Hi all,

I downloaded and installed this game from Steam on my new computer and got the following error: "The program can't start because PhysXLoader.dll is missing from your computer".

Is there a way to get the .dll file on my computer without uninstalling the game and installing it again? Otherwise I would have to delete it from Steam and then download it all over again.

Any help would be appreciated.

Well I apologize. I didn't see the thread already there with this same subject and I found the solution. I read on another forum to close Steam and start it again and that was the answer. Makes me feel rather foolish but then again..........

Last edited by oldman; 03/23/13 07:36 PM. Reason: Solved problem

You laugh because I'm different
I laugh because you're all the same

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.
