Dark side list 2012
07/13/12 02:10 AM
07/13/12 02:10 AM
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Hi all, Off we go again. You know the drill - you have 13 days to list 13 Dark Side games that other people should play, whether they be newbies or veterans, fps fans or rpg tragics or just want to see what the fuss is about. Rules are the same as last year:
1. You can recommend a maximum of 13 games, but are allowed to recommend less. 2. You can't list a series, unless you use single votes for each game. 3. Expansion packs, DLC, GOTY releases etc are all considered the same game - just vote for eg Fallout 3 and ignore all its available added on bits. 4. Consistent with 3, enhanced editions, directors cuts etc are also considered the same game. 5. Any "dark" game (ie not pure adventure or casual) can be listed, irrespective of genre. 6. You don't have to indicate the type or genre, and you are not limited to any specific number of games in any genre. Go ahead and list 13 fps' if you want to. 7. It is essentially a pc list (the system not the games), but given that many players have other systems, if you want to list some games for those go ahead.
If you can list alphabetically it helps me count, and please use full names if possible so I don't get them mixed up. If in doubt, I will ask. :zombie: :zombie: :zombie:
Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: Dark side list 2012
[Re: flotsam]
07/13/12 07:15 AM
07/13/12 07:15 AM
Joined: Jan 2009
Posts: 1,243 Delaware, USA
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I'm first!  Mine will be a short list as I am no where near as experienced as most of you.  1. Anachronox 2. Arcanum 3. Divine Divinity 4. Elder Scrolls 3 - Morrowind 5. Elder Scrolls 5 - Skyrim 6. Lands of Lore 1 7. Lands of Lore 3 8. Witcher (The) Edit: Upon further consideration, I can recommend Skyrim at this time. Also deleted unnecessary comments.
Last edited by SharonB; 07/13/12 06:17 PM.
Re: Dark side list 2012
[Re: flotsam]
07/13/12 10:18 AM
07/13/12 10:18 AM
Joined: May 1999
Posts: 2,397 South Texas
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Here goes: 1. Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magic Obscura 2. Diablo 2 (not a typo - don't like 3) 3. Divine Divinity 4. Dragon Age: Origins 5. Dungeon Siege 6. Morrowind 7. Neverwinter Nights 1 8. Neverwinter Nights 2 9. Oblivion 10. Painkiller (FPS) 11. Planescape: Torment 10. Realms of the Haunting 12. Skyrim 13. The Witcher If you're using these lists to determine games you might like to try, please look at the whole Dungeon Siege series. I just recently have replayed lots of oldies and I had forgotten how much I liked all the Dungeon Siege games, but there are so many I didn't want to waste all my votes on them.  Thanks Flotsam for doing these each year!
Re: Dark side list 2012
[Re: flotsam]
07/13/12 11:30 AM
07/13/12 11:30 AM
Joined: Sep 2003
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Guild Wars: Prophecies Guild Wars: Factions Guild Wars: Nightfall Guild Wars 2 (final beta next weekend, launches August 28th)
The first thee can be played alone or linked on same account so characters from one can be used in the others. There's also a Guild Wars expansion which has to be linked to one of three, it does not stand alone, Guild Wars: Eye of the North. Collectively the four are unofficially known as "Guild Wars 1". Although set on the same planet, Guild Wars 2 is a very different game, set 250 years after Eye of the North. Guild Wars 1 characters CANNOT be carried over to Guild Wars 2. You don't need to have played GW1 to enjoy GW2.
Currently Playing: Adventure Game: Broken Age Darkside: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Re: Dark side list 2012
[Re: flotsam]
07/13/12 12:39 PM
07/13/12 12:39 PM
Joined: Jul 2002
Posts: 30,455 Unionville
Sonic Boomer
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Dragon Age Origins Dragon Age 2 Fallout 3 Kingdoms of Alumar Reckoning Mass Effect Mass Effect 2 Mass Effect 3 Oblivion Skyrim 
Sometimes lost is where you need to be. Just because you don't know your direction doesn't mean you don't have one.
Re: Dark side list 2012
[Re: manxman]
07/13/12 02:57 PM
07/13/12 02:57 PM
Joined: Nov 2000
Posts: 35,135 United Kingdom
Sonic Boomer
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Mine will hardly have changed since the last time but I still rate my choices  [My PC is just getting too old to play the latest stuff  ] Baldur’s Gate Betrayal in Antara Divine Divinity Drakensang Kings Bounty Knights of the Old Republic Might & Magic VI Morrowind Neverwinter Nights Planescape Torment Quest for Glory IV [GOG Version allows play on modern machines] Return to Krondor [GOG Version allows play on modern machines] Witcher [The]
Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: Dark side list 2012
[Re: flotsam]
07/13/12 03:47 PM
07/13/12 03:47 PM
Joined: Apr 2000
Posts: 3,779 Lost in the Arizona Desert
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Lost in the Arizona Desert
Had a hard time getting it down to 13 this year. A lot of new ones came along to add to my list bumping some of my old standards.
Divine Divinity Dragon Age 2 Kingdoms of Amular The Reckoning KOTOR 1 KOTOR 2 Morrowind Risen Sacred Gold Skyrim Tomb Raider Underworld Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines Witcher Enhanced Witcher 2
You laugh because I'm different I laugh because you're all the same
Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.
Re: Dark side list 2012
[Re: flotsam]
07/13/12 06:25 PM
07/13/12 06:25 PM
Joined: Nov 1999
Posts: 1,845 Leavenworth, KS
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Leavenworth, KS
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic Gothic 1 Gothic 2 Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine Might & Magic 3 Might & Magic 6 Might & Magic 7 Quest for Glory 4 Silent Hill 2 Silent Hill 3 Vampire the Masquerade – Bloodlines Vampire the Masquerade – Redemption Wizardry 7, Crusaders of the Dark Savant World of Xeen
Last edited by Barb; 07/13/12 06:34 PM.
"Christof, do not play with thy food. 'tis unseemly".
Re: Dark side list 2012
[Re: flotsam]
07/14/12 03:08 AM
07/14/12 03:08 AM
Joined: Mar 2004
Posts: 12,380 Isle of Man
Adept Boomer
Adept Boomer
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Isle of Man
I am very slow and very choosy, so my list is very short! (I play on Xbox 360, as I grew tired of having to update the computer every time a new game comes out) 1. Skyrim 2. Witcher 2 Enhanced edition 3. Portal 2 (is that darkside?) and possibly 4. Dark Souls - bought but not yet played... 
Life is what happens while you're making other plans.
Re: Dark side list 2012
[Re: flotsam]
07/14/12 09:49 AM
07/14/12 09:49 AM
Joined: Mar 2008
Posts: 1,337 Michigan
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My list includes mainly games played in the last 12 months, Killzone 2 is older than this but I replayed it yet again a few months ago. Mass Effect 3 is included despite terrible endings (opinion of many players including mine) because if one is not attached to the characters will find many hours of enjoyment.
Battlefield 3 Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Crysis 2 Dead Space 2 Deus Ex Human Revolution Dragon Age II Fear 3 Killzone 2 Mass Effect 3 Max Payne 3 Resistance 3 Uncharted 3 Witcher 2
Last edited by mcc; 07/16/12 09:33 AM. Reason: missed the 2 in Dead Space
If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain
From The Matrix
Re: Dark side list 2012
[Re: flotsam]
07/15/12 04:03 PM
07/15/12 04:03 PM
Joined: Jan 2001
Posts: 969 NJ USA
Settled Boomer
Settled Boomer
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And mine:
Alan Wake Alice Madness Returns American McGee's Alice Amnesia The Dark Descent Clive Barker's Undying Deus Ex F.E.A.R. L.A. Noire Limbo Penumbra Overture Silent Hill 2 Silent Hill 3
Thanks flotsam!
Best, Leigh-Anne
"Halfway through life's journey I came to myself in a dark wood, where the straight way was lost."--Dante's Divine Comedy
Re: Dark side list 2012
[Re: flotsam]
07/16/12 12:33 PM
07/16/12 12:33 PM
Joined: Mar 2002
Posts: 1,214 Scanian Provinces
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Scanian Provinces
Here's my list:
Baldur's Gate II BioShock 2 Dragon Age: Origins F.E.A.R Heroes of Might and Magic III Lands of Lore 2 Might & Magic VII Might & Magic VIII Might and Magic IX The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Thief: The Dark Project Thief 2: The Metal Age Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
Last edited by Smiley456; 07/16/12 12:37 PM.
Re: Dark side list 2012
[Re: flotsam]
07/18/12 06:38 AM
07/18/12 06:38 AM
Joined: Mar 2002
Posts: 876 Kentucky
Settled Boomer
Settled Boomer
Joined: Mar 2002
Posts: 876
 Thanks flotsam My list: Divine Divinity Dungeon Siege Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine Might and Magic VI Might and Magic VII Morrowind Neverwinter nights Outcast Skyrim (playing now) Splinter Cell Thief Gold Vampire of the Masquerade: Bloodlines Witcher: Enhanced
Re: Dark side list 2012
[Re: flotsam]
07/18/12 02:49 PM
07/18/12 02:49 PM
Joined: Nov 2000
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Baldur's Gate 2 Thief 2 Gold Vampire Bloodlines Morrowind Oblivion Skyrim Gothic Gothic 2 Gold Witcher Enhanced Dragon Age Origins Deus Ex Kotor Mass Effect 2
The list could go on, really.
I think I'm quite ready for another adventure.
Re: Dark side list 2012
[Re: flotsam]
07/21/12 04:04 AM
07/21/12 04:04 AM
Joined: Nov 2004
Posts: 25,499 Marlborough USA
Kaki's Sister
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I love Tomb Raider Games Flotsam! Here's my List.
Tomb Raider 1 Unfinished Business Tomb Raider 2 Golden Mask Tomb Raider 3 Lost Artifact Last Revelation (TR4) Chronicles (TR5) Angel of Darkness (TR6) Legend (TR7) Anniversary Underworld (TR8)
Re: Dark side list 2012
[Re: flotsam]
07/21/12 12:35 PM
07/21/12 12:35 PM
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 2,402 Lexington, Texas
Yankee Clipper
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Lexington, Texas
Killzone 2 Oblivion Clive Barker's Jericho C. Barker's Undying Gran Tourismo 5 prologue Overlord Raising Hell Resistance 1 Resistance 2 Vanquish Devil May Cry 4 Crysis 2 Heavenly Sword
I wish I were a cat and belonged to me ~ My Aunt Helen Mary Rose
Re: Dark side list 2012
[Re: flotsam]
07/21/12 04:06 PM
07/21/12 04:06 PM
Joined: Apr 2000
Posts: 6,842 Long Beach, Australia
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Sorry, had some technology issues. Here is mine:
American Magees Alice Bioshock Dead Space 2 Deus Ex 2 Divine Divinity Fallout 3 FEAR ES Oblivion Half Life 2 Ico Outcast Portal 2 Witcher
Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: Dark side list 2012
[Re: flotsam]
07/21/12 08:41 PM
07/21/12 08:41 PM
Joined: Jan 2004
Posts: 84,084 In the Naughty Corner
The Sassy Admin and PR Liaison
The Sassy Admin and PR Liaison
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In the Naughty Corner
Here I go:
American McGees Alice Beyond Divinity Bioshock Bioshock 2 Clive Barkers Undying Divine Divinity Drakan: Order of the Flame Fable F.E.A.R Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition Prey Sacred Plus Zanzarah
Don't feed the Trolls
Re: Dark side list 2012
[Re: flotsam]
07/22/12 10:50 AM
07/22/12 10:50 AM
Joined: Sep 2002
Posts: 594 Oslo, Norway
Settled Boomer
Settled Boomer
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Oslo, Norway
1. Alone in the Dark 4 2. Aiken's Artifact 3. Epic Mickey (Wii) 4. Morrowind 5. No One Lives Forever 2 6. Oblivion 7. Project Zero (Ps2 - Also called Fatal Frame) 8. Sims 2 9. Skyrim 10. Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
I haven't lost it, I just can't find it....