Tomb Raider 1: Atlantis - Walkthrough by Stella
Levels 13 thru 15


Kills: 3 Items: 30, including, pistols, magnums, shotgun, Uzis, 3 fuses and a key Secrets: 3

Objectives: The initial goal is to recover your weapons from the nasty men who took them. The first step in doing this is to locate 3 fuses to activate a winch that will lower a small building. Here you'll find your pistols. Then it's a matter of making your way through the mine and confronting each of the bad guys. Finally, locate the key that will get you into the pyramid.

Walk-through: Swim forward and surface in an underground lake. To the right (west) is a small waterfall. To the left (east) is a ledge with some wooden crates. Ahead and to the left (southeast) is a larger ledge with some barrels and crates. Swim under and behind the waterfall. Surface and follow the passageway until it widens. On the near left wall is a switch. Pull it to open a gate elsewhere.

Return to the lake and swim across to the landing with the barrels and boxes. Follow the tunnel to a room with a mine car blocking another tunnel on the right. Go to the rock pile ahead and pull the crate out. Climb over it and enter the passage behind. Here you'll find the gate you just opened and, beyond it, another switch. Use it to open another gate.

Go back to the lake and behind the waterfall. Follow the passage past the first switch, climb into the opening and continue through the now opened gate. When you reach the ledge above the lake, take a running jump to the ledge with the sawhorse barricades. Continue to a room with a small building suspended from the ceiling. Lara will look up as you pass, indicating that this is important. Pick up the large med-pack on the ground. Don't worry; the building won't come down yet. In the glassed-in building on the left, you'll notice 3 receptacles. You need to find 3 fuses to fit them. Also inside this building is a set of magnum clips.

Continue through the (west) opening opposite where you entered. Here you'll find 2 boarded-up buildings, a pile of tires and a movable crate. There is a gate straight ahead and an opening on the left beyond the tires. (The latter leads to a conveyor belt where you'll find one of the fuses, but you can't get to it yet.)

Go around to the other side of the crate and move it toward the building. You should position the crate under the opening in the ceiling. Take a running jump from the crate to the roof of the building. Drop through the broken area of the roof. Follow the tunnel to an alcove with a switch. Throw it and the boat back at the lake moves toward the other ledge. Continue to the end of the passage and drop down onto the crate.

Before going back to the lake, get one of the fuses: Approach the gate opposite the entrance (between the two buildings). It opens automatically. Beyond the gate are some tracks, striped barricades and boulders. Now choose the easy or hard way through this next trap. (1) The hard way: Walk forward to the barricade to trip the first boulder that rolls in from the side. Then back up and take a series of 3 running jumps over the barricades. On the last jump, turn in the air to land on the ledge at the right and dash into the passageway to safety. (2) The easy-as-pie way: Go forward to the first barricade to trip the boulder that rolls in from the side. Back up a little then turn to the right. Grab the ledge that runs parallel to the tracks but don't pull up. Traverse to the left to the point just before the ledge starts to slope down. Now pull up. The boulder at the right will not roll. Turn left and follow the ledge, jump the gap, and continue to the end. Follow the passage to FUSE #1.

Go up the ramp, walk forward to where the cave slopes up to the left, then quickly hop back to avoid a rolling boulder. Turn to the left and stand under the angled ceiling with the boulder behind and to the right. Side flip to the right to trip the second boulder, then side flip back to the left to safety. Go up the slope and continue to the opening in the floor. Drop down. You're now where the first (side-to-side) boulder originated. Walk forward to the junction, then to the right. This will trip the boulder above. You can then climb up onto the ledge and follow it to where that boulder originated (above and to the left of the gate). Enter the tunnel on the left and follow the passage to an opening where you can drop back down into the room with the 2 buildings.

Return to the lake by following the east tunnel (opposite the gate to the tracks). Swim across and climb onto the boat, which you moved earlier. Take a running jump to land on the small ledge with the boxes. Climb over the box on the left. Here you'll find a small room packed with "Natla Technologies" crates. Pick up the magnum clips in the alcove. Then pull the darker crate (the only movable crate you can get to now) once. Go around to the right and push it into the alcove where the clips were. There's another movable box behind the first. Pull it twice. Go around it to the right and pull it again to open up the passageway behind. Enter and pull the switch here to move the mine car.

Return to the lake, swim to the left and surface on the ledge with the barrels. Follow the passage to the mine car. Go into the tunnel beyond it. Push the Natla box twice. Go around it and enter the tunnel beyond. Walk forward carefully and pick up FUSE #2, which is lying on the ground. Don't go any farther or you'll attract the attention of the cowboy in the room beyond. Turn around and go back to the Natla box. Climb onto the box and pull up into the tunnel above. Pick up the Uzi clips and throw the switch to open the gate near the conveyor belt.

Return to the lake. Swim across and behind the waterfall. Follow the passage back past the dangling building to the room with the 2 boarded-up buildings. Go through the opening on the left beyond the stack of tires. Continue forward through the gate you just opened. Here you'll find some Uzi clips on the ground and a switch. Throw the switch to activate the conveyor belt, dumping FUSE #3 on the ground in front of it. Take it and return to the room with the dangling building. Place the fuses in their proper spots in the glassed-in building, and the winch will activate, lowering the small building.

Inside you'll find the PISTOLS. Grab them then climb onto the roof of the building. Take a running jump from just in front of the hook to grab the opening in the wall opposite. Pull up and follow the tunnel. Partway up the slope is an opening on the right. Climb into it and continue to a ramp. Turn around and slide down backwards, grabbing the end. Pull up and the trapdoor will close behind you. Now Lara can stand on it and climb onto the ledge on one side. Drop down into the room beyond. This is SECRET #1--a large med-pack and Uzi clips.

Pull the switch to open the wooden door out in the passageway. Drop down onto the trapdoor, then take a standing jump up the slope and continue to the right down the tunnel to emerge on a ledge above the lake. Drop down and swim across the lake to the southeast ledge with the barrels.

Now return past the mine car and Natla box to the area where you got the second fuse. Now that you're armed, you can take on that cowboy. As you enter the cave he starts talking. Then he emerges from behind the pillars on the right with magnums drawn. Get a pistol lock on him and keep shooting as you advance and withdraw into the doorway. If you rush into the room with the pillars be careful not to jump around too much or you may fall into one of the lava pits. When the cowboy is dead, take back your MAGNUMS.

Go to the far right edge above the lava river. Down below is a small square ledge jutting out from the wall. Safety drop down to it. Drop and hang from this ledge, let go and quickly press Action again to grab the ledge below. Pull up and pick up a small med-pack. Grab the crevice in the rock wall and traverse to the right as far as you can. Drop to the block below. Go around the corner to the right and grab the next crevice. Again, traverse to the right to the end and drop onto the block. Turn to the right and survey the wall beyond. A horizontal crevice runs along below an angled ledge. Take a running jump to grab the angled ledge. Let go and grab the crevice below. Traverse to the right until you can drop onto a flat spot.

Follow the passage to a slope. Slide down, turn right and emerge near the lava river. Take a standing jump to the rectangular block in the middle of the lava falls. Turn to the left and, from the end of this block, take a running jump to the high square pillar on the right. Take another running jump to the next block. Turn right and take a final running jump into the opening in the cave wall.

Run forward and quickly push the movable crate forward. A boulder rolls in from the left, but if you're fast enough you'll be able to avoid it. Go around the crate to enter a small room. This is SECRET #2. Pull the crate once to reveal an opening in the ceiling. Climb up through it to find a large med-pack and Uzi clips in the room above. Jump over the opening in the floor and follow the passage. Drop down and walk along the tracks toward the boulder. On the way you'll find more Uzi clips, a SHOTGUN and another large med-pack.

Go forward toward the boulder and see if you can squeeze Lara between the boulder and the wall on the left side. This is tricky, but I've been able to do it. If you can't do it, return to the opening above the tracks and follow the passage back to the room above the crate. If you are able to squeeze past the boulder, climb up through the opening in the ceiling. Once you're in the room above the crate, jump the gap and drop down through the opening on the other side of the boulder.

Take a running jump from the doorway to the tall square pillar in the lava river. Turn right and take a running jump to the next pillar (the one on the right). From here, take another running jump to the next pillar, and a third to the last pillar on the left. Hop down and go through the doorway. Slide down the slope and land on a small ledge above a pool of lava. Take a standing jump to grab the opposite edge. Pull up and continue to the next room, where you'll find a number of boxes marked "TNT."

The darker box in the corner moves. Pull it once then go around to the right side and pull it again away from the wall. Now pull it through the doorway into the next room and position it near the opening high on the left wall. Take a standing jump from the top of the box to grab the opening. Pull up. Go to the top of the slope and climb up the rocks. Take a running jump across the lava pit to the angled ledge on the right. A boulder will roll past ahead. Take another running jump diagonally to the right to land on the other side of the lava pit.

Follow the passage and you'll soon emerge on a ledge above the lava river opposite where you killed the cowboy earlier. Follow the ledge up to the top. Pick up the magnum clips on the ground and throw the switch. This will blow up some of the explosives in the room you just came from. Return down the path, across the lava pit the way you came, and down the slope, which is now caved in. Back at the TNT room, you'll see broken boxes and a pile of rubble on the left where there was a wall. Climb up and over this rubble. At the bottom, ready weapons. The skate park beyond includes a skateboarder--and he's armed with your Uzis!

You can use the same basic tactics you used with the cowboy: Advance into the room, get a lock on your target, and hop/flip back firing. When he skates past, advance again. Again, there are lava pits on either side of the entrance so do watch where you're jumping. Alternately, you can run ahead to the SECRET AREA (description below) and shoot the skate punk from the opening above. When he is dead, reclaim your UZIS.

To reach the secret area, turn left at the entrance and follow the wall, taking a running jump across the gap above the lava. Turn right at the corner and continue forward. About halfway up the left side of the room you'll find one pit filled with water instead of lava. Jump in and swim through the gate, which opens automatically. Pick up small and large med-packs plus some Uzi clips from the bottom. This is SECRET #3.

Leave the way you entered, but instead of swimming all the way out, go through an opening in the ceiling just beyond the doorway. Climb out of the water and follow the tunnel to an opening above the big room with the ramps. (Shoot the skateboarder from this opening if you didn't already.) Drop down and pick up some Uzi clips that are lying on the ground. And be sure to pick up 2 more sets of Uzi clips on the ground at the left and right sides of the big room before leaving.

The exit is opposite the entrance, at the top of the ramps. Not far from the doorway is a slope up to the right. There are 3 boulders at the top waiting to roll. Walk up the center and, as the first boulder comes rolling down, side flip to the right. The second boulder will then start to roll, so side flip to the left. This will set off the last boulder. Side flip back to the right to avoid it. WALK to the top of the slope, letting a fourth boulder roll past in front of you. Go to the left, through the opening from which the boulder came.

At the end of the passage turn left and pull up. Now you're in a small room with a number of blocks and ledges. One is low enough to climb on. From the top of this block, it's a series of four standing-jump-and-grab combinations to reach the block below the opening above. Climb up through the opening into a small room with sandy-colored walls.

This next area involves pulling and pushing several movable blocks in order to access switches and open doors. To make it a little easier, I've included the diagram minepic.gif (also online at in case you downloaded the walk-through without diagrams). The diagram follows the sequence of actions more or less clockwise from upper left.

The opening down into the black room with the ledges is (A). To one side of this opening is a movable block (1). Push this block twice into the next room (to position 1a). To the right is an opening in the ceiling (B). Climb up through it into the room above. Here you'll find another movable block (2). Pull it once, then go around to the left and push it once (to position 2a). Go through the opening you have just made. Here is another small room with an opening in the floor (C) and a gold door (D). Drop through the opening in the floor into a small room with yet another movable block (3). Pull this block once (to position 3a). This will make space for you to move the first block back in the room where you entered. Return there by climbing up through the opening in the ceiling (C), then going into the next room and dropping down through the opening in the floor (B).

Now push that first block once more (to position 1b ). This will open up an alcove on the left with a switch and a gold door (E) beyond. Pull the switch to open the gold door (D) in the room above. To get back to it, climb through the opening in the ceiling (B), and go through the doorway into the next room. The door is on the left.

Go through the gold door (D) and turn right. At the end of the passage, take a left and go down the steps to a movable block (4). Push this block once (to position 4a). This will give you access to a hallway with alcoves on one side and a gold door (F) at the end. This door opens when you step on a certain spot in the floor but quickly closes. Ignore it. Instead, go to the farther alcove and use the switch there to open the gold door (E) near the first switch. Return there by going back up the steps, along the hallway and through the gold door (D). Then go through the opening on the left into the next room and down through the opening in the floor (B). Across from this opening, beyond the switch, is the door you just opened.

Draw weapons and proceed through the door. The big bald guy is waiting outside with a shotgun. You can climb on the roof and try and shoot him from there, but this takes a while. I've found it easier to just run past him into the open area near the pyramid and shoot at him while jumping from side to side. He's not extremely hard to kill, but that shotgun packs a punch so you may need to use a med-pack in the middle of the fight.

When he falls, take his SHOTGUN. (If you already have a shotgun, you'll get shells instead.) Go down to the pyramid and climb up on the ledge above the door. Now take a series of standing jumps up the flat spots on the left side to the top. Jump to the left and slide down the side of the pyramid and land in front of the doorway in the cave wall. Inside is a switch. Pull it to open 2 gold doors back in the area where you fought the bald guy (door F and the door opposite it).

Slide down the pyramid to the ground and return to the gold door area. Enter the gold door on the right and pick up some Uzi clips and a large med-pack in the doorway. Go a little farther in and you'll find the PYRAMID KEY. Take it and return to the pyramid door. Unlock it and enter to finish the level.


Kills: 32 Items: 50 Secrets: 3

Objectives: Make your way to the top of the pyramid for the penultimate confrontation with Natla.

Walk-through: Walk forward. The lights come on and you'll find some Uzi clips on the ground. In the room ahead are 6 incubators ready to hatch some nasty Atlantean mutants. Step forward cautiously and the first egg on the left will hatch, releasing a spew-spitting mutant. Back flip into the doorway and kill it from there.

Advance forward and to the right and the first egg on that side of the room will hatch. This one contains a fireball-launching mutant. To minimize the damage, you can back flip then side flip into the doorway while shooting. When it explodes, go down the right or center to the opposite end of the long room. As you approach the Uzi clips on the floor, the last egg on the left explodes and another mutant emerges. Use those side flips to avoid the fireballs, kill the mutant and pick up the clips.

Here at the back of the room are 3 doors: one on each side and another in the center. The door on the left opens as you approach. Enter and go up the stairs. The see-through flooring is safe to walk on. Pick up a small med-pack in the far left corner. Note the closed door opposite the one you just came through.

Head up the left (west) side of the room. When you near the middle, step out toward the walkway across the middle and the egg below will hatch. Kill the flying mutant from above. Keep away from the edge of the floor and you'll be fine. When the coast is clear, walk out and get the shotgun shells. Continue to the far right (northeast) corner. In a dark alcove here you'll find a switch that opens the door across the room (in the northwest corner). Behind that is another switch. This opens the door in the southwest corner.

Exit the switch room, walk back toward the alcove with the switch, turn right and continue along the left (east) side of the room. When you reach the middle, the egg below will explode releasing another flying mutant below. Kill it as you did the other, then cross over the bridge at the center and continue along the right (west) side. The remaining egg will hatch below and another mutant will come up the stairs in the far left (southeast) corner. If you don't run forward, you should have plenty of time to kill it as it approaches.

Walk forward and go down the stairs on the right (southwest). On the way down, you'll see another switch. Throw this to open the middle door in the room below. Continue down. The door at the bottom of the stairs opens as you approach. Go forward then to the right through the door you opened with the switch. Advance to a ledge above a large lava pool. Kill the flying mutant that comes down from above.

(NOTE: This will happen several more times as you make your way to the top of the pyramid. The flyers can knock Lara off the ledges. Also, they explode when you kill them, and Lara will take some damage if she's close to the explosion. Since they can't fit through the small doorways, the best strategy is to draw them down then back up and kill them from cover.)

When the flyer explodes, turn and drop to hang from the outside edge of the ledge. Let go and grab the ledge below. Pull up and enter the passageway, which is SECRET #1. Pick up a large med-pack and clips for the magnums and Uzis. Continue forward and up until you come to an opening in the floor where you can drop down into another tunnel. On one side is a ledge above the big lava pool. (This is within jumping distance of the ledge you stood on previously, but by finding the secret, you avoided that jump.) There are chomping blades in the doorway, but you need not worry about them. Go the other way.

Here you'll find a room with a lava pit below a transparent bridge with a gap in the middle. Down in the gap is an incubator. Walk to the right side of the bridge and take a standing jump to grab the crevice in the wall. Drop and grab the bottom of the doorway below. Pull up and follow the tunnel to a switch. Pull it to open the red door on the far side of the bridge. Continue to the opening, pick up 2 sets of Uzi clips and take a standing jump down to the bridge. Take a running jump across the gap to grab the other side of the bridge. As you pass the incubator, the egg will hatch, releasing a winged mutant. Pull up and head for the doorway. You can kill the mutant from here or, if you don't want all the kills, just keep going.

Continue to a room with a pool of water in the middle. On the left is a part of the angled outer wall of the pyramid. Like the visible part of the pyramid at the end of the last level, there are several flat spots. There are also two spike pits at the bottom of the slope and a couple of stone blocks. On the right side of the pool are some rocks and pillars. These are climbable but there's no way to get onto them from the water. Opposite the entrance is a red door.

You'll need to go across the pyramid twice: once to spring some boulder traps and find a secret, and again to get out. Take a running jump from the doorway to grab the tall square block ahead. (Note the square ledge below on the right. You can climb out of the water here if you fall in.) Turn to the left and take a running jump from the top of the tall block to the nearest flat spot on the pyramid. A boulder rolls from above, so quickly take a standing jump to the next flat spot higher up and to the right. This spot is safe. Now angle Lara slightly uphill and take a standing jump forward to land on the pyramid and slide down to the flat spot just above the second spike pit. Another boulder rolls down. If Lara is facing uphill, you can immediately take a standing jump to the next higher flat spot to get out of the boulder's way.

There are no more boulders here so you can now take your time. Take a standing jump uphill and to the left to land on the next flat spot, which is a little difficult to see. Turn to the right and jump to the next higher flat spot, then the next. Now you can make out an opening in the rock wall on the right. Climb into it for SECRET #2, magnum and Uzi clips, plus a large med-pack. Exit this room and slide down the pyramid to the flat spot near the red door.

Take a running jump across the water to grab the lowest step on the other side. Pull up and go up the step to the right. From here, take a running jump to grab the edge of the tall block. Pull up and take the large med-pack. Take a running jump to the next higher block, pull up and enter the room on the left. Pick up the 2 sets of Uzi clips on the ground and pull the switch. This alters the terrain in the next room enabling you to exit.

Jump into the water and find an underwater lever between the step and the pillar where you just got the med-pack. When you pull it, the red door opens and you have about 40 seconds to get through it before it closes. Here's the sequence: Pull the lever, turn around and swim to the ledge below the tall pillar near where you first entered the room. Climb out of the water and up onto the block. Take a running jump from the top of the block over the spikes to the flat spot.

(NOTE: I found it fastest to climb out of the water onto the ledge so you're already facing the block. Then you can climb up and press Forward and Jump without having to set up first. Use the right arrow key to twist in the air so Lara lands on the flat spot facing the far wall. These maneuvers will save a couple of seconds, which you can then use to set up the next two jumps. Also, if you make it to the first ledge without stumbling, save your game. Then, if you mess up, you can just reload and skip the business with the switch and the swimming.)

Once on the flat spot facing the wall with the exit door, step back, then take a running jump to land on the slippery part of the pyramid and slide down to the flat spot just above the second spike pit. Now take another running jump toward the wall. Turn and run through the red door before it closes.

In the next room is a partial walkway and 3 lava slides. (There is also a door leading back into the room with the pool, which is closed, and an inaccessible switch. See the note below.) Face the door opposite the entrance and take a running jump to grab the left side of the walkway (the lower of the two steps). Follow the walkway to the end and take a standing jump diagonally to the left into the doorway.

(NOTE: If you neglected to pull the switch in the small room above the pool, this room will instead contain a larger elevated walkway and 3 closed chutes. You won't be able to reach the exit from the walkway. You can go back through the red door, or drop down, walk around the right side of the walkway and climb up next to the switch. Use this switch to open the door opposite and return to the pool room that way. In any case, you'll have to climb up to the room in the far left corner--on the side of the water opposite the pyramid--and pull that switch now. Do the timed run through the exit door again and resume the walk-through with the paragraph above. Thanks to MrCairo for this tip.)

Follow the passage, jumping over the spike pit, until you reach the top. Jump into the pool and swim down and forward. There are some shotgun shells on the bottom and a lever that opens the door opposite. Go through this door and surface. Walk forward and pick up the 2 sets of Uzi clips on the ledge. The chomping blades only begin to work after you pass. Once again, you find yourself above the big lava pool. A flying mutant approaches from above. You can either jump back through the blades and kill it from within this doorway or take a running jump over the lava to the next ledge on the right and do it from there. Either way, you need to go to this ledge next, and you'll find 2 more sets of Uzi clips there.

Enter the doorway and go up a short ramp to find another pool of water. Swim down and forward into a room with 4 underwater pillars. Behind the first pillar on the right is a small med-pack. The room above contains 4 mutant incubators, 3 underwater doors (below on the left) and 5 switches. You only need to pull 3 of the switches to open the doors. Stand above the entrance so the wall with 3 switches is on the right. Pull the first switch on the left to open the outer door. Walk up the short ramp between the two switches to get 2 sets of Uzi clips. Continue around the perimeter and pull the third (farthest) switch on the right to open the middle door. Lastly, pull the middle switch on the right to open the inner door and activate the incubator on the right side of the three doors. (NOTE: You can tell when an incubator is active because the arms that support the egg begin to move.)

You can now choose to skip the next four kills, or take between one and four of them. For no kills, after throwing the third switch, jump into the water and quickly swim away through the 3 open doors.

For one kill, after throwing the third switch, approach the incubator to hatch the egg and kill the fireball-hurling mutant. Use the usual back flip/side flip routine. Just be sure not to fall into the water or you'll have difficulty getting out without being toasted. Now leave through the underwater doors.

Or, for additional kills, use the switch under the egg that just hatched. This will activate the incubator opposite. Walk toward it to hatch the egg, releasing another mutant that also shoots fireballs. The remaining lever activates the last 2 incubators. The one just above the switch hatches immediately, and a winged mutant attacks. You can roll and start shooting and moving along the bank of 3 switches. But don't approach the other egg yet, or it will hatch and you'll have 2 mutants on your hands at once. When the flyer is dead, hatch the remaining egg and kill the fourth mutant, which shoots fireballs. Swim through the 3 doors you just opened.

Surface and follow the passage to a hallway with pulsing, fleshy walls. Turn right and throw the switch to open the door. Enter and pick up 2 sets of Uzi clips on the ground. As you walk across the room, a boulder will roll down the ramp and stop at the bottom, blocking the doorway. Find the movable block to the right of the boulder and pull it once, then go around to the right side and push it against the wall so it's in the path where the boulder rolled. Exit through the pulsing tunnel and go around to the left to the door and switch. Use the switch again to open the door and reset the boulder trap. (How this works, I'm sure I don't know.) This time, when you enter, the boulder rolls down and is stopped by the block. Exit through the doorway that was previously blocked by the boulder.

Continue to another ledge above the lava pool. Kill the winged mutant and take a running jump to the next ledge ahead and to the right.

Advance down the passageway to the next room. Go slowly to hatch the 2 eggs one at a time. Kill each of the 2 winged mutants from the doorway. Position Lara facing the pulsing floor on the slope opposite (not the tan stone, which is slippery). Slide down the slope and jump at the bottom to clear the spikes and land on the fleshy floor. Go to the top and pick up 2 sets of Uzi clips, a large med-pack and some shotgun shells.

Follow the fleshy tunnel to a ledge above a lava pool. There is an incubator on the left and an uneven bridge made of stone and fleshy stuff spanning the middle. Approach the Uzi clips on the ground near the end of the bridge and a winged mutant rises up from the middle of the room. Kill it and take the clips. Then return to the entrance and face the incubator. Take a diagonal standing jump to the ledge on the left. Take a running jump from this ledge to land on the small square ledge that juts out just in front of the incubator. The egg will hatch, releasing another winged mutant, which you can kill from the doorway.

Turn around and follow the passage to its higher opening, picking up some Uzi clips on the way. Take a running jump from the right side of the doorway to the tan ledge projecting from the fleshy bridge. Walk forward onto the bridge and turn around to face the wall you just jumped from. Now you should be able to see the 2 mutants in the cave on the left. One spits and the other shoots fireballs. Don't jump around too much or you're likely to slide into the lava. Instead lock onto either target and sidestep to the left so you're out of range of the mutants' attacks. Just keep shooting until the enemy explodes. Then repeat the same maneuvers for the second.

Turn around to face the opposite wall and walk out onto the flat projection on the other side of the bridge. (There is a fleshy area just below in the lava pool.) Take a running jump to the opposite side and go to the right, up the ramp to the switch, picking up 2 sets of Uzi clips on the way. Use the switch to open a door you can't see. Turn around and follow the walkway down to where you jumped across. Continue forward, taking a running jump across the gap, until you come to a movable block. Pull it once to uncover the door you just opened with the switch.

Enter and follow the passage to the chomping blades. Jump through just as the blades begin to open. Turn right and take a running jump to the cave where the 2 mutants were. Go forward up the slope then to the left. Climb up 3 blocks to a hallway where you'll find a small med-pack and more Uzi clips. Continue to another ledge above the big lava pool. Kill another winged mutant that swoops down from above. Then take a running jump to the next ledge ahead on the right.

Go through the door, which opens automatically as you approach, into a room with square pillars set in a lava pool. Go to the end of the walkway and take a running jump to the next walkway ahead. Enter the hall on the left and pull the switch to change the heights of the pillars. Return to the lava room and take a running jump back to the walkway by the door. Go forward, turn left and take a running jump to the nearest pillar. Take a standing jump to the pillar on the left, then a running jump to the higher of the 2 pillars near the door. Take a standing jump and press Action to land in the doorway.

Go to the end of the hallway and use this second switch to move the pillars again. Return to the doorway and take a standing jump to the pillar on the left. Take a running jump to the next pillar ahead. Turn left and take a standing jump to the pillar near the exit. From here, take a running jump into the doorway, then follow the passage to the left.

If you step into the next room and stand just inside the doorway, you can kill the 3 mutants on the opposite side of the room and take very little damage. When they're dead, go back into the hallway that you just came from and stand on the one floor tile WITHOUT the gold pattern on it. This opens a SECRET DOOR at the top right side of the ramp where you just killed the mutants. Inside is SECRET #3, consisting of Uzi clips, shotgun shells and a large med-pack. Exit and continue through the door on the right.

Advance into the tunnel. The door opens automatically. DON'T USE THE SWITCH AHEAD ON THE RIGHT. It's a trap. Instead of opening the red door, it causes lava to flow into the hallway. Instead climb up through the opening in the ceiling just in front of the first door. Proceed to a ledge above the big lava pool. Take a running jump to the next ledge on the right, pick up 2 sets of Uzi clips and enter the passage beyond.

Advance into the next room toward the Uzi clips with weapons drawn. Kill the mutant on the opposite side, then get the clips. Continue forward to the bottom of the ramp. There are dart pipes on either side, blades at the top of the ramp and, for good measure, a boulder up at the very top. This looks a lot more difficult than it is. Face the ramp and run along the wall to the right. You'll take little or no damage from the darts. (If you're desperately low on health here, you can do a swan dive/roll--Walk + Jump + Forward--to get past the darts.) Once you're in the corner, turn and pull up onto the ramp--between the darts of course--then immediately hop back to avoid the boulder. Climb back onto the ramp and continue to the top.

Here you'll find a room with what looks like 3 thrones. Notice that they are labeled with the initials of the Atlantean rulers: Natla, Tihocan and Qualopec. The "seat" of Natla's throne is actually a movable block. Push it twice to get into the area behind.

Head to the right and you'll find 2 trapdoors and switches with a red door between them. It doesn't really matter which trapdoor you choose, since both lead to the same place. For the one on the left, throw the switch, hop back off the trapdoor, then turn around and drop back to hang from the opening. Let go and, as soon as you hit the ground, jump over the spikes. Continue up the slope and turn left.

For the trapdoor on the right, throw the switch and fall through (taking a tiny bit of damage). Turn and take a standing jump over the lava pit, then immediately back flip to where you first landed to avoid the boulder. Hop back across the lava and continue forward then to the left.

Climb up through the opening and throw the switch to open the red door between the trapdoors above. Continue climbing to emerge above the throne room. Drop down and return to the switches. Go through the red door and then to the right up the ramp. Draw weapons and advance into the next room. A centaur hatches from the egg opposite the entrance. Do the back-flip/side-flip-while-shooting routine to avoid the fireballs. When it explodes, pick up 4 sets of Uzi clips (in two piles) near the entrance.

Cross the room and throw the switch to the left of the centaur's incubator to open the exit door. This also activates the two incubators flanking the exit. You can avoid these or kill the mutants inside. As long as you don't step on either of the low, fleshy ramps next to the door, the eggs won't hatch. But if you do, 2 more mutants--one with wings, one without--will hatch, and you'll have to take care of them.

Be sure you're at full health before exiting down the ramp. At the bottom are 2 more mutants. It's probably easiest to just keep moving and shooting, but you can also run into the next room and to the right to climb on a safe block. You've got to be quick to do this, though, and you may lose as much health as you would just fighting.

Once they're dead head for the middle of the room. After examining this next fleshy creature for a minute, you'll realize it mirrors Lara's movements precisely--including shooting at her if she shoots at it. You have to kill it in order to leave, and to do that, you'll need to lure it into a trap.

Here's how: Face away from the entrance and go around the tall column to the right. Walk up the short ramp and climb onto the square block. Turn around and take a standing jump to the tall, square pillar. From there, take a running jump to the right side of the raised platform beyond. Here you'll see a switch, a trapdoor in the floor and the exit door. Pull the switch to open the trapdoor above a lava pit. This is timed to close after a little while, so don't dawdle. Roll, run past the exit door off the platform to slide down an angled block and land on the ground. Run forward, climb onto the block ahead. (The flesh creature will now be climbing up the block you first climbed onto on the other side of the room.) Take a running jump to the tall pillar. Now take a running jump to the platform and run to the middle. The flesh creature should then run to the middle on her side and fall into the lava pit. When she does, the exit door near the pit will open. Climb/jump back up to that platform and go through the door.

(NOTE: The flesh creature is not counted as one of the official kills. BUG WARNING: If, as you're moving

around this area, the flesh girl gets stuck and won't move, try jumping onto the ramp where you slid into the

level. Sometimes doing this will un-stick her.)

Pull up into the next room, pick up the Uzi clips and advance to the bend. Go around the bend to attract the attention of the centaur. Lock onto your target, then back flip down the hallway shooting. As usual, flip from side to side to avoid the fireballs and keep pumping it full of lead until it explodes. Go back up to the bend and pick up some more Uzi clips. Now advance to the opening of the next room. A mutant lurks inside on the right. Kill it, retreating down the tunnel if necessary.

This next room contains a C-shaped walkway above lava. There's a switch at each end: the one on the right raises the bridge; the one on the left opens the exit door, which is opposite the entrance. Both are timed, but the door stays open longer than the bridge stays up. Here's the drill: First, follow the walkway to the left and pick up some Uzi clips. Don't use this switch yet. Now go all the way around to the right end of the walkway and throw that switch to open the door. Run all the way around to the left switch (take running jumps along the straight parts to cover more distance) and use it to raise the bridge. Roll, then run/jump back to the center and across the bridge to exit.

Just beyond this door is the room where the Scion is kept. Pick up 2 sets of Uzi clips on the floor, then try and take the Scion to end the level.

(NOTE: This room is located high above the lava pool, presumably at the center of the pyramid. You'll wind up on the big platform below at the beginning of the next level. There's nothing to find there now, but if you do jump down there, you're not stuck. Just face the opening above and approach the left corner. A door will open in the wall and you can jump into it. Follow the passage up to the top to emerge in the drawbridge room near the switch on the right.)

A movie follows: Lara touches the Scion and receives another mysterious vision. In this one we see Natla held captive by the other two Atlantean rulers, Qualopec and Tihocan. Qualopec passes sentence on Natla, condemning her for her misuse of power, for waging war on both himself and Tihocan, and for useing the pyramid's powers of creation for her own "mindless destruction."

Natla retorts, "Mindless?! Look at you! Neither of you have one squirt of inventive juice in your heads. Wasters!" Then she appeals to Tihocan, but he stands by Qualopec, accusing Natla of using the pyramid as a "freak factory." The camera reveals a mutant standing nearby.

"They're survivalists...." she argues. "A new generation."

Tihocan is unswayed. He concludes, "And you. We're going to lock you in limbo.... Greet your eternal unrest, Natla!" Qualopec gives the signal to the mutant, who activates the machine that will entomb Natla.

As the freezing process begins, Natla yells, "You won't rest either...or your damned continent, Atlantis!"

Next, a cut scene: Lara staggers back from the altar and sees Natla draw near. "Back again?" Natla asks.

Lara returns, "And you?" Lara responds, "For a grand re-opening, I assume?"

In the typical overconfident-villain-revealing-her-evil-scheme speech, Natla explains, "Evolution is in a rut...natural selection at an all time low. Shipping out fresh meat will incite territorial rages again, will strengthen us and advance us, even create new breeds." She indicates the nearby incubator with its huge, yellow egg.

"A kind of evolution on steroids, then?" Lara asks.

"A kick in the pants," Natla says emphatically. "Those runts Qualopec and Tihocan had no idea. The cataclysm of Atlantis struck a race of languoring wimps...plummeted them to the very basics of survival again. It shouldn't happen like that."

"Or like this." Lara waves her arm to encompass the whole room, maybe the pyramid itself.

A computer voice announces a status report, "Hatching commences in fifteen seconds...."

"Too late for abortions now," Natla says haughtily.

"Not without the heart of the operation." Lara aims a pistol at the Scion, and Natla screams, "No!" She tackles Lara, hurling them both over the edge into the pit. Lara manages to grab the ege of the platform below, but Natla plummets into darkness.

Lara pulls up onto the platform below the incubator as the electronic voice counts down, ""


Kills: 6 Items: 31 Secrets: 3

Objectives: Kill the big beastie. Find Natla, who has apparently survived her fall, and bump her off as well. Then get out of town.

Walk-through: Quite obviously, the first thing you'll need to do is take out the humongous, legless mutant without letting it grab Lara or knock her off the platform. There are a number of strategies you can employ to do this. Some prefer to use the Uzis and run or side flip from corner to corner as the mutant lumbers after. Some prefer the shotgun, since fewer rounds are needed to bring the creature down (about 800 rounds of Uzi fire, versus about 25 shotgun blasts). Needless to say, you don't want to hop around too much or you'll risk going over the edge. And, for the most part you don't have to, since the mutant moves pretty slowly.

Another trick is to hang from the edge of the platform and wait for the mutant to go back to the door. When it does, pull up and shoot at it until it approaches, holster the guns, and hop back to dangle again.

Sometimes this takes a while, and if you hang in the wrong place, it'll reach under and grab Lara. The best spots seem to be the corners farthest from the door (northeast and southeast), with Lara's back to the side (north and south) walls. (The northeast corner is farthest from the mutant's favorite spot, so if you hang here, it takes the beast longer to reach you and you get more shots in each time.) If you're hanging and the mutant just won't move away, try traversing to the side of the platform near the rear wall, then back to the corner and it'll back off. When you do this, you may lose a little health--presumably as a result of the mutant's stomping on Lara's hands. But, as long as you don't stop except at the corners, it won't grab Lara. (Thanks to Sharon for the hanging tips.)

I also recommend saving your game in the middle of the fight if you're doing well. Then you won't have as far to go if you do get killed and have to reload. When he starts to keel over you can stop shooting. Soon after, it explodes, and the exit door opens.

Pick up the Uzi clips in each of the 4 corners of the platform (6 sets in all) and head for the door. Go forward, then left, and slide down the ramp. Pass the movable block in the alcove and go down the next ramp. (You should be able to hear chomping blades somewhere above.) Continue to another movable block. Push it 3 times. Go up the ramp on the right and around the corner. You'll then come to another movable block. This is actually the back side of the first one you saw. Push it once. Then go around the right side of the block and climb on top of it.

Turn around and take a standing jump to grab the ledge ahead. Pull up into a hallway with break-away tiles over spikes, as well as chomping blades. Stand at the edge of the break-away floor and listen to the blades. Start to run through the blades on the second "clang," as they begin to open. Continue forward and around the corner.

When you reach the ramp, turn right into the black-and-white corridor. Follow it to the bottom and push the movable block once. Return to the top of the ramp and turn right down the ramp you didn't take earlier. At the bottom is a ledge and on it is the block you just pushed. Note the switch above on the right wall. Climb over the movable block and push it twice from the back until it's under the switch. Turn around and go up the passage on the right. Come back down the ramp until you're standing on the block you just moved. Throw the switch to open the red door opposite.

Go through it into a room with sandy colored slopes and a lava stream running down the center. Turn right and take a standing jump to the flat spot ahead. Take another standing jump forward to the next flat spot. Now take a running jump to the next. (You're still on the right side of the lava.) Turn around and you'll see that a bridge has now been raised over the lava. It is on a timer but not particularly fast. Do the same jumps in reverse, with the last standing jump landing you on the bridge. Turn right and run through the doorway into a cave. This is SECRET #1, the reward a large med-pack, magnum clips and a box of shotgun shells. You can pick up the stuff and quickly run back over the bridge. Or, throw the switch twice, which will lock part of the bridge in place over the lava. Then take a running jump over the lava to the other side.

Repeat the jumps along the right side of the lava stream. At the end, take a standing jump to the other side.

Enter the tunnel and go up just until the boulder starts to come down. Roll and run down and to the right into the safety of the doorway. Go back up the ramp where the boulder came from. Turn right and go up a short ramp. The next long ramp is another boulder trap. This one is a little faster, so either run

up the slope, roll and take running jumps down the slope, cutting to the left at the bottom, or, hop

backwards up the slope and start running down as soon as you hear the boulder begin to roll. Continue

up the slope to the top and follow the passageway to a break-away floor tile. Step on it to break it, then hop back. Safety drop into the Scion room below.

Shoot the Scion. This opens the door opposite the Scion pedestal and sets off a series of tremors. (The quake won't cause you any damage unless it breaks your concentration. Just keep going.)

There are 2 mutants on the walkways in the room beyond the Scion room. Step out to get their attention, then kill them from the relative safety of the doorway. If you want all the kills, cross the bridge and kill the third mutant on the other side. When you're ready, drop from the bridge to the black rocks below. Walk to the south wall, find the opening in the ground and drop down through it.

Take a running jump to grab the crevice on the right. Traverse to the right, taking some minor damage from the darts. Drop to the fleshy slope and immediately back flip over the lava onto the flat spot behind. Hop back to avoid the darts.

Go through the doorway, pick up the Uzi clips on the left and walk down the right side of the slope. This will trigger a boulder to roll down the left side to land below the swinging blade. Once it does, walk down to the blade. Stand as close to it as possible and take a standing jump past it as it swings to the left. Walk forward through the spikes, turn left, continue on between the lava pits and go to the top of the ramp on the left. Ahead are three squares of break-away tile. Take one step back from the top edge of the ramp. Then take a standing jump forward to land on the leftmost break-away tile. Immediately side flip to the right to land on the right tile, then jump forward to the ledge.

Continue to the next room. Here you'll find a lava pit with 3 tall, angled blocks standing in it. Across the pit near the top you can just make out some items on a ledge. This is where you're headed. This grab is tricky, so save your game if you can before attempting it. Walk to the left until Lara bumps into the wall. Take a hop back, then sidestep as far as possible to the right so Lara's right foot is at the edge of the pit. Now turn about 10 degrees to the right so Lara is facing the wall just above and to the right of the edge. Take a standing jump to grab the horizontal seam in the wall. (It doesn't look like a crack you can grab, but if you look farther to the right, you can see where it widens into a real crevice.)

Traverse to the right all the way over the lava pit and drop down into SECRET #2. On this ledge you'll find 3 large med-packs and some Uzi clips. Go to the edge above the lava and face the angled pillars below. Take a standing jump to the long sloped block and hold the Jump key to immediately back flip and land on the block behind. Turn around and take a standing jump to grab the crevice. Traverse to the right. If you like, you can drop onto the solid block and survey the situation. Just be careful not to drop onto the break-away tiles.

(NOTE: If you can't make it across to the secret, or you have no need of 3 large med-packs, you can continue by taking a standing jump from the first ledge above the lava pit to the first angled block. Hold the Jump key to hop to the next pillar and the next. Release Jump before you land on the third pillar. From here it's a standing jump to grab the crevice. Traverse to the right and drop.)

Ahead is a combination trap involving a lava pit, a swinging blade and, up on the slope ahead, boulder trap. To get through it without losing any health, first traverse as far as you can to the way to the right. Then, as you drop onto the collapsing tiles, press and hold Jump while still keeping the Right direction button pressed. Side flip to the right twice to avoid the boulder. Then you can take your time to set up a run past the swinging blade and come through unscathed. [NOTE: Several people have sent tips on getting through this area. A few came up with the same solution independently. Shared credit goes to Haydon and Lindsay. He was the first to tell me about this; she's the youngest raider (age 10) to send in a correction.]

Once beyond the blade, there's a boulder on the right and a slope on the left. Run down the slope into the alcove on the right, ignoring the small med-pack on the ground for now. Once the boulder lands you can take a standing jump between the boulder and the corner of the doorway, pick it up and jump back the same way.

The next trap involves a slope with a boulder behind, a swinging blade ahead, and lava pits on either side and at the bottom. Stand to either side of center facing down the ramp. Slide forward and jump at the last minute to pass the blade and land on the flat block ahead. (If you wind up grabbing the edge of the block, you won't have time to pull up before being squished by the boulder.)

Hop down on the left and go through the doorway. In this room there's a small med-pack on the ground ahead, several lava flows and a door on the far side. Run forward to the med-pack. Stop and pick it up. The lava flows out behind you, but you're safe here. Take a standing jump forward then run into the doorway. The remaining lava flows should miss you. Pull the switch to open the door.

Enter and go to the right. The door closes behind you. Continue forward and pick up the Uzi clips. Turn around and run forward past the door, but stop just at the edge of the next lava pit. A boulder will roll down and pass overhead. Take a standing jump to grab the opposite edge of the lava pit. Wait for another boulder to roll past above, then pull up.

Continue to the next room, which contains a water pool and a bunch of torch pillars. Relax! It's not anything like the Palace Midas torches. You'll be fine. Stand on either side of the first pillar (not in the center). Face the edge of the pillar beyond and make sure Lara is lined up squarely with the pillar edge. Take 5 standing jumps in a row to clear all of the pillars. (If you do fall or accidentally jump into the water, climb out below the starting point and try again.)

In the next room there is a red-and-gold structure with a swinging blade in the middle and break-away tiles below the blade. Walk down the slope and stand facing the break-away tiles. Hop back, then take two more steps back (walking). Take a running jump and continue to hold jump and forward. Lara will land on the edge of the break-away tiles then take a running jump off of them into the opening beyond. This is SECRET #3. Inside you'll find a large med-pack and 2 sets of Uzi clips. (NOTE: In the PC version of the game, this secret may not register. At the end the display will say you found 2 out of 3 secrets but, trust me, this is it.)

Return to the doorway and either take a standing jump from the edge, or take a step back from the edge and swan dive to land in the tiny pool below. Pick up the Uzi clips on the bottom, then follow the underwater passage until you can surface. Climb out of the water and pick up 4 more sets of Uzi clips.

Advance into the next room with weapons drawn. Above on the left is your old friend Jacqueline Natla. Only now she's sporting a spiffy pair of wings and shooting fireballs at you. Use the same basic strategy as with the centaurs: Back flip and side flip to avoid the missiles, keep shooting and don't let her get you in a corner.

Once she falls, assess the situation, but don't get overconfident: Natla is not put down so easily. She rises up again to resume the fight. If you've been asleep at the wheel and somehow don't have enough ammo, you can run into the tunnel to the right of the entrance. Here you'll find 6 sets of Uzi clips. Unfortunately this tunnel can't be used for cover, since Natla will follow Lara inside. Kill her a second time and you're home free. (Each time Natla falls counts as a kill.)

Now you'll need to get up to the top of the cavern to exit. In the northeast corner are some climbable rocks. From here you can jump into the doorway behind (use a standing jump with Action to get in). Follow the passageway up to a doorway. Take a running jump to the pillar beyond, then another running jump to the pillar to the left. Take a standing jump to the next pillar, which is just below a door. Climb in and follow this passageway to an opening in the floor. Drop down onto another, higher pillar.

Turn around and take a running jump to the pillar ahead and to the left. Take another running jump to the next pillar, then another running jump to grab the pillar beyond, which is under an opening. Climb up into it and follow the passage to another opening where you can drop onto the highest pillar.

Take a running jump to the red-and-gold ledge. Climb into the opening above and continue forward to a long ramp. Slide down to end the level and the game.

Congratulations! You did it! Now sit back for a final short movie.

Lara runs out of the pyramid just in time. She takes Natla's boat and speeds out to sea as the top of the pyramid blows off, then the entire island explodes.

Back to Levels 10 thru 12 The Egypt Levels

Copyright © 1998-99 - Stellalune. Special thanks are given to the participants in the newsgroup, without whom some parts of this walk-through couldn't have been written. Thanks also to Max for his help on the mines level. Feel free to copy, distribute and quote this walk-through, but please include this credit line so people can send me their corrections, comments and suggestions. Also, if you'd like to offer this on your own web site, kindly ask permission first.

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