All answers contain the word 'rain'.
-1.What would you call a particle of sand? 5 letters
2.What you need to be to reach Immortal level of the Global Challenge? 6
-3.Can you name this republic country in south east Europe? 7
-4.What is the word that means 'to curb' or 'a musical melody'? 7
-5.What do you call a severe headache sometimes accompanied by visual disturbances? 8
-6.What is another word for 'filtering liquid through a sieve'? 9
-7.This words means 'restriction or limitation'. What is the name of the word? 10
-8.What is another word for tropical woodlands? 11
-9.What is another name for a silly or empty headed person who is always forgetting things? 12
-10.What is another word for collecting ideas or finding solutions in a group meeting? 13