Hi all
For about 10 years, Syd, a beloved boomer, did a Night Before Christmas poem, which was much looked forward to and much missed when it stopped. You can read them all in the Hall of Fame archives.
We decided this year to do our best to revive it. We will get better, but hope you enjoy it.
Merry Christmas.

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the board
every one of the Boomers all stood to applaud
all the efforts of all of the others that made,
the forum on GB a place that they stayed.
There’s connie and Marian, oldbroad and soot,
Iurii and jarkeld and manxman to boot.
And there’s Mad and there’s curly and OrleansBelle,
and michele, (of the rose kind), Ohio mademoiselle.
And just over there we see Redz and Pandora
(I love that Redz gif is a beautiful flora).
The manxman gif kitty is chasing the mice,
and family is asking for shopping advice.
Lex has a belt he is brandishing proudly.
LadyK and Koala are cheering quite loudly.
So too are Orion, SQF, Taintedfury
and the sister of Kaki (another gif kitty!)
CaptainD’s making noise with his stomping boots on.
GreyFuss is still grinning (and stamping along).
Curly posts puzzles for bermag45,
and anyone else who is willing to strive.
Singer and friarphil come into sight
Rayette and CountZero are set for the night.
Duststorm and Sirdude and sureshot and Pez
All from all over but here nonetheless.
Who doesn’t love tv? It's not hagatha.
Who posts all the re-views? That is Draclvr.
Look around and who else can you see in the room?
Leanna and Winfrey, and of course Creeping_Doom.
Plus Pokey, Trail_Mystic, and butterflybabe,
(an Illinois rainbow is her stock in trade).
There’s Bluto, and Looney4labs and ghostlady,
and boatymcboatface (no, that one's made-uppy!)
There near the door is ‘true blue’ Urban Worrier.
(Let him know where the Mrs is if you should see her).
Mikael’s here (with Carol), Upsydaisy is too,
and tpfc looking shiny and new.
Fireflower loves those things DRM free.
maggsie likes dragons (as far as I can see).
Gnabgib is into the wisdom of Homer
(Simpson not Greek; it’s a common misnomer).
ScarletDragon from Indi has just now flown in.
KatieB, rainbowlady and Starcom begin
to cheer and to clap and to holler and shout.
Demosthenes’s dancing and prancing about.
Penny Lane, Melia, margaret and chrissie,
Reenie, deleterman, Sherlock and Bristol
(That didn’t rhyme. Yes I know, it's quite hard.
But Syd always managed. Well she was a bard).
smitty145, dorish the aquarian,
the fortiest-second of all flyingdutchman.
ritchiesbabe, Cathy (the 1 kind not 2)
Graphium_Studio’s here somewhere too
There’s Simon and petert, BeaSong, JKEerie,
Lakerz and Kickaha, lynthorpe and Barry.
(It sounds a bit like that old reindeer-y poem,
if you make the right changes and use the word ‘come’).
Drummerboy came, which is very befitting.
Dan Peach (there’s a pun somewhere there using ‘pitting’).
silverspook too, Matt Clark, safc,
Adam Beals and blackbird and InlandAZ.
barbarosso has come all the way from downunder
and met with Ewil02 and adv4ever.
Plus Linda333, a Canuck from upover
And meryl, a ‘settled’ Welsh unicorn fancier.
That Crazy Town BAAG Specialist TLC
is hotly debating with skeeter93.
(is that ninety or nine three? I’m not really sure,
but ‘three’ rhymes so who needs to know any more?).
Then suddenly there is a loud “Tally Ho”,
from somewhere ‘tween Syracuse and Buffalo.
And into the room spring ergggo and robedits,
followed by mrbill, dorf and Egidious.
ChrisMM, Laurette, and judith and copper
Aretha near Gatwick. She once
was a copper!
(or Bobby as our British friends like to say).
Chief left his truck and arrived in a sleigh.
jimrh69 is shooting the breeze
(Is it sixty or six do you think? If you please
you just did that before, you can’t do it again.
Well I did. Well you musn’t, so do please refrain).
ChuckO’s up the front with Martini in hand.
DocPaul and Donald are both looking grand.
revco has spotted teassoc and The Haze.
Susie07 likes ‘casual’ plays.
MsMercury’s chatting with Reg (he’s an Uncle),
and Winfrey said something that made colpet chortle.
mbday630 is relishing SCUMM
hoping Chewy from F5 will finally succumb.
And over there, just past the dark naughty corner
is MaG, a most venerable sonic-y boomer.
The second most sonic of 14 or so.
(I only have 20k more posts to go!).
Then out of that corner we mentioned just now
a tiger noise comes, far more roar than meow.
Christmassy wishes all flourish and bloom,
and Ana the brown eyed steps into the room.
“Three cheers” screams the room, and so “hip hip hooray”
rings out, all about. And it then fades away
for a moment of silence for those that we lost.
So now we’re all here in this virtual space
with our virtual friends from all over the place.
As we said at the start it’s a nice place to be
and it's all through the efforts of everybody.
So kudos to all of us, see you next year.
Let's all raise a beverage to wish us good cheer.
And to steal a great line (which you do when you write),
Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight.
And now flotsam, this writer, will bid you adieu
As soon there will be a new game to review.
Meanwhile, while I am generally rather pensive and quiet
I will hope that nothing I've said caused a riot.