Tomb Raider III: South Pacific Levels - Walkthrough by Stella


Kills: 23 Items: 25, plus 1 key, 3 Serpent Stones and 5 save/power-up crystals Secrets: 3*

*There are several possible routes through this level. I have attempted to describe them without making the walk-through too convoluted. The number of kills and items will vary depending on the route you choose. Also, there are actually four possible secrets. Finding any three is enough for a perfect score, but it is possible to get all four. Be sure to find at least three so you can access the bonus level at the end of the game.

Note also that one of the regular pick-ups here will be the HARPOON GUN if you didn't get it in a previous level.

Objectives: Get from the lagoon to the village (by either route or a combination of the two). Once you reach the village, find a way into the tree house near the big swamp. Inside you'll meet a soldier, who will give you a map to help you get across the swamp at the beginning of the next level.

Walk-through: You begin the level underwater. Swim forward to surface. Then swim to the right between the rocks. On the bottom of the lagoon you'll find the SMUGGLER'S KEY. Swim back toward where you started, then continue forward. There's one ledge low enough to climb out on. On the block above is a small med-pack.

After you get it, swim to the other end of the lagoon near the bamboo hut. Climb out of the water on the rock outcropping with the small med-pack on top. Face away from the hut. Across the water, you'll see some rocks with a sloped block on the left and a flat ledge on the right. Take a running jump from the peak of this rock to grab the sloped ledge, traverse and pull up onto the flat ledge. Turn right and take a standing jump to the next flat block ahead. The chimes will register SECRET #1, but you'll need to take a running jump to grab the next ledge for the pick-up: MP5 clips.

Swim back to the sandy shore. There are now two paths you could follow: Into the hut (next paragraph) or down into the cave on the right (pick up the walk-through below at the **). Either path will net you three secrets, but if you want all four, you'll need to start with the hut. (See the note about secrets above at the *.)

THE HUT: Enter and use the smuggler's key to unlock the trapdoor. Safety drop in and pick up a save/power-up crystal. Advance slowly to avoid being skewered by the wooden spike trap. Crawl under and continue to a cavern with a pool. Shoot the 2 crocodiles in the water and the tribesman with the blowgun on the ledge above. (NOTE: If Lara is hit by one of his darts, you'll need to use a med-pack or power-up crystal to antidote the poison.)

Sweep the bottom of the lake to find 4 bunches of harpoons. (NOTE: If you don't already have the HARPOON GUN, you'll find it here in place of some of the harpoons.) Then return to the ledge at the entrance. Take a running jump to the next ledge, a standing jump to the ledge beyond that, then climb up to the high block near the torch. Use the vines on the ceiling to traverse over the pool to the other side. Turn and jump to the path on the right. Follow it to the end and climb up as far as you can. Turn to face the save crystal then follow the short path toward the right wall. Above on the right, you'll see an opening. Jump to grab the vine-covered wall below it and climb up to get some MP5 clips. Back out of the hole, climb down as far as you can, and let go to drop to the walkway.

Turn around and walk back up the path toward the entrance. At the end of the path, turn left and climb onto the stone ledge. Turn around to face across the water. Take a standing jump from the edge of the block to grab the ledge above the entrance. (You can
also use a running jump, but it's more difficult to set up on the angled ledge.) Pull up. Use the vines on the ceiling to traverse to the rock bridge where you killed that tribesman. (NOTE: If you're having trouble getting from the opening with the MP5 clips to the rock bridge, check out the screenshots at

Cross the bridge, turn left, then jump over to the slope. (You can't really see it, but it's on the other side of the opening.) Slide down and jump at the end to land on the ledge beyond.

Look sharp because another tribesman is shooting darts from above. Take care of him, then do a running jump over the spikes to grab the ladder. Climb up and get the large med-pack.

Drop back and hang from this ledge. Then traverse to the left until you can pull up again. Get the save/power-up crystal and small med-pack on the walkway near the dead guy. Take a standing jump-grab from the end of the walkway to the ledge below. (There's nothing to grab but pressing Action alters Lara's trajectory so she doesn't bang her head on the rocks.) Drop back to hang from the ledge, then traverse left and pull up. Take a standing jump to the next ledge on the left.

Follow the passageway to the wooden bridge. Before crossing, find a secret: At the beginning of the bridge, turn right. Take a running jump to grab the rock ledge. Pull up and take a standing jump to grab the ledge beyond. The chimes sound for SECRET #2. Jump to the next ledge to pick up the grenades. Then return to the bridge the way you came.

Now you can choose to enter the building on the other side of the bridge or climb down to the ground and continue along the other path. If you choose the latter, resume the walk-through below at the ***. (NOTE: To get all four secrets, you should climb down now or after exploring the building ahead.)

Enter the building, take a few steps to the left--not too far, though, or you'll run into a whirling blade. Then turn and take out the tribesman who sneaks up behind you from the right. When the coast is clear, crawl under the blade into the next room. Lara looks up at the window in the ceiling as you enter. Yes, this is a hint. Don't step into the light or you'll trigger a poisoned-dart trap and raise the spikes in the trench ahead. Instead, go around the corner to the right and press the button to cover the window and deactivate the traps.

Now, pick up the large med-pack and jump across the stream. Crawl over to the save/power-up crystal to avoid more poisoned-dart traps.

Now you can choose to slide down the chute to the village (pick up the walk-through below at the ****), jump into the water to land on a ledge on the face of the temple (continue below at the *****), or backtrack to the wooden bridge and climb down the rocks (continue below at the ***). (NOTE: To get all four secrets, you should choose the second or third option.)

(**) INTO THE CAVE (SERPENT STONES): Slide down the slope into the cave. Continue past a small pool and climb up into an overgrown area. A hostile tribesman lays in wait. Take him out then continue on to a swampy area with a wooden bridge above.

(***NOTE: If you're coming into this area from the bridge above, you can head away from the swamp to meet the tribesman mentioned in the paragraph above. Otherwise, go on from here.)

Take a running jump to grab the block in the middle of the quicksand. Pull up at either corner to avoid the poisoned darts. Turn right and take a running jump to the rock ledge with the large med-pack. A standing jump will get you back onto the rock pillar. Then take another running jump to the other side of the swamp.

Follow the path, killing another native along the way. You'll soon come to a huge temple near a very steep drop-off. Before going on, backtrack to where the path bends back toward the quicksand. Climb onto the rocks with the green tops, go forward, turn right and climb onto the bent tree trunk. (You're now facing the quicksand and the wooden bridge.) Climb up to the rock ledge behind the tree. Turn around and head to the left along the ledge. Jump to the branch, then to the triangular green ledge, and from there, jump around the corner to grab the square stone ledge with the shotgun shells. Return the way you came to the ledge above the bent trunk.

This time jump to the thick branch on the right side of the tree trunk. Follow the branch to the stone ledge at the end. Take a running jump to grab the next branch and pick up the red SERPENT STONE--one of three. Go to the other end of the branch and climb into the alcove for SECRET #4--Desert Eagle clips. (NOTE: For some, this will be the second secret.) Slide down the side of the building to the ground.

Look over the edge of the cliff and you'll see a save/power-up crystal. Climb down to get it. Now climb up one level and follow the path to the left. You'll end up on a high ledge near the waterfall.

(*****) Take a standing jump into the opening behind the falls where you'll find another SERPENT STONE. Step back from the opening a bit, then take a standing jump (with Action) to land back on the ledge between the falls.

(NOTE: If you came in via the waterfall from the temple above, this will be the first stone you've found. You'll need to backtrack to get the second and pick up the save crystal and secret nearby. Begin by jumping to the ledge on the right, when facing the falls. Follow the path to the right and drop down for the save crystal. Then climb up to the area with the trees. You can go back as far as the cave near the lagoon if you like, using the walk-through backwards if you need it. Make all the necessary pick-ups then return to the cliff, jump across the tops of the waterfalls to the far side of the temple, and resume the walk-through below at the ******.)

If you now have two serpent stones, take a running jump to grab the ladder. (Don't let go; there are deadly spikes below.) Climb up to the opening at the top right. Continue through the passageway to another ladder. Climb to the top.

(******) Climb up onto the square pillar with the angled top to get a small med-pack. Drop down on the safe side, then go to the back right corner of this area. Climb up onto the block and shoot the tribesman inside the doorway to the left. (NOTE: Do not place any serpent stones into the snake receptacles until you have all three. Several people have reported a bug where they placed one stone then went to get the other two. When they came back they were unable to open the gates.)

Jump from the lowest block to the ledge near the doorway. Turn around and take a running jump to grab the rock ledge above where you just stood. Turn right and take a running jump to the gray stone ledge near the temple. Jump over to the ledge with the third SERPENT STONE.

Slide down the side of the building. Now take your three stones and place them in the receptacles to open the three gates. Slide down into the village below.

(****) THE VILLAGE: When you enter the village, 2 tribesmen attack--one with a spiked club comes from near the huts, the other with a blowgun is on the ridge to the left. (NOTE: If you came down through the serpent stone hallway, you'll be on the same level with the tribesman with the blow gun. You'll be able to pick up an additional small med-pack here, which isn't accessible from below. When you've got it, slide down the slope.)

There are four huts in this area. As you explore them, you'll meet 2 more tribesmen. Inside the closest hut is a rocket. Behind it, on a ledge near the chute (the one you came down if you slid in from the dart-trap temple) are some grenades. (You don’t need to jump to get these, just face the wall and press Action + Forward.)

The big hut with the fire has a small med-pack, and there's a save/power-up crystal behind the hut to the right of the pool. The hut next to that one is a quicksand trap; you can't get the med-pack, so don't bother trying. Beyond this is a path with a pit of spikes.

When you've gotten everything, go up the narrow path to the left of the pool. This leads to a tree house and a stone building near a swamp. You'll meet a hostile native on the path. Climb onto the rock at the corner of the stone building. Kill another man lurking at the front of the building. Jump across to the alcove where he was standing and turn the wheel to raise a trapdoor over the spikes back in the village area.

Return to the village, taking out 2 more tribesmen on the way. Head to the left toward the path over the spike pit. Pull up onto the ledge above the pit to get a box of shotgun shells then continue through to the other side of the village.

Follow the wall to the right. In the back right corner is a dark cave. This is SECRET #3. (NOTE: For some, this will be the fourth secret.) A villager sneaks up from behind when you try to pick up the shotgun shells and MP5 clips. You'll also find some flares in one of the huts. And when you go through the narrow alley behind the huts, a guy with a blowgun appears behind you.

One of the huts on the upper level has a wheel inside, which opens the trapdoor into the tree house with the ladder. When you turn it, another villager attacks from behind. Kill him, then climb up into the tree house. The window opens as you approach. Take a running jump from the windowsill to the wooden ledge to the left.

Enter the stone building and take out the tribesman in the hallway on the right. You can't get over the burners yet. So instead go down the hallway and jump from the window to the bamboo platform behind the huts. Go forward to the far corner, jumping the gap and picking up some harpoons in a dark area on the left. Jump up to the flat spot on the roof. Then use the bars in the trees to traverse over the spikes. Cross over to the next hut (the one with the balcony with wooden railings). Press the button to raise a platform over the burners in the stone building. Kill the angry villager who appears when you do this. Then climb down and back up to the burners.

Take two hops back from the edge of the burners, then a running jump to land on the platform. A standing jump from the edge of the platform will land you near the button in the alcove ahead. Press it to open the gate, roll, and take out the tribesman who appears out of nowhere.

Do not press the other button in the neighboring alcove. This only turns on the burner beneath. Instead, go left into the hallway. There's a nasty double circular blade trap here. You can sprint past it or walk as close as you can to it then hop back and take a running jump as it moves away from you. Continue to the end of the hallway and turn the wheel. This opens the door next to it, along with the trapdoor in the pool. Slide backwards out the window and safety drop to the ground. Jump into the pool and swim through the trapdoor you just opened and along the underwater passage. You can harpoon the crocodile or swim through quickly and climb out. Then either shoot it from above or just move on.

Follow the hallway to an opening. Take a standing jump to grab the edge of the tree house and pull up to end the level.

A cut scene follows: Lara enters the hut and meets an Australian soldier whose leg has been cut off below the knee. He says he thinks the tribesmen did it but it was dark when it happened so he can't be completely sure. The soldier tells Lara that his plane crashed in the mountains, some of his men vanished under mysterious circumstances and the rest fled. Lara asks if he knows a safe route through the swamp. He says he won't go with her but he gives her a map and asks that if she meets any of his men, she should warn them away from this area.



Kills: 56 Items: 23, plus 2 keys and 4 save/power-up crystal Secrets: 3*

*The number of kills and items are approximate and vary depending on the actions of your enemies and allies. Note that one of the regular pick-ups here will be the MP5 ASSAULT RIFLE if you didn't get it in the previous level.

(BUG NOTE: I also encountered a bug where using grenades and/or the big gun inside the airplane to kill the raptors resulted in an inaccurate count--more than double the actual number of kills--so you may not want to rely on the end-of-level statistics here.)

Objectives: Get across the swamp to the crash site. Retrieve two keys to activate the plane's weaponry and, finally, find the exit.

Walk-through: Drop down from the hut and go toward the swamp. (A mysterious earthquake prevents you from going back to the area in the previous level.) Check your inventory for the SWAMP MAP given to Lara by the Aussie. (NOTE FOR NEW PLAYERS: Use Escape then Up to access the top inventory ring. This is where you'll find things you've collected, like keys, artifacts and this map.) Use this to help you cross the swamp safely. All of the solid squares in the swamp have green plants on them, but not all of the squares with plants are safe. The X's on the map show approximately where each save square is. (The screenshot at makes it a little clearer. The arrow shows the first running jump from the angled edge of the bank.)

When you near the far side, look to the left for an opening in the rock. Jump to the square just below it and climb in for SECRET #1--2 sets of MP5 clips. Climb down from the opening, return to the previous safe square, then take a running jump to the bank.

Before sliding down the slope into the next area, look to the left just inside the opening. Take a running jump to the block with the grenades. Then continue to the bottom.

A raptor comes through the fog from the right. (NOTE: The raptors in this game are much harder to kill than the ones in TR1; however, they seem to move more slowly and don't attack with the same viciousness. You can usually find a raised block to stand on for safety. Also, some will run away after you shoot them a bit, and you'll need to draw them out in order to resume the fight.) When you've killed this raptor, go through the fog, past the small pond, and climb up the rocks into the opening above.

Continue to a clearing with the downed plane. Another raptor emerges from behind the trees on the left. Kill it and continue exploring. You can go into the various areas around the plane--cave with switches, compsognathus room, T. Rex nest and raptor pool (below)--in any order you want to.

CAVE WITH SWITCHES: (NOTE: If you're not interested in getting all the pick ups, you can skip over this area entirely--or take the shortcuts described below at the ** to get the goodies without dealing with all the switches.) Return to the entrance to the airplane area from the foggy area where you killed the first raptor. Stand with this doorway on Lara's right. Above and behind is a rectangular stone ledge. Ahead is a short, green wall with a sloping base. Walk/jump to the left corner of this green wall, where there's a flat spot Lara can stand. Jump to grab the edge of the green wall and traverse a little to the right, to the middle of the wall. Pull up and backflip onto the stone ledge above. Turn around and you'll see a crawlspace. (Skip the next paragraph.)

Or, you can reach this spot by taking the more obvious but longer route through the treetops: Face the nose of the plane then go back to the left (near where the second raptor came from). Jump onto the gray stone block jutting out from the green corner. Turn around (face the plane) and jump to grab the ledge above. Pull up, then jump from the edge to grab the handholds in the tree branch above. Traverse to the trunk and drop down. Walk along the branch around to the left. Take a running jump to grab the handholds on the tree trunk. Climb up to the ledge. Jump to grab the handholds on the branch above. Then traverse nearly to the end and let go. Here you get a wide-angle view of the area, showing a rock ladder leading down. Climb down and hang on at the bottom. Traverse to the left until you can pull up.

Crawl into the tunnel and drop down in the next room. Climb onto the low block and jump to grab the bars on the ceiling. Traverse forward then hook around to the right to get to the doorway above. Drop down.

Hop down to the ledge below the doorway. Go around to the right and use the first switch to rearrange the bars on the ceiling. Take a standing jump with Action to land on the pillar with the save/power-up crystal. (If you miss, you'll need to restart, because all the slopes lead down into the pit of spikes.) Jump and grab the ledge under the door and climb back up. From the doorway, use the ceiling bars to traverse straight across to the other side. Drop down and climb into the alcove with the second switch. Pull it to rearrange the bars again.

Jump/climb back to the doorway via the pillar where you got the save crystal. On the way, use the first switch again to rearrange the ceiling bars. This time, traverse all the way around the center to the far side of the room. Traverse to the right until Lara is up against the climbable wall (on the back of the central structure). Drop to grab it. Then climb down to the bottom. Position Lara on the lowest rung that allows her to have her feet on the ladder, then back flip into the alcove behind. Use the third switch to raise the last section of bars up on the ceiling and open a metal grate nearby.

Jump to grab the rock ladder and climb up to the alcove you just opened. Turn take a running jump to the long, angled ledge to the right of the switch alcove. Slide back and grab the edge of the slope. Traverse to the second square from the left, pull up and back flip onto the pillar where the save crystal was. Jump/climb back up to the doorway.

Now you can traverse all the way around to the exit. Pick up the Uzi clips in the corner and climb out onto a ledge across from the airplane. If you've got the two keys and ready to go down into the plane, take a running jump to grab the branch ahead, and jump from there to the fuselage. Otherwise, climb down the rocks to the ground.

(**Note: If you just want the goodies without the work, you can go into the left cave as far as the crystal then go back out the way you came. To get the Uzi clips, climb onto the plane at the front right, when facing the nose, and walk across the top to the back left. Jump to the tree branch and from there to the cave opening. Go in and get the clips.)

COMPSOGNATHUS ROOM: (NOTE: Completing this area isn't necessary to finish the game, but it's quick and easy if you want to do it.) On the right side of the plane (when facing the nose), just before the hummock separating the front and back areas of the aircraft, there's an opening on the right. Hop down and get some MP5 clips. Continue to an open area with a dead soldier and raptor. As you enter the gate closes behind you. As you poke around, a pack of 5 tiny compsognathus emerge to gnaw on the raptor carcass--and on Lara. Get them out of the way and pick up the large med-pack and more MP5 clips. (NOTE: If you don't already have the MP5 ASSAULT RIFLE, you'll get it here instead of clips.) Use the 2 switches in the alcoves to open the exit.

T. REX NEST (CMDR. BISHOP'S KEY): Drop into the pit near the front of the aircraft (to the left if Lara's back is to the nose of the plane). Climb through the open area. Pick up the MP5 clips just inside. Now you'll meet a soldier and 2 raptors. You can help the soldier kill the raptors or use the raptors to help you in the upcoming battle. (See the strategy note below.)

In the flat area at the bottom of the embankment is a pack of 4 compsognathus, which will give most of their attention to a nearby raptor carcass. You can kill them if they're pestering you. Around the corner to the right, beyond the pond, is a Tyrannosaurus rex nest. COMMANDER BISHOP'S KEY is inside the nest, along with what's left of its owner. When you take the key, Mama Rex returns home. You're stuck down in the lower area with her until you can open the doors. When you do, another raptor enters from above (along with any that you or the soldier didn't kill earlier).

The first door is at the right side of the embankment (when facing it from below). It has both an inner and outer door. When you take the key, the inner door opens. Throw the switch inside to open the second gate, on the far, left side of the pond. Here you'll find the second switch, which opens the outer door (near the first switch).

I found it easier to just kill all the raptors as you go along, and shoot Mama Rex from the relative safety of

the switch alcoves or the deep part of the pool. But if you want to live on the edge, you might try this: Leave the raptors at the top alone. Slide down the embankment and go to the nest for Bishop's key. Run to the first switch and pull it. Run to the second switch and pull it. This will let in the raptors from above (between one and three of them, depending on how your soldier friend made out). The raptors will keep the T. rex busy and you can assist or just hang back and see how things turn out. Kill any surviving creatures and exit up the steps near the first switch. If the T. rex is left standing, you can use the switch alcoves for cover if you need to or exit the area. She can't fit through the narrow passage. If any raptors survive, you can get on one of the ledges for safety.

Once the battle is through, make your pick-ups: 3 small med-packs--one on a ledge to the right of the rex nest, one on a ledge opposite the slope and a third in the stairway; and 3 packs of flares--two near the first switch, one near the second. Also, if the soldier was killed, you'll find MP5 clips near his body.

Go up the stairs to the top of the embankment and find a SECRET #2: Climb onto the long ledge near the bent tree. Go the end and grab the pointed block that protrudes above the ledge. Traverse to the left until you can pull up onto a flat spot. Turn around, jump to the branch and pick up the flares. Jump-grab to the next branch for a large med-pack. Now climb down and exit through the tunnel back to the crash site.

RAPTOR POOL (LT. TUCKERMAN'S KEY): Jump over the hummock at the side of the plane into the area beyond. You'll see 2 soldiers fighting a raptor. You can assist if you like. Just be sure not to accidentally shoot one of the soldiers or the others won't be as friendly as you'd like.

Go through the second doorway on the right wall (all the other openings are just shallow alcoves). Follow the passageway to an open area where some soldiers battle another raptor. There's a raised block just inside on the right where you can jump to safety. You'll also find some MP5 clips just inside the entrance. (Don't forget to check the bodies of any downed comrades for additional MP5 clips.)

Don't try to cross the bridge. It will collapse beneath you, plunging you into the piranha-infested pool. There is a place to climb out on the near left side, but it's better to avoid the water for now. Instead, climb a few trees.

Another raptor lurks in the trees above. You may be able to kill it from below. Climb the vine-covered wall above the raised block. When you reach the top, press Jump and hold it to back flip onto the angled block behind then spring to the branch. Finish off the raptor if you didn't already. Or run to the left and jump to the ledge near the back corner (above the entrance) to shoot the dinosaur from safety or avoid it altogether.

Now climb a little higher: Take a standing jump from the triangular ledge in the corner to grab the branch to the right. Pull up, jump to the stone ledge with the save/power-up crystal. You should be able to kill the raptor on the next branch from here. Jump across to the branch that bends up at the end (between the ledge with the save crystal and the branch where the raptor was standing). Take a standing jump to grab the high part of the branch on the left. Pull up for SECRET #3--MP5 clips. (See the screenshot at if you're not sure where to grab to get the secret.)

Slide back down and walk to the end of the branch near the dangling raptor carcass. Take a running jump to the green ledge ahead on the left. Around back you'll find a small med-pack. Shoot the carcass and it will fall down into the pool below, attracting the attention of the hungry piranhas. Now you can jump down into the pool and pull the underwater lever to open the gate on the far side of the pool from where you entered.

Climb out of the water and kill the raptor that emerges from the building. Inside the building is another raptor and 3 switches. Pull them one at a time, jumping back onto the block to shoot the 3 raptors that enter after when the switches are pulled (two after the left switch, one after the right). (NOTE: You can kill them all, or just shoot until they run away so you can pull another switch.)

Climb up through the trapdoor. Get the save/power-up crystal and LT. TUCKERMAN'S KEY (He won't be using it anymore.), and kill the raptor that appears out of nowhere when you do. Drop down and return to the other side of the pool. Follow the passageway back to the airplane.

INSIDE THE PLANE: Climb onto the plane from the treetops/cave area (see above), or from the ground at the front--just around to the right when facing the nose. (See the screenshot at if you're not sure where to stand and grab in order to climb onto the aircraft.) Drop through the open hatch. Take care of the raptor and pick up the MP5 clips. Use the two keys in the keyholes in the cockpit to open a door down below. Drop through either opening into the belly of the plane. Go to the front and pull the switch to open the back and extend the gun.

When you go out to the gun a couple of soldiers will be patrolling the area. As soon as you grab the big gun, a small army of raptors (30, to be more precise) will begin to swarm out of the doors on the left and right, and across the wooden bridge. The soldiers will probably kill some of them for you. The rest you can take out with the big gun, swiveling around and angling it up and down as needed. When the hullabaloo dies down, use the big gun to blast away the top left corner of the wall to open up the exit. (Press Roll to let go of the gun.) Pick up additional MP5 clips from your late friends. Then jump across the stream at the left side.

Alternately, run out to the big gun, then run back into the plane. You can use your weapon of choice (even pistols) to shoot the raptors safely from inside. Or, climb up onto the fuselage and take them out from above. You may have to dangle Lara over the side periodically to draw the raptors out of hiding.

Another technique you may want to try is to run out and use the big gun to shoot out the wall right away. Then run over to the exit, jumping the stream to land safely on the other side. Now you can shoot the raptors from there or leave them to fight it out among themselves.

Climb into the right opening near the exit to get a large med-pack and a save/power-up crystal. Take a running jump over to the left opening and exit the level.

A cut scene follows: Lara enters a temple and meets one of the natives. He tells her she's lucky he's fasting today, since she'd make a nice meal. She inspects a mural depicting a falling meteor and asks the man why his ancestors left Antarctica so suddenly. He tells her there was plenty of flesh there but also powerful evil. One of his tribe's leaders was born without a face and the people took that as a sign of the meteor's curse. He says that some time after they had settled on this island, a white man came with a stone--presumably one of the meteorite artifacts--and his people feasted that day. When Lara realizes she's not going to get any more information out of him, she leaves.



Kills: 16 Items: 12, plus 8 save/power-up crystal Secrets: 3*

*The item count is approximate. It varies substantially depending on the route you take through the level. Note that one of the regular pick-ups here will be the ROCKET LAUNCHER if you didn't get it in the previous level.

Objectives: Find a kayak. Paddle down river and locate a place where you can climb out of the boat. Return up river on foot to the building where the control for the plug is. Let the water out of the plugged pool, get your kayak back and paddle down into the "drain" to find the exit.

Walk-through: Go forward to the square columns. Climb up into the opening in the ceiling between the columns, where the bats fly out. Inside you'll find Uzi clips, grenades and a small med-pack. There's also a closed trapdoor. Below it is a room with a kayak. You can paddle down the river from there, but you'll miss two secrets if you do.

For either path, you'll first need to drop back down to the grassy area and continue forward from the start. A poison-breathing lizard climbs down from the ledges behind the palm tree. Another lizard lurks down on the rock ledge to the right. (These don't do much damage with their teeth or claws; however their green gaseous breath will eat away at Lara's health until you use a med-pack.) Kill them and climb down onto the ledge where the second lizard was. Jump from the lowest ledge to the square block in the middle of the river. (Don't let Lara fall in or she'll be killed in the rushing rapids.)

Now choose either the QUICK ROUTE (below) or the LONG ROUTE/ALL SECRETS (pick up the walk-through below at the **).

QUICK ROUTE: Take a running jump from the block in the river to grab the angled rocks on the other side of the water. Traverse to the right, pull up and climb/jump around the corner to the right. Push the button to open the trapdoor back at the starting area.

To get back there, follow the rocks the way you came. That tricky jump to the raised block below the drawbridge can be done by taking a running start and grabbing the left side of the block. Otherwise, Lara will slide down the slope into the river. Hop down on the other side of the raised block.

Now you can choose whether to go after an extra save crystal or not. If you don't want it, drop back to grab the edge and traverse back to the left until the square block in the river is behind you. Skip over the next paragraph.

If you do want the extra crystal, drop back to grab the edge and traverse left all the way to the corner. Let go and quickly grab the ledge below. Pull up and crawl forward until you can stand. Take a standing jump-grab (using Action lowers Lara's trajectory) to the ledge with the save/power-up crystal. Press the button to open the nearby trapdoor. Jump back to the previous ledge and climb up through this door. Now drop back and grab the edge and traverse to the right along the angled blocks until the square block in the river is behind you.

Pull up onto the slope and quickly back flip to land on the block in the river. Turn around and take a running jump to grab the ledge where you climbed down. Climb back up to the start and go into the building. Drop through the trapdoor you just opened and climb into the kayak.

(KAYAK NOTES: This craft is quite difficult to maneuver. The most useful moves are the paddle turns (Walk + Left/Right) and the back paddle, which slows the craft and can fight currents more easily than regular forward paddling. Use Action to climb into the boat at the side and Roll plus Left or Right to climb out. Lara will only climb out in the calm water of the pool where you'll end up. Also note that the river is laced with traps that are tripped by ropes stretched between rocks. Red ropes are bad; green are good. Lara will take damage when she goes through spikes/blades or when taking a long drop. So don't hesitate to use med-packs as you go.)

Paddle out of the room and steer down the river to the left. The current carries you around the corner to the right. Try to steer with it so you're facing forward. Stay to the middle as you go over the falls so you can snag a save/power-up crystal. Next you'll go under a wooden bridge. Stay to the right in the next turn to avoid a trip wire. If you do accidentally go over it, back paddle to avoid the falling rocks ahead. Then continue. Pick up the walk-through below at the ****.

(**) LONG ROUTE/ALL SECRETS: From the block in the middle of the river, take a running jump to grab the angled rocks on the other side. Traverse all the way to the left. Let go and quickly grab the ledge below. Pull up and crawl forward until you can stand. Take a standing jump-grab (using Action lowers Lara's trajectory) to the ledge with the save/power-up crystal. Press the button to open the nearby trapdoor. Jump back to the previous ledge and climb up through this door.

Use the handholds on the rock arch above to traverse across the river. Drop to the ledge below. Drop back and grab the edge. Traverse to the right until you can pull up. Turn around and take a running jump past the corner to the angled rocks, slide back and grab the edge. Traverse to the right a bit, pull up and jump into the doorway. Go past the closed door through the only open doorway. Slide down the ramp. Slide again and jump from the slope to clear the spikes below.

Drop down to a dark area. Crawl through the low opening on the right and kill the poison-breathing lizard. Follow the passageway, cross the wooden bridge and continue to a rock bridge above the water. Jump to the bridge to get the save/power-up crystal. Turn around and kill the lizard in the doorway where you came from before jumping back. Return the way you came through the dark crawlspace.

Now continue along the main passage and go up the steps, killing another lizard on the way. Drop into the grated alcove and use the button to open the door you passed when you entered this area. Return to the area with the spikes. WALK into the spike area. Then use the climbable wall on the left to get back to the room at the top.

Go through the door you just opened to emerge above the water. Below and to the left is a waterfall. Jump down to the flat block. Then take a standing jump into the opening behind the waterfall. This is SECRET #1. Walk to the back edge and kill the lizard in the cave below. Drop down and pick up the MP5 clips. Then climb back up to the entrance.

Jump to grab the ceiling and traverse around to the doorway at the far right. Slide down the ramp and jump to grab the edge of the pillar. (Be careful or you'll land on the burner below. If Lara does catch fire, there's a pool of water in the middle of this room to douse the flames and a place to climb out on the far side.) Kill the poison-breathing lizard on the other side of the room from the top of the first pillar if you can.

The middle pillar, with the save/power-up crystal, ignites when Lara steps on it, so avoid this. Instead, take a running jump from the first pillar over the second to grab the edge of the third pillar. You'll get the crystal in the air. Now pull up and take a running jump to the doorway.

Pick up the small med-pack on the left. Hurry past the poisoned dart trap on the right. Slide down the ramp. At the opening to the next area, jump to grab the ceiling. Traverse forward to the wall, then let go. Climb down and get the save/power-up crystal. (Be careful not to fall into the piranha-infested pool.) Then climb/traverse back toward the entrance and around to the other doorway.

Crawl through to a ledge high above the water. The thatched hut on the left is where you're headed. Turn left and take a running jump across the gap to grab the rock ladder. Climb to the top. To the left is an opening leading down to a pool with another kayak. You'll return there in a few minutes.

First, a side trip to the hut: Position Lara's back against the rock at the right side of this ledge. (The back of this block is steeply angled.) Walk five steps forward, then back flip to land on the steep slope. Slide back and grab the edge. Traverse to the right and drop to the small, wooden platform. This is SECRET #2. Jump to the next block to the right then over to the hut area. Go around the front. Inside you'll find a large med-pack and a rocket.

Return to the wooden platform. The jump back to the rocks near the waterfall is very tricky. Line Lara up so she's facing the tall, angled block to the left of the falls and below the ledge you jumped from to reach the rock ladder. Make sure she's also angled just to the left of the overhanging rock, or she'll bang her head when she jumps. (See the screenshot at if you're not sure.) Now take a running jump WITHOUT GRABBING and use the Right directional key to turn Lara back toward the lower block where she needs to land. It may take several tries to finesse the angle, but it is possible.

Climb up, jump back to the rock ladder, climb to the top and go down into the passage to the kayak. Kill the 2 crocodiles in the pool from the ledge. Then jump in and pull the underwater lever to open the gate. (If you're having trouble finding the lever, see the screenshot at Now get ready for some white-water action. (See the KAYAK NOTES, above, for some tips on maneuvering.)

Steer out of the room, back paddling as you come down the chute. If you can manage it, cut to the right into a pool where you can find a save/power-up crystal. If you miss it, don't worry; there will be others. Stay to the right as you go over the first falls to avoid the trip wire on the left and the big rock in the middle. If you do accidentally go over the wire, back paddle to avoid the falling rocks ahead. Then continue.

(****) The current in this next pool sweeps you to the right toward some slicing blades. Back paddle to the left to go over the green trip rope that turns off the blades, then continue past them.

Go over the falls, paddle turn to the left, then back paddle hard to enter the cave on the right with the black fronds hanging from the opening.

(NOTE: If you do get swept off to the left, you'll go over a steep drop-off then through some spikes and slicing blades. Don't back paddle. Just get through it as quickly as you can, feeding Lara med-packs as you go. Next, you'll go over a waterfall into a pool with a BIG PLUG in the center. Cut to the left to enter the cave where the third secret is. Pick up the walk-through below at the *****. Or, if you don't want to deal with these hazards, reload a saved game and try again.)

On entering the cave with the black fronds, quickly choose your path and backpaddle as needed to get on the side you want. Each has good and bad points. On the right side, you'll probably take more damage, but you can get two extra save/power-up crystals if you play it right. It's also possible, though not at all easy, to start on the left side and cross over to the right after crossing the green trip line (see below). You may also be able to paddle turn and back paddle to slalom between the blocks and avoid the red trip lines altogether. Taking this run facing upstream may help you to do this. I found it nearly impossible.

LEFT CHANNEL: First you'll go over a red trip rope that activates a poisoned dart trap. Next, you'll go over a green trip rope, which causes a save/power-up crystal to appear on a block just below in the middle of the stream. (You'll have to get it later on foot.) Then you'll pass another red trip rope that raises some spikes. Beyond that is a building with a zip line, where you'll be returning later. You may be able to cut across the stream to the right here to avoid the next hazard: a very high waterfall. Make sure Lara's health is at 100%, as she'll take nearly that much damage. If you can, aim for the middle of the falls and get the save/power-up crystal on the way down. Once you reach the pool below the big falls, you'll need to do some backtracking. Back paddle up the rapids to the pool above with the HUGE PLUG--i.e., the rapids on the left side of the wider waterfall. Now pick up the walk-through below at the *****.

RIGHT CHANNEL: Follow the right channel down past some red trip ropes that raise spikes. (Use med-packs as needed as you go.) You'll end up in a pool with a chain in the middle attached to a HUGE PLUG. Don't go over the next waterfall. (If you do, it's possible to back paddle up the waterfall again, but it's not easy.)

(*****) Steer into the cave with the brick platforms flanking the sides. Head around the corner and paddle under the falls into the cave with the save/power-up crystal. This is SECRET #3. There are some items on the ledges near the falls, which you can get later on when you pass this way on foot.

Return to the plug room and paddle through the tunnel to the right of the raised alcove with the wooden door. (If necessary, back paddle to fight the current.) At the top, go into the cave on the left. Here you'll find a calm pool with a crocodile swimming in it. Jump out of the kayak (Roll + Left/Right) and swim to the ledge to climb out. Kill the poison-breathing lizard on the steps first; then take care of the croc.

Go up the steps and hop down into the opening near the torch. Take a standing jump to grab the handholds on the ceiling above the water. Traverse across the pool, using careful timing to pass the two fire-breathing-head blocks. Continue to traverse into the passageway leading to the third secret. At the end of the traverse, hook to the left and drop onto the block.

Turn around and take a running jump across the river to the next ledge. Enter the alcove and pick up the rocket. (NOTE: This will be the ROCKET LAUNCHER If you don't already have it.)Climb up and follow the short passage to an opening. Safety drop (or climb down) to the ledge below. Follow the ledges toward the falls where you got the third secret. Pick up the large med-pack. Take a running jump across the water to grab the ledge with the MP5 clips. Turn around. Now return to the other side by taking a running jump from the right side of the whitish block (next to the block where the clips were). Grab the ledge opposite (to the left of the triangular ledge where the med-pack was). Pull up and follow the ledges back to the right.

Rather than jumping to the next ledge on the right (where you came from), climb into the curved alcove on the left. Use the handholds in the wall to climb up to the thin ledge on the right. Grab the handholds in the ceiling and traverse across the water. (Be careful of the flame trap.) When you reach the falls, traverse to the left. Drop onto the ledge below. Get the flares and shotgun shells in the cave off to the right. Then traverse back across the falls to the other side and drop to the ledge. Turn left and follow the path upstream.

Take a running jump to the square ledge to the left of the spikes and blades. Turn around and take a running jump to grab the handholds on the wall on the other side of the spikes. Climb up and to the left as far as you can. You'll come to a flat ledge. The first (right) square is white with mist and is very slippery, so don't drop there. The square just to the left is safe. (Now you're level with the cave opening with the black fronds.)

Follow the ledge to the opening. Turn around and climb down into the deep pit. There's a boulder trap at the bottom. Run forward to the step and duck so the boulder rolls over Lara's head. Repeat this for the second boulder. The third boulder is dangling from the ceiling just inside the next room. On either side of the walkway are steep slopes with flames below. And there are more flames inside the doorway at the far left end of the walkway. You can outrun the boulder, jump into the doorway and hope you don't get toasted, or try one of these techniques: Either, stand in the middle of the square under the boulder. Turn to either side and side flip out onto the walkway. Immediately jump back and grab the edge of the walkway. Hang until the boulder rolls by, then pull up. OR, walk forward under the boulder about 6 steps (any farther will cause it to drop). Then, turn right, drop back and hang from the walkway. Traverse to the left, pull up, and the boulder will stay where it is.

Now jump into the doorway near the boulder, taking care to avoid the burner. Take a standing jump from the MIDDLE of the square near the doorway to clear the flames. Immediately run forward to the step and duck to avoid yet another boulder. Continue forward and up to emerge near the river again.

Take a running jump to the first ledge on the right. Use the handholds on the right wall to climb over to the next ledge. Crawl through the low opening to a doorway near the rapids where the zip line is. Take a standing jump to the nearest block in the middle of the river then a running jump to the pile of rocks. (Be sure to jump to the right of the rock hanging down from the ceiling.) Take a standing jump to the block with the zip line.

If you ran over the green trip line earlier, there will be a save/power-up crystal on the square block just downstream. Walk down to the bottom of the rock outcropping and take a running jump to land near the crystal. Turn around and take a running jump (without pressing Action) back to the bottom of the rocks below the zip line. Climb up and ride the zip line down to the building.

Drop down inside (near the chain) and climb up the opposite wall (with the carved faces). Kill the lizard in the hallway on the right. Go around to the left and use the switch to pull the plug in the pool below. Follow the dark passage. The torch at the end lights and another lizard emerges near the end. Kill it and hop/slide down the ramps back to the room with your kayak.

Make sure you're at full health. Then paddle out into the plug room. Let the whirlpool carry you down the drain into the room below. Climb out of the boat and either harpoon the crocodile, or swim to one of the ledges and shoot it from there. Swim under one the ledge with the wooden door above and pull the underwater lever to open the door. This also lets in 2 more crocodiles. You can kill them or just exit the level.



Kills: 9 Items: 10, plus the ELEMENT 115 artifact (or ORA DAGGER) and 2 save/power-up crystals Secrets: 1*

*The number of kills may vary (see the last area in the level). Note that one of the regular pick-ups here will be the DESERT EAGLE PISTOL if you didn't get it in a previous level.

Objectives: Make your way through the trap-riddled temple to take on the South Pacific boss and claim his artifact.

Walk-through: Kill 2 natives with blowguns on the stairs to the right. Go up the steps past them. You'll meet 2 more guys with blowguns on the way to the top. When you get there, crawl through the small opening.

Pick up the small med-pack in the doorway. The next room has sloped sides, a locked door, 4 buttons (to open that door) and a row of interconnected rolling blades. When the blades roll past toward the right, slide down and sprint forward to the save/power-up crystal. Keep moving, arc around to the left and run up the slope. Position Lara at one of the seams between the square with the button on it and an adjacent square. Duck and you'll be safe there from the blades. (NOTE: You can also find safe spots to stand in the corners of the room, but I found this method easier.)

When the blades roll away, stand up and push the first button. Then sidestep back to the seam and duck again. The next time the blades roll away, run over to one of the seams near the second button. Duck, wait for the blades to roll away again, then push the button. Duck near the seam again if necessary. Then, when the blades roll away, follow them down but wait on the downslope. When they turn and roll down toward you, take a running jump over them. (NOTE: Make sure you run straight forward from the seam area so you jump over the blade at the "axle.") Run up the slope and repeat the duck-run-press maneuver for the remaining two buttons. Then when the blades roll away, sprint down through the open door.

Climb up into the archway. Below is a room with 3 switches. When you slide in, the spiked ceiling begins to descend. Quickly pull out the movable block (the only carved one) from the left wall. That will stop the ceiling. (Pulling all of the switches does the same thing, but the block does it much more easily.) Now pull the 3 switches to open the gate.

Safety drop through the opening. Enter the next area, pick up the small med-pack and go left to the switch. This opens the gate at the other end of the room and arms the boulder trap. Turn around, sprint for the gate and cut to the right onto the perpendicular path. Another boulder rolls in from the left, so keep going until you reach the archway where it's safe. You'll get a save/power-up crystal on the way. Press Look as you go, so you don't get disoriented by Lara's "vision" of the rolling boulder. And watch out for the break-away tiles. There's some kind of freaky yellow lava below.

The next area is actually where you started. There are 3 more locals with blowguns waiting for you--one on the left and two on the right. One of the guys on the left drops a small med-pack when he dies. Take it and go back up the stairs the way you went earlier.

This time the small door above the bend in the stairs is open. To reach it, go all the way to the top of the stairs, take a standing jump to grab the carved wall, traverse to the left and climb into the doorway. This is the level's ONLY SECRET. Inside you'll find 3 sets of Desert Eagle clips, flares and a large med-pack. (NOTE: If you don't already have the DESERT EAGLE PISTOL, you will get it here in place of clips.)

Safety drop out of the opening and go back down the stairs to the bottom. Go forward at the intersection to the gate, which is now open. Slide down the ramp into the throne room.

Pick up the 2 small med-packs at the side spokes before or after the fight. When you go up the steps at the back of the throne, it turns around and the battle with the boss--apparently he's called PUNA, since this is his temple--begins.

It's possible to defeat him with pistols, but it goes very quickly with Uzis or the Desert Eagle. You definitely want a weapon that auto-aims. You can devise your own strategy, but here's what worked for me: When Puna's chair turns around, quickly hop back and find the center of the platform. (You don't want to fall off the edge or you'll have to start over.)

Immediately start side flipping from left to right. He can't hit Lara with those deadly energy bolts as long as she keeps moving. Now blast him until he puts up an energy shield; at this point, he can't be hurt. Depending on how long it takes to kill him, he may unleash one or more lizards to help him. When they appear, kill them immediately. Puna won't attack Lara while they are around. When they fall, go back to shooting the boss. Pretty soon, it'll all be over.

Retrieve the ELEMENT 115 artifact and head for the cold place! (**NOTE: In some versions of the game, this will be the ORA DAGGER artifact; you'll get Element 115 in the last Nevada level.)

To the Antarctica Levels

Back to the London Levels

Copyright © 1998-99 - Stellalune. Special thanks are given to the participants in the newsgroup, without whom some parts of this walk-through couldn't have been written. Thanks also to the following people who helped with the South Pacific levels: Cujo, Norbert B., Ulf, Fred, Paolo, Andy D., Rick S., Stuart and Haydon. Feel free to copy, distribute and quote this walk-through, but please include this credit line so people can send me their corrections, comments and suggestions. Also, if you'd like to offer this on your own web site, kindly ask permission first.

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