The following clues form a word chain. The last three letters of one word or phrase form the first three letters of the next word, and the list wraps round from the last word to the first. Mostly straightforward with the odd one needing the Stitchionary, but there may be one or two hyphenated words or short phrases in there, and remember it was compiled by a Brit. Quite a few there, so feel free to grab two or three

-1. Clown character
Ronald Macdonald -2. Member of a municipal legislative body
alderman -3. Tree of the genus
Rhizophora mangrove -4. In excess of what is required or suitable
overkill -5. Against the law
illegal -6. Waterproof overshoes
galoshes -7. Venus
Hesperus -8. Stratagem
ruse -9. Internet area for discussion groups
Usenet -10. Causing irritation or annoyance
nettlesome -11. Dish made from eggs
omelet -12. Printing made from raised type
letterpress-13. Eastern England county
Essex -14. Navigational aid
sextant -15. Dating from long ago
antique -16. Raise doubt
question -17. Region of Earth's atmosphere
ionosphere -18. Samuel Butler's satire on Victorian society
Erewhon -19. Of high rank
honourable -20. Issued a high-pitched warning
bleeped -21. Distance-measuring device
pedometer -22. Web-footed chelonian reptile
terrapin -23. Hand-grenade (slang)
pimeapple-24. Overabundance
plethora -25. Anthropoid ape,
Pongo pygmaeus orangutan -26. Strong distinctive flavour
tang -27. Bony, lean, gaunt
angular -28. Long noosed rope
lariat -29. Pertaining to physicians or medicine
iatric -30. Motion of a deflected object
ricochet -31. A state of being at variance with established doctrines or beliefs
heterodoxy -32. Conjoining contradictory terms