Hello Friends

Posted By: butterflybabe

Hello Friends - 04/22/12 04:32 PM

I haven't been here for a while due to family issues. Earlier this year (about 18 months since my last parent passed on), my brother, who has had some kind of unaddressed mental disturbance all his life finally became a danger to others so my sister and I placed him into one of the best care facilities in the Chicagoland area. He was finally diaganosed with sever paranoid schizophrenia. For the first time in his life, my brother is taking meds, attending therapy and learning to trust in a healthy caring environment. He's been there 2 months and tried to run away 4 times. The facility is set back in a rural area so they're able to catch him long before he makes it to any traffic. He's been subservient, quiet and robotic all his 57 yrs making it almost comical to picture him with the physical drive to run but I see it as the beginning of his recovery. The first phase of dealing with hidden feelings is getting the anger out and he's certainly doing that.
Also, I'm meeting with a marital attorney this week. May 8 will be 30 yrs and we're at a definite impasse. I'm sad and relieved.
So if I don't post again for awhile, this is why. I miss it yet some days just not into it.
If you wish to reply, please do it via PM.
smile puppy
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