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https://captaind.itch.io/captain-disaster-in-death-has-a-million-stomping-bootsAverage rating on Itch is currently 96% (4.8 stars out of 5)
Ratings on AGS page:
Visual: 80%
Immersion: 92%
Puzzles & Pacing: 94%
Overall Enjoyment: 91%
"As a light-hearted comedy adventure with a few head-scratching puzzles, any fans of Space Quest or Zac McKracken will find plenty here to enjoy." (The Reticule - rating "On Target")
"a throwback point and click adventure with a nice, comical, story" (The Loot Gaming - rating 77/100)
"What I loved most about this game is that it is well-written with a delightful sense of comic humor." (JustAdventure - rating A-)
"an absolutely bonkers, dangerous, grand adventure!" (Wraithkal)
"Captain Disaster turned out to be an incredibly in-depth adventure with a world more vivid than we imagined" (BigBossBattle)