The Watchmaker's Study

Switch to Victoria, and take the Cog and the Silver Object from Darrel. Go back up the top of the tower, open the Machine and put the Cog in the Machine. Pull the lever, activating the ancient mechanism. The rotating tube causes the central floor to lower, taking you to the Labyrinth. There is another lever on the wall, in case you need to return to the top level. 

When you open the door, an automatic cutscene will play. If you have any desire to see it more than once, you will need a recently saved game.

Go to the door, similar to the door in the Sand Trap room. Examine the Silver Object to figure out which buttons to push. They are 2, 4, 5 and 6 on the top, and 1, 2, and 5 on the bottom. Chauvin, er, Darrel goes into the passage. Keep walking into the Astrologium. See the three levers to the right of the giant clock? They are used to set the Astral Clock. The clue to the setting is the Manuscript found in the Planetarium room in the Old Wing. Set the clock to 4 hours, 15 minutes, 41 degrees. Now the bars blocking the other two passages are raised. Go to the Watchmaker's Study; the passage without stairs.

Look at everything. Go to the desk, take the Envelope and read the letter. Take the Old Records and read the file. The scene shifts to Victoria, in the castle gardens to the South. 

Important: Save your game now.

Throw the Padlock at the window to get the Hunter's attention. You duck backwards and he comes after you. Press the Caps Lock so you will be running. Do NOT try to hide behind the Mausoleum. Go West instead, to the Greenhouse. Enter the Greenhouse, and exit the other side into the Courtyard. Go to the Statue and use a Medallion on the Lion's Mouth. You will duck behind a bush as the Hunter falls for the Trap. Control switches back to Darrel.

The Machinery

Take the Metal Star from the desk. Exit this room, and go down the stairs into the Machinery Room. Examine the opening in the Cogs. Use the star on the Cavity. This allows you to change the settings on the Machine. Remember the Indicators in the Well? Set the machine's indicators to stop the Cogs and allow you to pass through. The settings are 2, 7, 4, 11, 9. Go through the opening to see some nasty business. Hurry back to the machine and return the indicators to all sixes, causing the Cogs to whirl and 'stop' the intruder. Reset the Indicators to the above figures to stop the Cogs again. Enter the passage. Look at Corona's body. Continue into the Pendulum Chamber. Darrel is knocked out by Krenn.

The Final Challenge

Open the door. You still have the Silver Object, if you need to refer to it. Go to the Machinery Room and take the Metal Star. Go through the opening, past Corona's body and into the Pendulum Room. 

Important: Save your game now.

You are hiding behind a pillar. Take two steps forward, and press <Space> so you have the first-person view. Watch Krenn as he shifts his gaze. Two ticks, looks at you. Two ticks, looks at Pendulum, Two ticks, looks further to the right. Just after he turns right from looking your way, press space, and (shift) run into the next room. (I have better luck with the arrow keys than the mouse, but that may be because I played Time Machine.) You are in a room containing the following: A bas-relief, flanked by two star-shaped cavities. You possess one star, and will have to come up with another one somehow. On the other side of the room is Duke's body, and a Lion's head. Examine Duke's body, and find the Lighter. Use your last remaining Medallion on the Lion's head. A Passage opens. Go up the stairs, and find yourself in a dead-end. Turn around, and pull the lever. Now you can go through the Astrologium and into the Watchmaker's Study.

Making a Star

Go to the desk and take a Candle. Place the candle in the Brazier. Melt the wax with the Lighter. While the wax is soft, press the Metal star into it to create a mold. Use the Half-empty Phials on the mold to create a new Metal Star.

Return to the room with the Bas-Relief, and use both stars on the cavities. The Altar opens, and there are four containers; blue, green, red and yellow. Use the blue, green and yellow liquids to make the Ley-Lines visible. Krenn is distracted, and you knock him out. Take his keys, and use them on Darrel's handcuffs. The closing scene unfolds, where the Immortals are foiled because the clock had been set ahead an hour without their knowledge.

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