near the left wall, then stand and turn the valve to release clouds of steam into the room. This prevents the electric eyes on the guns from spotting you. Crawl back through the gap and stand, then go left behind the second gun and climb the pipe on the wall. Go right, then up again. Continue climbing to the thin ledge and shimmy to the right, then go around the corner. Drop to the ledge in front of the open doorway, then run down hallway around the corner and down the steps. Use the security camera to scope out the next room, then enter the room. There's another machine gun at the far end of the hall. Take out your Scorpion X, then start walking to the small stack of crates. Shoot and put your weapon away, then an explosion will destroy the machine gun. Stick to the left, then run to the other end of the room. Press the button to open the door on the right, then enter the circular shaft beyond. Climb the ladder and follow the hall to the right, then go around the corner and up the steps. The next door opens automatically that will lead you to the Aquatic Research area. The place appears to be deserted, but there are danger signs everywhere. In the water is another mutant fish, so don’t go swimming with it. Go down the steps and follow the walkways to the right, then jump into the water below. Swim down through the broken observation window, then swim to the left of the flooded room and pull the lever. This restores partial power to the area and opens a door above. Roll, then go forward through the tunnels and up to the surface where you can climb out of the pool. Get the small medipack on the walkway to the left, then press the yellow button to open the blue door. Return through the hall to the main room, then follow the walkways all the way around to the door you just opened. Press the button to open the door, then enter a steamy room beyond. On the far left is another security camera from witch you can look through. On the right is a switch you can use to open the lift doors. Enter the lift, then press the button to ride it down. In the next room, go down the ledge, then go through the door. You will be in another underwater observation window room. Pull the lever at the far end to restore the power, then return to the elevator. Pull the switch to call the lift, then get in and press the button to ride it up. Exit the lift, then follow the hallway back to the main room. You will be interrupted by a cut-scene. Go up the stairs on the right, then go right to the blue metal bucket. Pull the bucket onto the square gray pad on the floor, then press the button to move the bucket. Get on the left side of the bucket, then push it into the small room until it’s underneath the trapdoor in the ceiling. Pull the lever on the left side to dump some juicy meat into the bucket, then pull the bucket back onto the gray pad. Press the button to move the bucket, then push the bucket onto the crane platform. Return down the stairs and follow the walkways around to the other side of the pool, then go up the stairs to the landing with the small boxes. Climb the ladder to the room above, then use the two security cameras to see a pair of levers labeled 1 and 2. Exit the room through the next door, then follow the walkway to the right. Start climbing the pipes. Go up and right, then go up again. Grab the narrow ledge, then shimmy to the left as far as you can go. Drop onto the ledge below, then press the button to move the small platform. Get on and ride across to the other side, then go through the next door. Press the button on the wall to open the next door, then go through the hallway to another door. Press the button to open the door and take out your Mag Vega, then shoot the guard and put your weapon away. Search the two cabinets on the back side of the doorway to find some ammo, then leave the room. Go right into a small room, then pull the switch to lower the bucket into the water. This will distract the big mutant fish. Return to the room with the pool, then do a running jump to the right to land in the water below. Now that the mutant is no longer starving, you can safely swim around. Swim to the lever at the wall, then pull it to open a trapdoor on the floor. Another door will also open at the far end of the pool. Get some air, then swim across the pool to the door at the wall. Swim up the shaft, then a cut-scene will occur. Pull the second lever, then it will open a second trapdoor at the bottom of the main pool. Swim down the shaft and back to the pool, then get some air. Swim down through trapdoor, then you will go to the next level.


The Vault Of Trophies


Swim through the tunnel, then go around the corner to the left. Go past the spikes, then go right and left where there is no horizontal spikes. Swim through, then go left and up to the ceiling for some air. Go forward and down the shaft, then go right. Swim through the tunnel with the wooden supports, then go left at the end. Go right to get some air in the ceiling, then climb out of the pool. Take the health bandages and the aqualung, then use it to give you air. Go back into the water, then continue down the passage to the right. Kick the wall to enter the next room, then look at your updated notebook. Go back one page and read it, then go back one page and read it. Put it away, then go to the carved plaque with the statues. You’re notebook will be updated. Look at it and read it, then put it away. On the plaque are two carved letters with an L and a V. Go down to the statues to the left, then swim around them until you see a name starting with a V. Go into the little room with the chain, then pull it to move the statue. Now swim around the statues to the left, then look for a name starting with an L. Go into the little room with the chain, then pull it to move the statue. A light will shoot out from their swords, breaking a hole in the roof. Swim up through the hole in the ceiling, then a cut-scene will occur. Go down the next tunnel, then drop off the next ledge. Walk, then you will see a pounding rock. Sprint past it when it goes up, then walk down the passage. At the cave mouth, pull the lever to raise some floating platforms. Not all of these are stable, so don’t stay too long on them. Go to the edge, then hop to the middle platform. Hop the next two platforms, then wait for the one in front. Hop to the next one, then wait for the next one. Jump up and grab the platform above, then pull up. Jump to the small cave, then take the aqualung. Do a running jump to the large stone ledge, then do a running jump to the tunnel ahead. Go down the tunnel to a library, then two undead knights will start attacking you. Lure them back to the pit, then punch them off the cliff. Go back to the library, then go to the desk. Your notebook will be updated. Look at it, then go back one page. Read it, then go back one page. Read it, then put it away. Pull the lever near the fireplace, then a secret compartment behind one of the bookcases will open. Take the health bandages, then go to the tapestry at the wall. Pull the chain to lift the tapestry, then climb the wall and go to the right. Grab onto the crevice, then shimmy around to the right. Pull up onto the wooden ledge, then turn around. Jump up and grab the metal grating, then monkey swing to the center of the room. Drop onto the grating ledge and turn left, then jump up and grab the beam again. Monkey swing to the chandelier, then drop onto the small platform. Lara's weight operates a mechanism, opening another secret compartment below. Safely drop to the floor, then go to the compartment to get the Last Obscura Painting. The flame in the fireplace has been extinguished, giving you the chance to crawl through. Equip your aqualung and drop into the pool at the end of the hall, then swim down. Follow the underwater passage down and around to the left, then swim straight to the end. Go to the right, then continue along the tunnel until you reach an intersection. Go to the right, then you will surface in a large round room with a cut-scene and the end of the level.


Boaz Returns: Kurtis Trent


Kurtis must now fight the powerful mutant Boaz. First, go to the right while doing running jumps to get some ammo at the wall. Go behind Boaz to get away from the wall, then do a backflip to avoid being chompt. Shoot her four times in the head, then do a backflip. Her pods will open, then she will start to spit out green acid. Put away your gun, then go to the side and shoot her pod until it goes away. Also, press roll to choose another pod after you destroyed the previous one. Watch out when she starts to spit a stream of green acid. Jump to the sides and do running jumps to get behind her, but also stay away from the wall. When you destroyed Boaz's first form, a brief cut-scene will occur. Boaz will be flying around. Shoot her while going back, then she will fall to the ground. Go to her to start the final cut-scene.


The Lost Domain: Lara Croft


Lara slides into the level. Look at your notebook that has been updated, then go back one page. Read it, then go back six pages. Read it, then put it away. Follow the passage on the right to a slope above a lava pit, then slide down and jump to land on a stone platform. Walk to the edge, then hop to land on the second pillar. Go to the edge, then jump to the ledge with the lever. Pull it to raise the gate, then climb onto the wooden bridge. Run to the tunnel, then pick up the large health pack. Go left to get back to the tunnel, then go right and follow the tunnel to another deep pit with more stone pillars. Pull the lever to open the gate on the other side of the cave, then wait for the camera to cut back to you. Do a running jump to land on the first set of rocks, then do a running jump and grab the next ledge. Pull up, then sprint and jump while keeping the sprint button in. When you land on the ledge with the gate, go through before it close. Continue along the tunnel to another cave, then walk forward and down the stone steps. Turn left, then jump down to the ledge near the wall. Climb the two ladders to reach the wooden platform, then do a running jump across the broken bridge to the other side. Turn left, then back up to the railing. Do a running jump and grab the edge of the platform, then pull up. Pull the lever to extinguish the flames in the huge statues hands, then safely drop off the wooden platform to the ledge. Walk to the left edge, then take a small hop to land on a stone pillar below the ledge. Turn right, then jump to the stairs. Go to the door, then a cut-scene will occur. Go through the door, then the level will end.


Eckhard’s Lab


Walk forward to the slope, then slide down the left side and jump to the stone ledge. Do a running jump to clear the lava pit, then go down the tunnel and enter the laboratory. Go left and up the steps to the wall, then crawl under the platform to get a small medipack. Crawl through to the other side, then take the liquid bottle from the table. Go to the middle of the room, then pull the lever near the dangling cage. This opens the grating below the cage, as well as the trapdoor at the top of the ladder. At this point, two undead knights will appear. Ignore them, then climb the ladder to the walkway above. Go right and Place the liquid bottle in the receptacle of the curved wooden structure, then follow the walkway where you will notice a large health pack on the wooden beam to your right. Take a few steps back from the railing and jump forward to grab the beam, then pull up and take the large health pack. Safely drop to the ground, then go back to the ladder and jump to the top of the cage. Go to the rope, then you will fall through a small trapdoor. Take the second liquid bottle, then the cage will begin to sink into the deadly pool. Climb the cage wall to the opening in the ceiling, then pull up where you will be safe. Wait for the cage to sink to its lowest point, then climb through the opening in the wall. Take the third liquid bottle, then somersault out of the hole. Climb the wall of the pit, then backflip to leave the hole. Place the second liquid bottle in the receptacle at the top of the low steps, then go to the other side of the room with the small pool. Place the third liquid bottle in the receptacle, then watch the cut-scene. Swim down and take Eckhardt's Periapt Shard from the pedestal, then a gate will open in the main room. Climb out of the pool, then go back to the lab and go through the gate. Slide down the slope to Eckhardt's inner sanctum, then approach the center of the room to start a cut-scene. This fight is very easy. Crawl to one of the pillars, then turn around. Stay in crawl mode, then Eckhard will try and zap you with his energy bolts. After several of these energy attacks, he will begin to create magical copies of himself. Stand and take out your Viper SMG, then wait for the three copies to come to the center of the room. Shoot, then he will fall to the ground. Put away your gun, then go to him. A cut-scene will play, then Lara will inject one of the shards into him. When you regain control, return to the pillar and crawl. Face the room, then Eckhard will try and zap you with his fire bolts. After several of these fire attacks, he will begin to create magical copies of himself. Stand and take out your Viper SMG, then wait for the three copies to come to the center of the room. Shoot, then he will fall to the ground. Put away your gun, then go to him. A cut-scene will play, then Lara will inject one of the shards into him. When you regain control, return to the pillar and crawl. Face the room, then Eckhard will try and zap you with his energy bolts. After several of these energy attacks, he will begin to create magical copies of himself. Stand and take out your Viper SMG, then wait for the three copies to come to the center of the room. Shoot, then he will fall to the ground. Put away your gun and go to him, then watch a major cut-scene. Now you must destroy Karel, but he cannot be killed directly. You'll have to make your way up to the dangling Sleeper to set things in motion. First, go to Eckhardt's body and pick up he’s glove and then look at your updated notebook. Read it, then put it a way. Go to the back of the pillar to the left, then you will find a small compartment. Use the glove on the compartment, then it will lower a ladder for you. Go left, then climb the ladder. Go left, then climb the ladder to the top. Go left, then climb the ladder to the top. Go left until you come to an opening to the right, then do a running jump to the Sleeper.


The End

GameBoomers Walkthroughs and Solutions