
Posted By: dorish

Amertis - 01/26/10 07:14 PM

I am still in the Injuns' world. I have just spent an hour trying to do the feather puzzle--and that is with a picture of the solution in front of me LOL! My eyes are boggled! I quit the game and will try again tomorrow. I did use all the feathers, but the totem looked off kilter. Do you get a response when it is done correctly?

Posted By: Rushes

Re: Amertis - 01/26/10 08:05 PM

Hi Doreen,

Yes, the game will play a tinkly melody when the puzzle is solved.

You'll hear a soft click as each feather slots into its correct position.

Good luck for when you get back to it. It had me cross-eyed too!
Posted By: grelot04

Re: Amertis - 01/26/10 10:18 PM

Yes, this puzzle is an hard one for bad eyes ! lol

And it seems that it is a hard puzzle (too big ?) for Flash too (like the one with tubes in the Dwarves world).
Because, when you're sure everything is correct, you have sometimes to touch few feathers (or few tubes) to activate the success music.
Posted By: dorish

Re: Amertis - 01/27/10 06:12 PM

Thank you Rushes and grelot04. I started it again today, used all the feathers and--nothing. So I decided to try it without the solution picture, and--EUREKA!--it worked. There IS a GOD! Am now on my way again.

Posted By: Rushes

Re: Amertis - 01/27/10 06:39 PM

Great that you solved it. bravo
Enjoy the game.
Posted By: grelot04

Re: Amertis - 01/27/10 09:28 PM

Originally Posted By: dorish
I decided to try it without the solution picture

Oh yessss ! Mika (who made the walkthrough) has to make a picture with just a feather out of its emplacement. Because when all feathers are in place, oups, the puzzle close too quickly to make a screen print.
And we noticed that too late, the walkthrough was yet online (all the other solutions are complete).

I would have understood that you play with the walkthrough, Dorish, and then inform you about this feather blush
Posted By: dorish

Re: Amertis - 01/28/10 01:12 PM

Yes grelot04, I did notice that when I did the puzzle without the picture that 2 of the feathers on the right wing had changed position. Maybe it would be a good idea to post this on the discussion forum so that others who are using the walkthrough don't run into the same problem. Thank you for posting this reply to me.

Posted By: Mad

Re: Amertis - 01/28/10 08:47 PM

Hi dorish smile

It might be of some help (certainly to me, anyway) if you can remember and tell which two feathers are different !! lol

On my first play of the game, I lost my saved games suddenly when I was halfway through my 2nd world and so had to start over and ON that first play, I had solved the feather puzzle without a lot of difficulty . duh

However this time round I am very stuck, even though I printed off a picture of the completed puzzle - from the walkthrough eek

I HAVE placed all the feathers more than once but obviously NOT in the right places as I'm not able to move on slapforehead
Been at it for hours, now .... zombie


Mad grin
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Amertis - 01/28/10 09:06 PM

Hi Mad,

You might need to take the puzzle apart and start over. It sounds as though one or more of the feathers didn't slot into place completely (you'll hear a little "thunk" when they do) - but unfortunately there's no way of telling which one without trying all of them. woozy
Posted By: Mad

Re: Amertis - 01/28/10 09:22 PM

Hi Rushes smile

I've taken the picture apart and started it from scratch at least nine times today hardwall

[And I am getting the little "thunks" all the time.]

I think I'll reluctantly have to move on to something else for a while before my sanity goes completely !! rolleyes


Mad sad
Posted By: dorish

Re: Amertis - 01/28/10 10:01 PM

hi Mad,I have the pic in front of me.I turned my speakers full up and still didn't hear any sound when the feathers went together. As for the 2 out of place feathers,they are on the right wing looking at the puzzle. There are 4 feathers on that part.The outermost feather is OK. The ones that were wrong (I think) were the first 2--purple and a beigey-greeny colour. They have to switch places If that's not right,then it is the next 2(beigey-dark green). Hope you get it. I was about to quit the game until I tried it without the pic in front of me.
The four feathers I am talking about are starting from the extreme right and going left.So if you call the extreme R1, then it is either 4 and 3 that have to be switched or 2 and 3. Hope this is not too confusing LOL!

Posted By: Rushes

Re: Amertis - 01/28/10 10:25 PM

Thanks, Doreen.

Hope that helps you, Mad.
Posted By: Mad

Re: Amertis - 01/29/10 04:17 AM

Hi - and thanks, dorish and Rushes thumbsup

I'll take another look then yes

I don't know why you don't hear the "thunks" though, dorish. I heard them every time I (apparently, or so I thought mad) got a feather in the right place !!

Maybe I'd do better to turn the sound off then and try it without hearing any thunks lol

I'll let you know how I go on.

Your tip worked, dorish !! Thank you so much !!

Rushes ....
I have made a save immediately after solving the puzzle.
Should I send it to you - or is this one of those games where saves can't be transferred ??

EDIT 2 :
Does anyone know if the order in which one visits the world, matters ??


Mad grin
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Amertis - 01/29/10 12:24 PM

Mad - that's great! yay

I think this game has a save system similar to Machinarium, where the saves are in an unusual place and all in one large save file that can't be separated out. I'll look into it.

It makes no difference in which order you visit the worlds. If you can't find any evidence of Petro having been in the world you're currently in, you can try another world and return later. smile
Posted By: grelot04

Re: Amertis - 01/29/10 01:00 PM

Hello Dorish !
I saw your post asking me to tell about the feathers puzzle image, but I was not able to make a reply yesterday.
Why don't you post about that yourself, Dorish ? There is no problem at all smile
I explain why there are one (two ?) feather not in the right place, but when we noticed that, it was too late. And, for me, the picture in the walkthrough must be just an indication of what you must obtain, not an absolute guide.
Where is the pleasure of doing a puzzle with an eye on the puzzle and the other one on the walkthrough ? crazy lol

Nevermind, I will send to Chief the model of this puzzle. He will put it in the best place smile

Edit 1 : The saves are cookies. Their localisation is explained on our website (too technical for me).
The problem is, with a non linear game... are you sure your save will be the right one for an other player ?
Posted By: grelot04

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 01/29/10 01:21 PM

In the walkthrough, the picture of the feathers puzzle, in the Injuns world, is not complete.
It was impossible to make a print screen of this puzzle finished because the scroll shut down too quickly.

Then note that one (or two?) feathers are not in the right place, on the left wing of the totem.
But, once understood the principle of this puzzle, it is not so difficult to be successfull if... you don't follow the walkthrough picture feather by feather wink
Posted By: dorish

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 01/29/10 04:53 PM

Hi grelot.I don't know if you saw my detailed post to Mad--if you scroll up you will find it.The discrepancy of the 2 feathers is on the right wing of the puzzle when you are looking at it, not the left. I just want to say how much I am enjoying the game. You guys really put a LOT of time and effort into it.Thank you all.

Posted By: Mad

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 01/29/10 05:28 PM

I'm not a person who plays a game with a walkthrough to hand. I like to battle through on my own and only consult a walkthrough if driven to do so because I absolutely cannot progress ....

However, if some people prefer to play with a walkthrough, surely that's up to them ??
And it's certainly a much better option than them giving up or even not playing the game at all ??

Anyway, if necessary, I can explain exactly how to place the "feathers in question" so that the puzzle can be completed without causing the player quite so much stress !! lol

[And to follow the path to the saved games, "show hidden files" has to be enabled in Windows Explorer.]

Thanks again, dorish and Rushes happydance


Mad grin
Posted By: dorish

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 01/29/10 06:07 PM

Hi Mad, yes I am one of those people who use a walkthrough for adventure games. I am 64 and do not have a "gamers' mind". I have only been playing adventure games for the last few years. I would rather use a walkthrough than quit a game out of sheer frustration (which I have done). I play games for enjoyment, not to tear my hair out. For example, I am slowly working my way through The Experiment with a w/t and even with one, it is hard going LOL! In some adventure games, in the puzzles, I don't even know what I am supposed to do, never mind HOW to do it. Kudos to MaG and all the other people out there who write walkthroughs. I love them. I have been able to play (and finish) so many enjoyable games because of them.

Posted By: Mad

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 01/31/10 06:43 AM

I think I might be getting into trouble with this game ?? eek

After fully completing the Injuns World I went to the Bimbos World, where I looked at every island and some of the main central area and completed a few of the quests.
But I found no trace of my friend.
No notes or fragments of paper or whatever. So, I didn't try to finish that world, I went back to The House and from there to the Dwarves World.

Now I've explored quite a lot of this world too and still found no trace of her !!

Does anyone know whether I will continue to make progress if I never find anything from her ??


Mad headscratch

Posted By: grelot04

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 01/31/10 08:15 AM

You forgot a world, Mad wink

The game is a non linear one. Then you may go to the (opened) world you want, as soon as you have the amulet.
But who said that Petro has the same possibility ? In the uncle's diary, in the house, there is a hint on how she will travel.
The wife of the dwarves chief will explain it to you, as soon as you may speak with her.
And another hint is in the banner of our website smile

Hints, hints, hints, Amertis is full of hints lol
Posted By: Mad

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 01/31/10 05:28 PM

Hi grelot04 and thanks for responding smile

I haven't actually "forgotten" any of the worlds, I just thought I might be doing something wrong when I had only found traces of the girl in one of the three I had visited, so decided I would ask before going to yet another new one think

I guess I'd better also read the diary again then - and go take a closer look at the banner on your website !! lol

[I have already spoken to the wife of the dwarf chief - if she is the one who is usually with the little boy - but she had hardly anything to say to me. Perhaps she will speak more later.]

thanks Mad.
Posted By: grelot04

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 01/31/10 08:46 PM

Originally Posted By: Mad
[I have already spoken to the wife of the dwarf chief - if she is the one who is usually with the little boy -

No, no Mad, this one is the young girl, and she mays help you, but she has poor conversation lol
The wife of the chief is in the group near the house.
Posted By: Mad

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/01/10 04:32 AM

Ahhhhh .... grelot04 !!

It seems I needed to open the Injun, Bimbo, Dwarf and Robot worlds yes

When I was in the Dwarves world before opening the Robot World (which was when I last posted here) no one in that group near the house was interactive. I could only speak to the Chief, the Healer and the female dwarf with the little boy.
But now I have opened the Robots World as well - making four worlds open altogether - the Chief's wife IS interactive grin

AND I am finding traces of my lady friend here and there so am making better progress happydance

[I realise why, too, now, of course !!]


Mad thumbsup

Posted By: grelot04

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/01/10 07:42 AM

Originally Posted By: Mad
It seems I needed to open the Injun, Bimbo, Dwarf and Robot worlds yes

Not really. You may open each world one after the other if you want.
The fact is that, if Rodrigue may travel on a non-linear way, it is not the same for Petro who is under the actions of Rodrigue, as well as Rodrigue progression is under the "travel" of Petro.
Then, Amertis is a non-linear game with, inside, a linear component wink
Posted By: Mad

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/01/10 07:30 PM

Hi grelot04 smile

Yes. As I said, I do realise that now. But for a while it was rather confusing and I thought I was either doing something wrong or not doing something I should have been doing grin

As with any adventure game, discovering pertinent information AND keeping it in mind is not always easy lol


Mad wink
Posted By: Mad

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/03/10 12:10 AM

Well, hopefully this will be my last request for help grin

I started this session of play by entering the dragon's den and got as far as needing to "make" the bird picture but the pieces wouldn't interact when I clicked on them.

I presumed I had missed something which would trigger an interaction so took a peek at the walkthrough and the only thing I can see that I have missed is a retrieval of the note from Jules that dropped out when I opened the statue mouth think

I did immediately climb down the ladder at the time to get it but never found it and then completely forgot about it blush

Could this be the missing trigger ??

And if it is, could I please have a hint as to where the note fell because I've just been back and searched that screen and several adjoining screens and can't find it woozy


Mad slapforehead
Posted By: Geo

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/03/10 03:11 AM

Hi mad,
I had trouble here too.I saw the paper float away but I could not find it.It is impossible to see and it was pure luck I found it.Click all around on the lower right quadrant of the picture until you accidently hit upon it.
Posted By: MaG

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/03/10 04:07 AM

Thanks, Geo.

luck Mad.
Posted By: Mad

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/03/10 04:54 AM

Yes, thanks, Geo !! I will try that happydance

From Geo's very helpful tip I did find the note from Jules and then went back to the dragon's den to build the bird - but there is still no interaction.

I don't know what to try now headscratch
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/03/10 12:01 PM

Mad, this is from an earlier post in another thread by grelot:

You cannot do the bird puzzle before having, in your inventory:
- the two tokens of this world (the blue and the pink)
- the two pieces of the cloth : one in Maeva's house and the other in Candy's hand.

Hope that gives you a push-start! luck
Posted By: Mad

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/03/10 03:10 PM

Hi Rushes - And thank you grin

I have the two pieces of cloth and the blue token from this world - but not the pink token.
And it would seem, according to the walkthrough, that I don't get the pink one until after I complete the bird puzzle duh

I'm definitely confused now lol


Mad wave
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/03/10 03:42 PM

Oh crikey, you're right. lol

Did you cure the dragon yet by giving him the giraffe milk cocktail? Have you spoken to him completely?
Posted By: Mad

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/03/10 04:08 PM

Hi Rushes smile

Yes, I've done both those things and examined all that I am allowed to in the room itself.

Also, I've looked again at the whole of the walkthrough section for this island and can't see anything I've missed - but obviously I must have missed something eek


Mad crazy
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/03/10 04:13 PM

Hmmm... I'd suggest going round to each of the islands in turn and speaking to each Bimbo, see if they have anything new to say. If you've got the two pieces of cloth and the blue token, then it's possibly only a dialogue that's holding you up here.

Also check the second page of the thread HERE, which relates specifically to the problem.
Posted By: Mad

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/04/10 04:40 AM

Hi again smile

I've read carefully through the complete walkthrough now and it seems to me that I've done everything that was required in each world so far.

And just now I've been round to every island again and spoken to all the Bimbos again - except Baya who I can't find anywhere and Debby who I turned into a cow and who I can't seem to turn back into a bimbo !!

I have in my inventory :
4 Blue Tokens and 3 Pink
4 Fragments Paper
2 Notes from P
1 Note from J
Bunch Keys
Flower (that Dwarf lady didn't like)
Potion made by Dwarf
Paper Showing Good Marks
Set of Gears
2 Pieces Pink Material
1 Shirt
! Trousers
1 Bra (with wire replaced)

I still can't get the bird puzzle to interact and have no idea what to do now duh

So, absolutely frustrated and very close to giving up !! frown


Mad slapforehead
Posted By: grelot04

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/04/10 10:35 AM

Hello Mad !
If you have, from the bimbos world :
- got one token and the two pieces of cloth
- cured the dragon
- spoke with him until he gives you the authorisation to act

then you must be able to interact with the yellow bird :
just drag the pieces by the middle (click and hold), and turn them by clicking on the edges.

No known bug at all on this puzzle.
But if it still doesn't work for you, the best is to post on our forum, to get an advice from Razibus (our programmer) or from Axolotl (our translator)
Posted By: Mad

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/04/10 03:10 PM

Hi grelot04 smile
I'm very pleased to say I have now completed the game bravo

I decided to go back to an even earlier save for one last try - and replay upto curing the dragon.
[I had reloaded some saves and replayed some parts so many times I wondered if I had somehow missed something in my frustration.]

Well, I didn't notice any specific differences but it worked and I was able to build the bird and play on to the end happydance

Thank you for all your help and for a very intriguing game !! thumbsup


Mad grin
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/04/10 03:17 PM

Great that you got through eventually, Mad!
Posted By: Mad

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/05/10 01:41 AM

Yes !!

But I owe you a thanks too, Rushes .... which I should have given in my last post .... and I truly apologise for not having done so blush

So, a double thanks thanks NOW to make up for my lapse shame


Mad kissy kissy
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/05/10 12:10 PM

wink Thank you, and you're very welcome.
Posted By: Betty Lou

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/09/10 06:44 AM

I am stuck. I am on Indian World and have been to the caves and have the broken amulet, the blue token and the note from Petronille, 1 totem piece (block of wood) and have talked to the "little hunter" by willow tree. However he will not talk about helping me and I have not figured out what I missed to trigger the conversation where he and I make the "deal ". What do I do now?
Love, Betty Lou
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/09/10 11:02 AM

Hi Betty Lou,

Did you also pick up the moonstone while you were in the caves?
Posted By: Betty Lou

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/09/10 04:17 PM

Sorry, I thought I also listed the moonstone, and yes I have that too. Only thing I can think of is either go back to a previous save and replay it. Was I supposed to "pick up" the missing totem piece because if not, it is in my inventory and I cannot place it where the other wood pieces are nor can I give it or show it to the young hunter. I've run out of ideas what else to do.
Love, Betty Lou
Posted By: MaG

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/09/10 08:14 PM

Let's wait for help here, Betty Lou.
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/09/10 09:34 PM

Did you hook the piece of paper out of the water near where the little hunter is?

Does the Great Chief have anything more to say?
Posted By: Betty Lou

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/10/10 01:25 AM

Yes, I fished the paper out of the pond, and I have the paper stuck in the 'arch' since I got the Indian with the bow/arrow to retrieve it for me. I will try talking to the Big Chief again...I still have the Sacred Ashes, can't seem to be able to give them back to the tribe that wants them...could this be what makes me stuck?
Love, Betty Lou
Posted By: Chief

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/10/10 03:23 AM

Betty Lou, have you retried to put the piece of wood with the others and then go again to the young hunter?

Chief wave
Posted By: Betty Lou

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/10/10 06:47 AM

I will try that Chief, tomorrow, and I will also go back and talk to everyone again. Thanks
Love, Betty Lou
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 02/10/10 11:00 AM

luck Betty Lou.

Thanks, Chief!
Posted By: sanford

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 09/07/10 05:03 AM

Hi Everybody,
I can't see or find the PITCHFORK (against a tree trunk) anywhere on Patty's Island. I DO have the monkey to offer to her, but she refuses to take it at this point. I would appreciate some help here. (HEY, maybe it's my eyes!) LOL
Thanking you in advance,
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 09/07/10 11:34 AM

Hi sanford,

Did you do this already:
- You need to visit the big island and click on the nostril of the large statue.
- Did you use the monkey already to steal something for you on a different bimbo island? That needs to be done before you can give the monkey to Patty.

The Amertis website advises:

WARNING: we urge you to follow the dialogues until the end, because this is sometimes what will make new vignettes appear, which may in turn unblock a situation or lead to a new puzzle. Do not hesitate to talk again to the various characters once you have completed an action: they might well provide a crucial comment. Sometimes, you must get back to previously discussed topics, to get new reactions.

So it sounds as though perhaps the pitchfork doesn't appear until a dialogue/action triggers it.
Posted By: sanford

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 09/11/10 06:53 PM

OK, everybody, I have found and used the pitchfork. Right now I am near the end of the Bimbo World chapter. I have just cured the "Dragon", and now I click on the wall behind the dragon in order to do the BIRD TANGRAM puzzle so that the lava gate opens. When I click on that wall I do not see a puzzle outline nor do I see any puzzle pieces to the puzzle. What am I missing here? Please help! Thanks,
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 09/11/10 10:18 PM

Hi sanford,

Before attempting to do the tangram be sure that you have these items in your inventory:

- the two tokens of this world (the blue and the pink)
- the two pieces of the cloth: the one in Maeva's house and the other from Candy.
Posted By: sanford

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 09/12/10 02:23 AM

Thanks Rushes. I know I have the BLUE token from this world in my inventory, but I have only ONE cloth in inventory,(the pink panties). Thanks for your help. I read that you can get the PINK token from this world only after completing the TANGRAM puzzle, as well as the jagged piece of paper. The other cloth(the pink BRA) I don't have yet. I read that it's somewhere in the Robots World. Must I have that bra before I can start the Bird Tangram puzzle? By the way, I finally found the Tangram Puzzle on the LEFT wall of of the Dragon's cave. I didn't see it before, but I can't start the puzzle yet. WHEW!
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 09/12/10 12:15 PM

The bra is separate from the two pieces of cloth which you pick up in this world (which make up the panties). You will need the bra though for when you finally get back to the house -- although I don't think this should hold up your progress in Bimbo world.

So it sounds as though you're missing the cloth piece either from Maeva or Candy. Did you give Candy the flower yet, play her game and talk to her about Petronille? That's when she gives you one piece. The other is in Maeva's house.
Posted By: sanford

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 09/12/10 08:31 PM

I DID give Candy the flower, talked to her about Petronille, played her game, and I also talked to Maeva, played HER game, and got the wand I don't remember which one gve me the first cloth. I just know that the FIRST cloth is the "panties". Can you give me a description of the OTHER piece of cloth? Thanks again, Rushes. Meanwhile, I'll pursue the Candy and Maeva things.
I just went back to the game and looked at my inventory. I DO have Petronille's trousers, AND Petronille's Polo Shirt as well as the blue token from the Bimbo world. I am currently in the Dragon's cave and trying to start the Tangram puzzle, but to no avail.
I'm sitting here and scratching my head. Thanks, Rushes
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 09/12/10 09:06 PM

See if the second piece of cloth is hanging up on a hook somewhere in Maeva's hut.
Posted By: sanford

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 09/13/10 02:18 AM

Thanks, Rushes. I'll do that, and I'll get back to you later.
I just found the cloth on the shelf in Maeva's house. So I DO have the two pieces of cloth AND the blue token from Bimbo world. So I went back to the Dragon cave, tried to start picking up pieces from the Tandram puzzle, but STILL to no avail. I even tried "offering" every thing I have in my inventory to the Dragon. I'm sorry for being a pain in the you-know-what, but I STILL need some help to finish this chapter. Thanks for sticking with me on this problem.
I gave the other pink cloth to Candy, and then she told me all about Petronille, seeing her, etc. She gave me Petronille's second note. I SURELY thought I had everything now. Went back to Dragon, I'm told that I STILL am missing something. Can't access Tangram puzzle yet. BOY-O-BOY!
Posted By: MaG

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 09/13/10 04:24 AM


Check the walkthrough and see what you missed. luck
Posted By: sanford

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 09/13/10 05:19 AM

Hi Mag,
I re-read the walkthrough again and AGAIN. I HAVE Candy's "good marks". I HAVE spoken to Candy. She has told me that she has seen Petronille, and she's given me the second "Petronille's NOTE. I went back to the other Bimbos and looked for more clues, then went back to Candy and the "Petronille DIOLOGUE box" is no longer available, and I can't get it back. I still have BOTH pink clothes in my inventory as well as the Blue token from the Bimbo world.
Thanks for your help so far, and it's always an honor to be helped by the BEST, and I don't mean to exclude the rest of you guys who have been contributing help to EVERYONE who asks for it.
I hope to be able to give back to this forum some help in the future.
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 09/13/10 10:11 AM

Perhaps go back to Robot world and collect the bra, then return to the Bimbos and see if the tangram puzzle is now accessible. think
Posted By: sanford

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 09/13/10 04:49 PM

I WILL try your suggestion, Rushes. Thanks again.
Posted By: sanford

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 09/13/10 06:30 PM

OK, Rushes. I went to Robots world, found the "incomplete bra", and went back to Bimbos world. I tried giving the last item to EACH of the Bimbos, but there are no additional dialogues. I then went back to the Dragon, but it's the same old story, no Tangam puzzle access. I even tried to COMBINE the pink pieces, but THAT didn't work, either. I now have THREE pink cloths in my inventory. I'm SO close to the ending that I can "smell" it. Looks like I still need a helping hand, please
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 09/13/10 08:50 PM

And you've tried talking to the dragon to see if he has anything new to say? I'm stumped, too. All I can suggest is to go back over the Bimbo section of the walkthrough once more to see if there's just one small thing you've missed doing that's holding you up here. Have you tried posting a message on the Amertis website forum? The developers lurk there and might be able to pinpoint the problem. luck
Posted By: sanford

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 09/13/10 11:12 PM

Thanks, Rushes. I think you have read my mind. I HAVE BEEN going to the Amertis Website Forum as well as THIS one. BOTH have been very helpful, but I'm still struggling to find the one thing I'm missing(at least I hope it's only one thing).I will continue to plug away at it.
Posted By: sanford

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 09/14/10 01:07 AM

FINALLY, I found the missing item that I needed. It was the piece of PANTIES that I had failed to see and take from Candy's hand. I did the Tangam puzzle, watched the cool cutscene, clicked back onto the mountain and directly into the Dragon's cave. I picked up the pink token, but I CAN'T find the "fragment of paper" anywhere in this room. Also, I'm not allowed to leave the cave.
Any clues as to where I can find the "fragment of paper" in this room? That's all I need to end this chapter. Thanking all in advance
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 09/14/10 11:59 AM

I think the dragon should have it. Have a word with him. Maybe it's even gone directly into your inventory?
Posted By: sanford

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 09/14/10 04:41 PM

I get no more conversation from the Dragon, but I also "heard" that the "fragment of paper" is not needed to finish the game. I'm doing Robots World right now, and so far no "problems" whatsoever. Thanks so much, Rushes, and everybody else for your support. I WILL keep in touch.
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 09/14/10 06:16 PM

You're very welcome. Have fun with the rest of the game!
Posted By: sanford

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 09/15/10 03:28 AM

OK, Rushes. I'm back again with another question. I am in Robots World.I am in the segment "The games of the rebel robot". I used the "whalebone" between his eyes to make him more talkative. (This is after talking to the Warden Robot). I'm supposed to get some talk from the Rebel Robot about a "treasure", and then to complete at least five out of seven games. So far the word "TREASURE" has not been mentioned by the Rebel Robot. I also don't know where to access the necessary "games". I am confused by this. I'd appreciate a hand once again. By the way, somehow I guess I combined the whalebone with the partial BRA to come up with a "completed Bra".
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 09/15/10 12:15 PM

See if THIS older thread helps at all. luck
Posted By: sanford

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 09/15/10 10:06 PM

Thanks Rushes. Now I have some more ideas. I will be trying ALL of them, and then I'll get back to you.
Posted By: MaG

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 09/16/10 01:09 AM

Good luck.
Posted By: sanford

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 09/16/10 05:21 AM

Hi Mag,
With the help of the "older thread", I was able to pick up a few hints that helped me. I have finished "Robat World". I had neglcted to click on the empty canister in the small dome in which Rodrique mentioned "vandal". I went back, got the "Treasure" dialogues from the small robot, did the seven puzzles went from there to finish the chapter. I now have seven of the needed tokens, the only one missing being the DWARVES WORLD blue token. I'm going to that world next.
I just want to thank EVERYBODY who were feeding me hints. I now realize that this forum is agout giving and getting HINTs, and not SOLUTIONS.
Posted By: Rushes

Re: Amertis~~~~~EDITED January 6th: English version out. - 09/16/10 10:12 AM

Glad you're making progress now. thumbsup
Posted By: sanford

Re: AMERTIS - 09/16/10 08:47 PM

Hi Grlot04, Mag, Rushes, and everybody else who contributes these hints to those of us who need them. I just finished Amertis(successfully) thanks to you. I will be popping in from time to time in order to be able to try and help others with HINTS (not solutions)that I might be able to provide. I have also notified the AMERTIS FORUM site with the same info. Good luck to ALL.
P.S. I'm now starting ATLANTZONE. No doubt that you will be hearing from me concerning this game.
Posted By: Rushes

Re: AMERTIS - 09/16/10 09:04 PM

bravo Hope you enjoyed it!
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