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What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six #1319018
04/05/24 02:04 PM
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I am starting a new thread (part six) of What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? so that we can continue our discussion, as the previous thread was getting quite long.

For those wishing to read the previous thread which was part five, it can be found here. wave

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1319078
04/06/24 05:31 PM
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I just finished MCF: Moths to a Flame. The gameplay was fine; the story? I know what it was about but sure didn't understand the outcome. Oh well. On to the next game. Not sure yet what that will be. smile

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1319081
04/06/24 06:24 PM
04/06/24 06:24 PM
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I haven't played Moths to a Flame yet. I'm pretty sure the story would confuse me too.

Currently starting level 41 of 60 in Undercover: Blood Bonds.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1319171
04/08/24 02:34 AM
04/08/24 02:34 AM
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I started Fiction Fixers: The Curse of Oz tonight and I think my next Match 3 will be Legend of Egypt - Pharaoh's Garden.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1319212
04/08/24 11:45 AM
04/08/24 11:45 AM
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I have not played either of those games. Let us know how it goes.

I finished Undercover: Blood Bonds yesterday. This morning I am getting ready to play Magic City Detective: Wrath of the Ocean CE.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1319359
04/10/24 06:10 PM
04/10/24 06:10 PM
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Still playing Legend of Egypt - Pharaoh's Garden. It has three levels of play - easy, medium, and hard but it does not tell you about them (that I saw anyway) so I am playing on medium difficulty. It is not timed but timing plays a factor in how many stars you get per level. Three stars gets you a little bonus. I usually would go for all three but am settling for two on some levels so far. I think I have played 20, or maybe 30. I can't remember.

I finished Fiction Fixers: The curse of Oz, which I played in Win 7. It's a decent game with a lot of HO scenes and puzzles. I managed all the puzzles so I'll say they are not too hard. lol I had to get used to the voices though because I wanted them to sound like the movie voices but they don't.

I think I'm going to play Living Legends: The Red Trace next.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1319361
04/10/24 06:58 PM
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Thank you for your description and thoughts on both games, ob. Very helpful. yes

The Red Trace is on my pretty-soon-to-play list also.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1319562
04/14/24 05:06 PM
04/14/24 05:06 PM
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I just finished Surface: The Noise She Couldn't Make CE. I bought this game 12 years ago, played the first two chapters, and then discarded it. I think life intervened to the point where I didn't really have time for gaming. Good to finally play through the entire game and also finish the bonus game.

Not sure what is up next. I had a glitch with Wrath of the Ocean and did not feel like starting over, although I plan to restart it as I liked the game. I was about 35 minutes into it when I exited out of an unfinished puzzle that had appeared while zoomed in, and then I quit the game for the night. When I came back, the puzzle was no longer there and otherwise there was nothing else to do. The hint button would make a sound when I pressed it but otherwise was nonfunctional. Note to self: next time, don't exit the zoomed-in puzzle until it is done (or I've used the skip button).

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1319567
04/14/24 06:08 PM
04/14/24 06:08 PM
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I have some of those Surface games downloaded on my Win 7 if I ever get to them.

I always worry about exiting out of a puzzle or HO scene without finishing it as I have had problems doing that in the past also. I did it last night though in The Red Trace, which I finally started. So far, so good except I didn't know I was supposed to be looking for morphing objects and by the time I figured it out, I missed one. The game actually put me back into the scene it was in, but would not let me pick it up then, as it wanted me to continue to the next scene and that is all it would let me do. Kind of irked me even though I don't usually care about the morphing objects.

Enjoy whatever you decide on next and come back to let us know please! smile

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1319845
04/19/24 12:22 AM
04/19/24 12:22 AM
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I finished Living Legends: The Red Trace tonight. It was pretty good, pretty easy, nothing new in the puzzle category. I was distracted through most of the game by the voice of the main character, Roland. I think he sounded like Jonathan Harker but the credits did not say who voiced him. Missed one flower collectible (not sure what that kept me from doing) and one morphing object. I know the morphing object was from the very first scene as mentioned in my prior post; not sure about the flower.

Don't know yet what's next.

Oh, I did basically finish Legend of Egypt: Pharoah's Garden also but still playing to try to get all the "upgrades".

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1319870
04/19/24 08:53 AM
04/19/24 08:53 AM
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I think I will enjoy Red Trace based upon what you have said.

I just finished Criminal Archives: Alphabetic Murders. I enjoyed it overall. It was pretty much like all the other Do Games I have played but since in general I like them, this was by no means a bad thing.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1319985
04/20/24 06:01 PM
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im playing Spirit of Revenge , Elizabeths Secret CE the start caught my hunger for a Great Game the graphics are amazing so off I go , right now... Prior Ive been playing ( Ive beem playing A+E Mysteries on Steam ) Loved those puzzles kept me using my hands and Brain so I wont dwidle away I gueess smile Take care every one Sorry if you dont see me as much, bad back pills and headaches prevents me from sitting too long but Believe me you are all being thought of in my heart

'Worry looks around, sorry looks back, Faith looks up.'
Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1319987
04/20/24 06:22 PM
04/20/24 06:22 PM
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It's great to see you here, Leeana! No need to feel badly; I know you have been through a lot and it's just good to have you here when you are up to posting.

I liked Spirit of Revenge: Elizabeth's Secret. From the same developer, I also recommend Secrets of Great Queens: Old Tower. Really enjoyable, and it takes place close to the same time period as Elizabeth's Secret.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1320119
04/22/24 11:37 PM
04/22/24 11:37 PM
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I started House of 1000 Doors: Evil Inside, tonight in Windows 7. Other than it playing only in a window for some reason, I am enjoying it. I skimmed the reviews and didn't see any other mention of the window mode duh ? Oh well, it's keeping me more focused on the game I think.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1320144
04/23/24 11:35 AM
04/23/24 11:35 AM
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That's strange about it only running in a window. I don't recall anyone ever mentioning an issue like that with that game. Did you try hitting Alt + Enter?

I started Ms. Holmes: The Milverton Plot yesterday.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1320148
04/23/24 01:22 PM
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I did not try hitting Alt + Enter. I don't know about all those short cut things but will try it later if I remember. I keep a note near me to remember to try Alt F4 to try when I have a frozen screen and can't get out of a game. Without the note, I'd never remember.

I haven't played any of the Ms. Holmes games yet. Enjoy!

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1320182
04/24/24 12:00 AM
04/24/24 12:00 AM
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Just kick me please! I was getting ready to try Alt Enter but went into Options to look there even though I had looked there last night. Last night I didn't see the box to click for full screen but it was there tonight. lol

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1320205
04/24/24 08:52 AM
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Better late than never! lol

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1320245
04/25/24 12:25 AM
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Tonight I went back to windowed mode. I guess the game didn't like where I saved before I exited or something. It kept crashing when I tried to move out of the screen I was in. It took me 6 or 7 tries to get the game working again and one thing I did was go back to windowed mode and then was afraid to put it at full screen again. I tried 3 different start icons (the regular one, one I made by going into the game file location, and the one in the game file location that just says "launch" as opposed to the regular .exe file). That's the one that worked. I had also tried "run as administrator" and using the map to try to move out of the screen. I used it one time to just go to the nearest screen but the time it worked was when I used it to go to a screen that showed had an available action. Luckily I had started playing kind of early so I stayed in the game until I finished it. I do still have the bonus chapter to play though. Not sure what the problem was. duh

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1320258
04/25/24 08:54 AM
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I am not sure what the problem was either. At least you were able to get through the main game.

And for all we know the game might have run just fine in Windows 10. I have only ever tried the game in Windows 7 and had no problems with it.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1320271
04/25/24 01:44 PM
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It was some kind of access violation error but I'm not sure why, though BF mentions anti virus software could be an issue. I just don't know why it would all of a sudden be a problem. I know I stated this before but, I downloaded a bunch of Big Fish games (and others) prior to support ending for Windows 7 so I would still be using my Windows 7. I had been connecting to the internet now and then but not really to download games. I think since I have finally stopped connecting, my Norton and Malwarebytes are not updating and may be causing problems. I suppose I need to uninstall them now that I'm no longer connecting.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1320279
04/25/24 05:16 PM
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The access violation error is one of the worst and most unhelpful messages ever, being as it does not indicate what the problem might be. Fortunately I have only encountered that message with a few games on Big Fish in the last 17 years.

Interestingly, I remember someone here getting that access violation message years ago playing a Midnight Mysteries game - but when she downloaded the same game from somewhere else, she did not get that message. The only variable was the Big Fish Game Manager. Not that this necessarily pertains to such problems now, but it did stick in my mind. It is possible that some other program running in the background might also be the culprit.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1320449
04/28/24 10:19 PM
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I played the bonus chapter in full screen but put it back to windowed mode before I got out of the game (even though I have no intention of going back in it anyway).

Tonight I started Time Mysteries 3: The Final Enigma in Windows 7. Going well so far!

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1320491
04/29/24 10:25 AM
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I haven't played that particular Time Mysteries game, although it is in my Purchase History.

I am playing Phantasmat: The Town of Lost Hope CE.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1320702
05/02/24 06:11 PM
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I just finished a huge stint of the RPG Morrowind (again lol) so am now going back to my half-played BF Game .... Redemption Cemetry : Children's Plight.

I love Morrowind. Even though its sophistication is way behind later Elder Scroll games (which I also very much like) and I will quite often leave off a "game in play" to go adventuring around in it.
Naughty, eh ?? evil


Decided to start it again. I've forgotten too much laugh

Last edited by Mad; 05/02/24 07:02 PM.

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Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1320707
05/02/24 09:48 PM
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I sure understand the siren call of Morrowind, Mad. yes

And starting over with the casual is what I would probably do, too. smile

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321036
05/09/24 03:05 PM
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I started Enchanted Kingdom: Master of Riddles very late last night. When I got to the first puzzle I stopped, so no opinion yet.

I also added two games to my "fill in time / relaxation" games. Now I have 7 different types going, some with multiples. The two I added are Divine Journey: The Life of Jesus (trying to see if I can learn anything but it is just as hard as trying to read the Bible) and Flowers Mosaics. Divine Journey has 25 chapters each with 4 mini games and an Angel to find. If you miss the angel and go back to try to find it you have to replay that particular mini game. There are multiple different mini games including (but not only), jigsaw puzzles, find the difference, slider type, swap type, and nonograms. The nonograms is what prompted me to try Flowers Mosaics which I purchased not too long ago in a bundle and it has three different timed modes and an untimed mode. I tried timed and on the second puzzle I knew that would not work for me! It has 3 stars but if you make even one mistake you don't get that star. I have replayed a few of them already to get the 3 stars. I do like both of the games.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321041
05/09/24 03:52 PM
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I just finished "Dark City: Amsterdam" and enjoyed it very much. Now I'm going to download the demo of "City Legends: Witness in the Rye". The reviews on Big Fish aren't very good, but I want to make up my own mind based on the demo.


Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321042
05/09/24 03:52 PM
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I would definitely be playing in untimed mode with Flowers Mosaics. I don't want to be timed with something like that.

I have been playing Delicious: Emily's Taste of Fame and have 10 levels left.

Otherwise, I am still playing Phantasmat: Town of Lost Hope. Also thinking of replaying a Nancy Drew game, maybe even one of the Dossier games. It has been a long time since I have played those.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321109
05/10/24 01:00 PM
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Hi, Marian!

I was disappointed when they stopped making the Nancy Drew Dossier games because I really enjoyed the two I played.

Have a nice weekend!


Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321110
05/10/24 01:12 PM
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Susan, I was very disappointed about Ship of Shadows getting canned - and from what I have read, it was well along in the production process too.

And you too have a nice weekend. wave

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321125
05/10/24 03:22 PM
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Hi, Marian!

I remember reading that the third game was stopped in the middle of production, and still don't know why. I downloaded "Resorting to Danger" and wasn't sure if it would run on my Windows 10 computer but, so far, so good happydance !


Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321127
05/10/24 03:25 PM
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That is good news, Susan. I have seen people with Windows 11 saying they have gotten all the ND games to run, which is reassuring. I really enjoyed Resorting to Danger. smile

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321130
05/10/24 05:10 PM
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Have fun with Resorting to Danger, Susan!

Marian, have you played Flowers Mosaics or any of the other mosaic games? I have done some nonogram puzzles in other games but this is the first full game for me. It is quite hard! I may have to rethink getting all 3 stars as I have had to resort to pen and paper (I'm only on the 10th puzzle) to write down filled spaces because I had to restart it several times. One restart was because I wrote down the wrong thing. The game is supposed to be filler when I'm short on time and something relaxing. It's not turning out that way so far. I may have to check the settings to see if I can just eliminate the stars so they don't distract me. crazy

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321135
05/10/24 06:03 PM
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Ob, I have Fantasy Mosaics #24 and #37, and I am pretty sure that's it. I haven't finished them, though. I did not find them to be all that easy.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: oldbroad] #1321169
05/11/24 09:52 AM
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Hi, oldbroad!

Thanks! "Resorting to Danger" and "Lights, Camera, Curses" were two of the first games I bought when I joined Big Fish in 2009 and I really enjoyed them. I had forgotten all about them until Marian mentioned that she was thinking of replaying them so I decided to as well.

I think my first nonogram puzzle was in one of the Nancy Drew adventure games., so maybe I'll check out the mosaics series and see how I do with the demo.


Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321171
05/11/24 10:41 AM
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Shadow at the Water's Edge is the ND game with the nonograms.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321174
05/11/24 11:18 AM
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Hi, Marian!

Thank you! I remember it took me forever to complete, but it really was fun.


Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321184
05/11/24 01:45 PM
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Ooh, I haven't played Shadow at the Water's Edge yet.

I think I should replay the Dossier games one of these days also, especially since I re-purchased them for download not too long ago. I wrote in my notes for Lights, Camera, Curses that I "played 2X but didn't unlock special", whatever that means.

I have a disc of Cruel Games: Red Riding Hood that included a game called World Mosaics 5 on it but I never played it and it will not open on my Windows 7 computer. Besides the game I'm playing, I bought one earlier this week in a bundle called Legendary Mosaics: The Dwarf and the Terrible Cat. I'll probably try more of them as they show up in bundles.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321191
05/11/24 04:08 PM
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Ob, I haven't unlocked the special on the Dossier games either. I believe you have to end up with a certain performance/number of points in order to unlock it.

Shadow at the Water's Edge has some very challenging puzzles in it.

I thought the Legendary Mosaics game looked cute although I haven't purchased it as yet.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321193
05/11/24 04:40 PM
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Marian, if you are interested in any of the bundle games, they will probably be changing around Monday.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321201
05/11/24 05:43 PM
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I will keep that in mind. smile

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321566
05/18/24 01:38 AM
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I started Real Crimes: The Unicorn Killer tonight in Windows 7. I'm playing in timed mode and the first scene was taking me time to get focused, and every 15 seconds there would be a pop up telling me what I was supposed to be doing or that I could use a hint or something. It was making me crazy! I did end up having to play the scene twice but then I got settled in. It is mostly all hog but there are some other puzzles such as matching fingerprints.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321576
05/18/24 09:05 AM
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I have been playing a game from 2009 that I found in my Purchase History, a match 3 game called World Adventure. It is quite different from other match 3 games I have played and also involves some strategic elements. It started out relatively easy but has gotten progressively more difficult. I doubt that I will be playing it straight on through as I am presently stuck on a level so will probably find something else to play today and return to this one from time to time.

I have Unicorn Killer but I don't think I have ever played the whole thing.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321641
05/19/24 01:24 PM
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Well, I am still failing that match 3 level so I started playing James Patterson Women's Murder Club: A Darker Shade of Grey. I am finding it pretty entertaining. I have had this game for years but have never played it before.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321651
05/19/24 03:44 PM
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I have played all of the Women's Murder Club games (and read all ? or most of the books). I only have the games on disc though. I liked them.

I finished The Unicorn Killer last night. It is only a 2 hour game smile. Not sure just yet what is up next.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321654
05/19/24 03:48 PM
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Now I know what game to choose when I am in the mood for a short game. smile

And this particular Women's Murder Club I am playing was designed by Jane Jensen - I had forgotten that.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321681
05/20/24 02:25 AM
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I started Sinister City tonight. I only played for a half hour so far. I am not sure about it. It's different which is good but there are only two modes. Easy mode points everything out to you and advanced mode makes you click on everything. I don't like either of those options. You can change it during gameplay so that is good I guess. If I get tired of clicking around I can change to being led around, and vice versa.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321715
05/20/24 09:08 AM
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I have Sinister City but haven't played it yet. I will be interested to hear more about it as you play the game. I have enjoyed some of the developer's other casuals.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321799
05/21/24 04:08 PM
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Marian, I am not finding this game fun at all. I think it could have made a good game but (for me) it is not. I can barely stand to play it for a half hour at a time and cannot wait to finish it. Some of the puzzles are very easy and then some are just annoying. I skipped three of them already.

I have a couple of their other games but I think this is the first one I am playing. Which ones have you played?

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321800
05/21/24 04:14 PM
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I have played their Frankenstein: Master of Death and Dracula's Legacy. They weren't great, but as far as I can remember they were pretty good.

I also played Cursed. 8dognight writes about the game in our Casual Games Reviews and Recommendations thread. I liked it. Finally, in the last year I played Millennium Secrets: Emerald Curse. I enjoyed that one too. Both of these are from JetDogs Studios as well.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321801
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Thanks. I have all 3 of those but haven't played them. Frankenstein and Dracula are both installed and waiting on my Win 7. Cursed is not.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321802
05/21/24 04:19 PM
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I added one more to my post above.

And I have a few more of theirs still to be played - their HOPAs/adventure lite games, that is.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321803
05/21/24 04:47 PM
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The two Millennium Secrets games, Varenje, and the new game The Harmony Chronicles, are all on my "possibly to buy" list but I may have to keep them there until I try another one by Jetdogs. Millennium Secrets does not show up under their name if you search by developer but I do see one reviewer shows them as the developer. I recently purchased The Red Book and they are also the developer of the Legendary Mosaics game I purchased two weeks ago..

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321902
05/23/24 02:48 PM
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I just finished League of Light: Wicked Harvest CE. I had played the main game before but not the bonus game. The bonus game was quite good and did not feel like it had been thrown together as an afterthought. I really enjoyed the entire game.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321903
05/23/24 03:12 PM
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I finished Sinister City the other night, about 3 hours of play when you skip 3 or 4 puzzles. lol I also finished Divine Journey: The Life of Jesus. The puzzles were not bad but not any that I really wanted to have to repeat. Some were pretty hard!

I think I will play Legendary Tales: Stories next. I know I enjoyed the first two games in the series.

I have not played any of the League of Light games yet.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321904
05/23/24 03:34 PM
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The new Legendary Tales I don't have yet. Hopefully it is as good as the first two. smile

I still intend to play Sinister City at some point.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321909
05/23/24 04:55 PM
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If you ever do get around to Sinister City, please post your opinion. You may like it. I really do think it could have been a good game, but something about it just did not work for me! I played it in Windows 7 and there was one area where nothing was happening (though it should have been). I closed the game and went back in and it was fine. May have been something I did to aggravate it.?

I'm surprised you don't have the Legendary Tales game yet.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1321910
05/23/24 05:37 PM
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I'm surprised I don't have the game yet either. It's been on my purchase list for a while. smile

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1322003
05/25/24 08:54 PM
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I have another Jetdogs Studios game in my Purchase History that I haven't played called Alchemy Mysteries: Prague Legends as well as another one called Annabel. Also have the other Millennium Secrets game.

Today I finished Queen's Tales: Sins of the Past CE - started it a couple of days ago and spent a lot of time playing it. I liked it a lot.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1322004
05/25/24 10:12 PM
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I feel like I had that Alchemy Mysteries game either on my list to buy or already bought but I don't see it on either. I do have Annabel on my list to buy.

I have not played either of the Queen's Tales games but I do have them. Have you played the other one, The Beast and the Nightingale?

I'm a couple hours into Legendary Tales: Stories. It' going well so far.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1322069
05/26/24 04:30 PM
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Good to know you are liking Legendary Tales. I have played The Beast and the Nightingale and enjoyed that one too.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1322184
05/28/24 10:09 AM
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My son got Mystery Case Files: Dire Grove CE up and running yesterday on our Windows 11 computer using Virtual Box running Windows 7. We are going to put it on our Windows 10 computer too. Next up is he is going to try one of the emulators for Flash Player so that I can play games on Windows 10/11 that use it. He definitely has his priorities straight. smile

Otherwise, I am now playing Immortal Love: Black Lotus CE. The main game was quite long. In the bonus game now.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1322205
05/28/24 03:22 PM
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You're lucky to have somebody to do that stuff for you (or with you), Marian! I am jealous! I once put a Virtual Box (or something) on my XP to run Win 98. I was very proud of myself but I am too afraid to attempt that kind of stuff anymore.

All Immortal Love games in my library waiting.

I finished the first chapter (story) in Legendary Tales. Will start the second one later.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1322330
05/30/24 04:35 PM
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Now I'm replaying Forbidden Secrets: Alien Town CE. I played it several years ago. Another fun 5 BN game!

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1322332
05/30/24 05:03 PM
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That one's been sitting on my Win 10 (installed) waiting to be played, Marian.

I still didn't start the second story in my game. duh

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: oldbroad] #1322448
06/01/24 04:41 PM
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Just installed The Emerald Maiden: Symphony of Dreams CE. And I think it will be a goodie yay

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Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1322449
06/01/24 05:20 PM
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Another game I have installed and waiting (with a note next to it that Marian liked it a lot). Have fun, Mad! (And, I still haven't gone back to my game.)

Edit: Well, now I've started the 2nd story as I accidentally clicked that icon instead of a different one. smile

Last edited by oldbroad; 06/01/24 06:08 PM.
Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: oldbroad] #1322455
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Well enjoy yourselves, Marian and oldbroad !! 👍👍👍

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Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1322480
06/02/24 09:47 AM
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Hi! I haven't posted for a while . I have been busy with home renovations but they are about done now thank goodness. In the meantime I have been playing mostly straight HOG's . I am playing Around The World; Amazing Countries series. I really like these games. Simple and eye pleasing. smile wave

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Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1322509
06/02/24 02:19 PM
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I am happy to hear you are enjoying them, Marlene! Simple and eye pleasing are sometimes what I am looking for, too.

I am now playing The Andersen Accounts: The Price of a Life CE. It is a bit different from the usual and interesting so far.

Mad, I do hope you like The Emerald Maiden. smile

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1322626
06/04/24 02:36 PM
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Thanks, Marian smile

I am liking it so far.

And I forgot to say how much I enjoyed re-playing the Redemption Cemetery Game.
[Plus as I have several more from that series, there's plenty more fun to come !! grin]

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Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1322628
06/04/24 03:28 PM
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That is all very good news, Mad. thumbsup

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1323085
06/11/24 01:00 PM
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Got Diverted !! redface

I installed two games, last time, the second one being Vampire Legends : The Untold Story of Elizabeth Bathory (CE) - which I thought I'd already played at some time but soon realised I hadn't.
[With the intent of playing the two games in alternate sessions.]

But when I started playing the vampire one, I got carried away and have been playing only IT ever since because I really like it !! shame

[Just got no will power at all lol]

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Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1323087
06/11/24 01:29 PM
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Mad, I too liked Vampire Legends: The Untold Story of Elizabeth Bathory CE. yes

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1323089
06/11/24 02:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Marian
Mad, I too liked Vampire Legends: The Untold Story of Elizabeth Bathory CE. yes

LOL I just discovered that I bought that game but never played it. (That happens a lot!) crazy So I think I will give it a try. smile wave

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Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1323091
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That game has been in my library going on 10 years now but I have not played it either.

I am still playing Legendary Tales. There are way too many collectibles in the game but they do at least have a grabbing hand to make it easier to find them.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1323092
06/11/24 03:19 PM
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I bought the game in 2014. And I see I bought Vampire Legends: The Count
Of New Orleans in 2017 and never played. Sheesh! duh

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Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1323094
06/11/24 03:45 PM
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Marlene, I have lots of games purchased that long ago and yet to be played. In the past year I have finally gotten around to some games that were purchased at least thirteen years ago...and this even when I have cut way back on game purchases as compared to how I used to be. rolleyes

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1323098
06/11/24 04:53 PM
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LOL Marian. I guess there is no hope for us!I have so much catching up to do! lol

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Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1323638
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I finally finished Legendary Tales: Stories. One of the character voices sounds like the guy from Sanitarium, making me think about another replay of that. The game is very long. I guess the stories somewhat connect but I can't follow stories well enough to say how. There are a million collectibles but a grabbing hand helps you find them and, the best part, you are able to go back afterwards to find what you may have missed. In one of the HO scenes there was a code that was supposed to be used but I couldn't figure it out at all so I tried to look at the guide. Of course it was not in there because it was part of the HO scene, so I had to skip that. I also skipped two of the puzzles; one I was pretty sure I'd never get and I did try it again in the "extras" but ended up using the guide to see it. The other one was not in the extras and I can't remember now what it was or why I had to skip it. I liked the game well enough but I am not nearly as big a fan of 5BN games as the rest of you are, so I can't say I loved it.

I'm not sure what's up next.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1323642
06/18/24 05:52 PM
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Thank you for that description of Legendary Tales: Stories. I did hear that the game is very long. Skipping only two puzzles is darn good, in my opinion.

Along with Nancy Drew, for my casual I have been playing Lost Lands: Ice Spell and I am enjoying it very much.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1323871
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I have played that Flowers Mosaics game twice now as there are some puzzles that hide a jigsaw puzzle piece. I don't think you actually do anything with the puzzle pieces. They seem to just create a picture. It is very hard to tell where a piece is. There is just a very slight different look to the space it is under. I was missing about 10 pieces when I finished the game the first time. I am still missing one lousy piece. mad I was looking online to see if I could find a guide or something to tell me which puzzles to find the pieces in but cannot find anything. Marian, any idea? I don't believe I am going to pursue it any further unless I can be sure where to look. Two times through the game was enough.

I bought some more of these in the current "bundles" offerings.

I haven't started a new casual yet but hope to soon.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1323872
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Playing Dead Reckoning - Sleight Of Murder CE. Really enjoying it.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: revco] #1323896
06/22/24 09:44 AM
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Originally Posted by revco
Playing Dead Reckoning - Sleight Of Murder CE. Really enjoying it.

Someone else was just telling me how good this game is. It is in my Purchase History and I've never played it! I will get to it for sure this year.

Good to see you here. smile

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1323927
06/22/24 05:25 PM
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Thanks. Yes, it really is one of the best I've played in a while. If you like MCF (which I do), then you'll have fun with this one or any of them in this series.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1323959
06/23/24 10:35 AM
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I have started another Eipix game, Vermilion Watch: Moorgate Accord. Really good so far. I am developing a deeper appreciation for how well-made most Eipix HOPAs are. They were really good at it.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1323986
06/23/24 06:15 PM
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Last night I finished 100 Doors: Escape from Work which I started sometime in 2022.

Today I started The Mystery of a Lost Planet. I have only played 45 minutes and was interrupted by a phone call. It pretty much tells you everything to do but it still seems pretty hard. Hopefully, I just need to get adjusted to it.

It seems to me that i have enjoyed a lot of Eipix games also, Marian.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1324051
06/24/24 11:43 AM
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I will have to see if I have Mystery of a Lost Planet.

Just finished the main game of Moorgate Accord and it was a nice long game. On to the bonus game.

Congrats on finishing Escape from Work! smile

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1324077
06/24/24 06:17 PM
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Excuse me while I have a hissy fit! I'm not adjusting too well to this game I guess. I'm playing in Advanced Mode which I felt sounded like Regular Mode as opposed to Easy Peasy Mode where everything sparkles all over the place and pop ups make you crazy. Well, I was stuck so I used the hint button - 3 times until it took me to where I needed to be. Then I stopped using the hint and used my brain for a minute. Even though the game pretty much tells you everything you need to do, it doesn't point everything out. I needed to use an item in an area that had no indication that I needed to do something. Okay, found the clue I needed for something else but couldn't get the clue to work. I kept looking at it and saying, oh maybe it means this, oh maybe it means that. (Too many ways to read the clue when you keep looking at it and none of them are working.) So, I tried to use the hint button but didn't realize it was in "skip" mode until I saw the puzzle being solved. Unfortunately, I didn't see it quickly enough to see the actual solution to know what I was doing wrong. Time to exit out of the game! hardwall

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1324079
06/24/24 07:19 PM
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Are we having fun yet? It does not sound particularly enticing thus far.

At some point I hope you will be, because I just checked and yes I do have this game. grin

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1324326
06/28/24 12:49 AM
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I finished Mystery of a Lost Planet tonight and it is still a mystery to me. I don't know, Marian. It may be a good game but for me it was not. It looks nice and it is different, both good things, but I found it hard and frustrating. I think I skipped half of the puzzles because I didn't have a clue what they wanted from me. And, unless I missed something (certainly possible) it just changed direction somewhere in the middle. First you go off down this path and you're doing stuff, then all of a sudden you're back where you started and you go off a different way. Or maybe it was two different crews, or ???

Anyway, I think my next game will be Mystery Trackers: Black Isle.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1324344
06/28/24 08:22 AM
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I don't think I will like the game very much either, if and when I ever get around to it. But who knows? It always did look kind of odd to me.

I finished Royal Detective: The Last Charm CE yesterday. A nice Elephant game.

And now I am on level 50 of Travel Riddles: Trip to Italy.

I have played Black Isle but it was about 10 years ago. Time for a replay.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1324369
06/28/24 11:37 AM
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Hello Gameboomers. I am in serious, in fact emergency, need of distraction. I have some Grim Tales replays lined up but not the newer ones with the ghost of Anna mother who looks like she just came from a depressing PTA meeting.

I downloaded Last Charm and have started it, not bad, if nothing else turns up I'll go back to it.

Help me out with a HOPA, I'm begging here.

I hope everyone is well and happy.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1324385
06/28/24 02:15 PM
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Hi 8dognight. Off hand I can't think of a game that might fit your needs right now. It's been awhile since I've played a really good fun game that took my mind off of things. I hope you can find what you need. Do you play Match 3 games at all? Some of them can be good distractions.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: 8dognight] #1324391
06/28/24 03:45 PM
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Originally Posted by 8dognight
Hello Gameboomers. I am in serious, in fact emergency, need of distraction. I have some Grim Tales replays lined up but not the newer ones with the ghost of Anna mother who looks like she just came from a depressing PTA meeting.

I downloaded Last Charm and have started it, not bad, if nothing else turns up I'll go back to it.

Help me out with a HOPA, I'm begging here.

I hope everyone is well and happy.

Have you played the new Lost Lands game that recently released? You can find it here.

There was also a Legendary Tales game released a few months back, which can be found here.

Nice to see you. Let us know if you need other suggestions (maybe you've already played these?). smile Regency Solitaire 2 (not a HOPA, of course) was released a little while ago on Gamehouse, but it hasn't shown up on Big Fish yet. I am hoping that it will.

Oh, and your description of Anna's mother made me laugh out loud. grin

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1324394
06/28/24 06:17 PM
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Nice to see you here 8dognight! It's been awhile!

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Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1324454
06/30/24 08:51 AM
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Thank-you Oldbroad, Marian, and Ana. I apologize for my extended absence. I do often check the forums and read.

Beyond adventure game information and help, this forum has given me much to be grateful for. Over the years the posts and games themselves have helped me through my husband's five year battle with ALS and my subsequent grief. When reality presses close enough to be overwhelming, Gameboomers is a last outpost of civilization.

I started the new Lost Lands from 5BN then drifted over to Four Horsemen. I love the Lost Lands that starts out with Susan having packed an adventuring tote bag so she's finally not snatched with nothing useful only to have an ectoplasmic octopus tentacle haul her away empty-handed, bag left behind. Such a good joke. I will replay that one, too.

Also am replaying Crimson Hollow from Elephant and am still hooked periodically on Word Bird Supreme from Funkitron with its complex play options and large enough array of dictionaries to be more engaging than the drudgery of ordinary word search. Tapping into that depth has a downside. You have to play with the know-it-all superword feature which is one random tile that when played activates the longest word possible on the board starting with the next letter clicked. Smarty pants Superword can be rewarding if you love words. For example, did you know that "smaragd" means an emerald? I certainly did not. It sounds like the name of a dragon. The adjective is smaragdine which ought to be the name of the dragon's daughter. None of that pleasure in obscure words would be possible without the casual forum's leading me to mine BFG for word games.

Last edited by 8dognight; 06/30/24 10:41 AM.
Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1324460
06/30/24 09:39 AM
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8dognight, I too am grateful for this forum and for the same reasons that you have mentioned. Sometimes life is simply too painful to bear and this has always been a home away from home for me. I am glad to hear that it has been helpful for you as well during such sorrowful and difficult times.

I will check out Word Bird Supreme. It sounds like something I would enjoy. smile

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1324462
06/30/24 10:16 AM
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8dognight, I'm happy to hear you find comfort in coming here. Honestly, I think it's one of the main reason we are still here. It's a place where so many of us call home for more than just the games. hearts

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Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1324465
06/30/24 10:49 AM
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I certainly have more friends here at GameBoomers than in my other life!

That word game would not be good for me!

I hope Harold Halibut will be a good game for you!

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1324569
07/01/24 07:57 PM
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I finished Dead Reckoning: Silvermoon Isle today and have now started Mystical Riddles: Ghostly Park. If the power stays on all week I will be getting a lot of gaming time in, because a horrible heat wave is going to be with us for at least a week. I will be doing as little as possible.

Silvermoon Isle was very good and I am enjoying Ghostly Park so far - only a few screens in but so far, so good.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1324570
07/01/24 08:21 PM
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Well, I sure hope your power stays on, Marian! We have finally cooled off here but when it's cooler outside it is hotter inside because my air doesn't turn on. I don't get much air flow through my windows.

I am enjoying Mystery Trackers: Black Isle. I think I may be about half way through. Also today I started a new mosaic game, Daydream Mosaics by the Jewel Quest developers. Still doing my needlework, paint by number, and jigsaw puzzles too.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1324584
07/02/24 07:28 AM
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That all sounds good, ob! I am happy to hear that you are enjoying Black Isle. I will try to replay that one soon.

I did not know that Daydream Mosaics was by the Jewel Quest developers - interesting. I am around level 70 now with Travel Riddles: Trip to Italy.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1324604
07/02/24 01:17 PM
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I had to look Travel Riddles up. I was assuming it was a HOG. Something else for me to consider buying. wink

Actually, I do already have these on my list of considerations. laugh

Last edited by oldbroad; 07/02/24 02:52 PM.
Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1324614
07/02/24 04:20 PM
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Yes, just what we need - another game series to collect. rolleyes grin

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1324674
07/03/24 01:13 PM
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So, I'm a little disillusioned by Daydream Mosaics already. On the 13th level I had to make a guess at something. It was an easy enough guess. On the 14th level there was more guessing and that was after using the two power ups available. I thought the game was supposed to be based on logic, unless I just couldn't see the logic. I think you were supposed to be able to guess by the picture but, sorry, I don't know what the picture is sometimes. It made me make an error which means I went from a gold medal to a silver medal, and you know that ticked me off! I do like that the game has more colors than that Flowers Mosaics did but a lot of the colors look the same as each other and as the background, unfortunately. I hope there won't be too many guessing levels.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1324677
07/03/24 01:59 PM
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I have had the experience that you describe in other nonogram games I have tried in the past. I get discouraged and irritated when it becomes a guessing game or does not seem to be logic based. It's put me off a lot of these nonogram games, actually, as a result.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1324686
07/03/24 03:45 PM
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The description says this: "All nonograms based on logic" I know that I can certainly miss things but I don't believe I did. Unless you have to actually take pen and paper and draw pictures of what's open on this color and then on that color and merge them together, which is just a little too much for me to enjoy it. crazy

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1324696
07/03/24 08:56 PM
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I agree - that would be too much for me, too.

Still playing Mystical Riddles: Ghostly Park. As usual, a nice long game from Do/Domini.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1324971
07/07/24 05:34 PM
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I have started Fear for Sale: Phantom Tide. I have put a couple of hours into it already.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1324982
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I've gotten myself stalled playing my casual and my adventure because I can't stop playing the Daydream Mosaics game. It is supposed to be for filling small amounts of time here and there but ... wink

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: oldbroad] #1324986
07/07/24 09:52 PM
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Originally Posted by oldbroad
I've gotten myself stalled playing my casual and my adventure because I can't stop playing the Daydream Mosaics game. It is supposed to be for filling small amounts of time here and there but ... wink

Hey, I think that's great. I love it when I get completely caught up in something like that. smile

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1325209
07/10/24 10:45 PM
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I have finally finished Mystery Trackers: Black Isle. It was pretty good! I only got frustrated in a good way! lol

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1325217
07/11/24 07:46 AM
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That is good news. grin

I finished Phantom Tide, which I enjoyed. Now playing a match 3 game called The Chronicles of Noah's Ark.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1325237
07/11/24 01:43 PM
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Do you like the game, Marian? I have looked at those "Chronicles" games but don't have any of them - yet.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1325348
07/14/24 01:12 AM
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I started City Legends 3: Ghost of Misty Hall tonight. I played the first two games in 2022 and seem to remember liking them quite a bit. I am not yet sure about this one but I have only played for about 40 minutes. I don't have the 4th game due to my video problem.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: oldbroad] #1325359
07/14/24 08:31 AM
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Originally Posted by oldbroad
Do you like the game, Marian? I have looked at those "Chronicles" games but don't have any of them - yet.

Yes, I do like the game. I have the original Chronicles of Noah's Ark and I just noticed yesterday that a newer version came out a few years ago called The New Chronicles of Noah's Ark. I think all it did was improve the game graphically and such, but I'm not sure about that. I am pretty much done with it now.

I haven't played that City Legends game yet.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1325500
07/15/24 02:30 PM
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Yesterday I finished Reincarnations: The Awakening, which I found to be a very nice game.

Now I am playing Written Legends: Nightmare at Sea and I am really enjoying this one. The developer is Vast Studios. I highly recommend it and am finding it very entertaining. It was released on Big Fish in 2011 and I am just now getting around to it. Better late than never!

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1325504
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Huh! I was getting ready to say that I do not have Written Legends but I see that I purchased the SE version just this past October. I don't know if somebody here brought it to my attention or if I just ran across it on Big Fish. I'll have to download it and add it to my (very long) "soon" list.

I played another 40 minutes of City Legends. I am having trouble getting into it as I keep getting stuck, not knowing what to do. duh

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1325505
07/15/24 03:09 PM
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There was no CE of Written Legends as far as I know. It is just a good, solid game with what I would say is just about the right amount of hidden object scenes.

I have had times with Do/Domini games where I kept getting stuck, too. I have never been sure whether it was the game getting harder or my brain getting softer. grin

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1325664
07/18/24 01:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Marian
I have had times with Do/Domini games where I kept getting stuck, too. I have never been sure whether it was the game getting harder or my brain getting softer. grin

I have that experience quite a lot thes days, Marian lol

I've just now started playing "Dark Canvas - A Murder Exposed (CE)".
I don't know whether I've ever played it before (I think I've had it for quite a while) but nothing about the start has jogged any memories whistle

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Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1325665
07/18/24 01:15 PM
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I have heard good things about Dark Canvas: A Murder Exposed, Mad. I hope you enjoy it. smile

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1325723
07/19/24 09:06 AM
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I’m enjoying it very much so far, thank you, Marian 👍

(Plus, sorry that I forgot to come back to say how much I also enjoyed the Elizabeth Bathory vampire game !! redface)

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Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1325726
07/19/24 09:13 AM
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Oh, good to know, Mad! I need to play both games, then. Will put them on my list for this year. smile

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1325736
07/19/24 10:50 AM
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Well, I hope like both, then 🤞😬

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Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1325744
07/19/24 11:46 AM
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Good to hear you found some good games to play there Mad. I have to play both of those some day.

I am still struggling along in City Legends but must be around half way through now. Sometimes I can play longer than 40 minutes without getting stuck now, but not always. So far, I have been able to become unstuck when I go back into the game and have not needed help with what to do next. I only used help with one puzzle and it turned out that I just didn't realize I was only half way through the puzzle but thought I was at the finish.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1325763
07/19/24 05:14 PM
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Well, it sounds to me like you are doing quite well with the game, ob.

I am presently playing Dark Parables: Rise of the Snow Queen. I haven't played a Dark Parables game in quite a while and I decided it was time.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1325764
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Have fun, both of you hamster

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Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1325781
07/20/24 02:28 AM
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I have officially decided that I don't like this City Legends game. This time when I went in I could not figure out what to do so I read the guide from the beginning up to where I was stuck. There still seemed to be some step missing somewhere from one page to the next. This game has at least two places where you can continue and not be able to go back to find things (not sure exactly how it is worded - you choose yes or no). The first time I did not continue until I had completed some unfinished business and when I went back to that spot, there was no message about continuing so I assumed that I then had everything. The second time I also did not continue and this is where I was stuck. There were a lot of things still open to find and do. However, when still being confused after looking at the guide, I just went ahead and continued. Now I was where the guide was again AND I was still able to go back to the other areas so I don't know what that was all about but it sealed the deal for me, that I don't like this game. I will, of course, finish it though. BUT, I am stuck yet again almost right away.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1325826
07/20/24 01:07 PM
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I hate it too when a game is so inflexible, oldbroad. Especially if the only thing one can do is re-start 👎

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Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1325830
07/20/24 01:22 PM
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Sorry about your troubles, ob. I haven't played that particular City Legends game yet so I don't know how I will fare with it.

I am now on chapter six in Dark Parables.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1325834
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No need to restart the game, Mad. I guess it just lets you skip doing some things that aren't necessary to finish the game. But that second "choice" area didn't really work that way like the first one did so I don't know.

Edit: The thing is that apparently you had to say yes to this choice to move forward in the game even though you want to say no because it sounds like then you cannot do a bunch of stuff in the game. I hope that makes sense.

Last edited by oldbroad; 07/20/24 01:50 PM.
Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: oldbroad] #1325847
07/20/24 04:03 PM
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Oh, well good that you didn't have to re-start.

I HAVE had to re-start (or abandon the game) when I missed picking up something - or similar - but wasn't allowed to revisit the area to do so.

On those occasions Big Fish has always offered me another game in compensation but, truth be told, I would much prefer the glitch was caught before the game was put out for sale rolleyes

Anyway, I'm sure your next game will be absolutely, stupendously, GOOD !! 😜

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Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1325853
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Yes, I have had to restart games also and I don't like that one bit either. Big Fish was good that way in giving you codes for a different game but I always just wished I could play the game I was trying to play.

Thanks for that assurance regarding my next game lol !

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: oldbroad] #1325854
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Well, now I've said it it's obviously going to be true !! 🤣

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Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1326013
07/23/24 01:24 PM
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I finished Dark Parables, which was up to the series' usual high standards.

Mad got me thinking about Vampire Legends (there are three of those games) and I decided to download the first one, which I have never finished: Vampire Legends: The True Story of Kisilova. I am really enjoying it and having a hard time understanding why I played about 30 minutes of the game many years ago and never finished it. I must have been overly tired at that time and/or something else was interfering with my gaming time which impacted my feelings about it. So glad I gave it another chance.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1326015
07/23/24 01:36 PM
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I have all three of the Vampire Legends games installed between my two computers so hopefully, I will get to them one day.

I am now playing the Bonus Chapter of City Legends. Turns out there was some stuff that I did not play in the regular part of the game. I don't know what questions/answers determine that or if you just don't have to do everything or what. That is really what I do not like about this game. There are some different puzzles that I've not come across before and they were hard. One (wasn't exactly new) I tried for about 4 hours on hard mode then switched to easy mode but by then I was too tired to try long on there. I ended up having to use the guide. I really thought I could get the puzzle (otherwise I wouldn't have spent so much time on it). Then there was one in the bonus chapter that I didn't really understand until I looked at the guide. I didn't use the guide to complete the puzzle though; only to get a better understanding of it. I think there was another one that I just skipped completely, though I can't remember what it was or why I just went ahead and skipped it. I hope to finish the game up today and move on to that game Mad said will be "absolutely, stupendously, GOOD !!" lol

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: oldbroad] #1326016
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I also like the "Vampre Saga" series and have re-played all three over the years.

They are probably not as sophisticated as those in the "Vampire Legends" series but I certainly enjoyed them - and have also re-played all of them grin

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Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1326017
07/23/24 02:38 PM
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Well, ob, you could always play Gabriel Knight 1 and 2 - Gabriel Knight 1, I believe, is Mad's all-time-favorite adventure game. They are both very high on my favorites list, too. I would probably choose the anniversary edition of Gabriel Knight 1 at this point, though, as the enhanced graphics could make a difference, at least for some players. Anyway, I hope you get to both of them someday. smile

Mad, I have the first two of the Vampire Saga games. I have only played the first one and that was a very long time ago. I may give it another go this year as I don't remember anything about it. Something to look forward to!

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1326020
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The Vampire Saga series AND the Gabriel Knight series are installed on my Win 7 computer - waiting. Unfortunately, my Win 7 computer is not a very comfortable place to sit in front of and play for very long periods of time.
My current Adventure is The Whispered World.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1326022
07/23/24 03:37 PM
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According to GOG, both games work on Windows 10. Good to know you have them installed somewhere, though. smile

I have also been playing Wild West Story: The Beginnings off and on. It's a match 3 where you move a character across a board. It's a pretty nice game so far. I am on about level 15 or so.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1326027
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Ahhhhh. Yes. "Gabriel Knight 1" is still my all time favourite Adventure Game bravo

And I think one of my most favourite Casuals (and certainly the most re-played to date) might be "Sherlock Holmes and the The Hound of the Baskervilles" hamster

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Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1326033
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I think I'm going to go with Haunted Past: Realm of Ghosts.

Last edited by oldbroad; 07/23/24 10:57 PM. Reason: added "m" to realm
Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: oldbroad] #1326035
07/23/24 09:43 PM
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Originally Posted by oldbroad
I think I'm going to go with Haunted Past: Real of Ghosts.

That sounds like a good pick! I have it in my Purchase History but never played it for more than a few minutes. Thank you for the reminder. smile

Mad, I love Hound of the Baskervilles - one of my favorite casuals too. yes

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1326073
07/24/24 12:38 PM
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Hi, Marian!

I can't decide between Gabriel Knight and Tex Murphy for my favorite game series, so I'll have to call it a tie lol ! I even became a Big Fish Game Club member in 2009 so I could buy "3 Cards To Midnight", and then I discovered the 2 "Nancy Drew Dossier" games and "Murder She Wrote" ... and the rest is history grin .


Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1326079
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Definitely, Susan! Gabriel Knight and Tex doesn't get any better! wave

And I am pretty sure that I have all the casual games on Big Fish that were created by the Tex Murphy designers as well as those created by Jane Jensen. smile

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1326080
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After really enjoying my Dark Canvas game, I've loaded up the other one I have .... Dark Canvas : Blood and Stone CE .... and am just about ready to get to it !! broccoli

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Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1326082
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Originally Posted by Marian
Definitely, Susan! Gabriel Knight and Tex doesn't get any better! wave

And I am pretty sure that I have all the casual games on Big Fish that were created by the Tex Murphy designers as well as those created by Jane Jensen. smile

Oh, is that the connection Susan was making? I didn't get it. Is it too many games to list, Marian? I know I don't have 3 Cards to Midnight or 3 Cards to Deadtime.

Mad, have some more fun!

I did start Haunted Past last night. So far, so good.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1326085
07/24/24 02:56 PM
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Hi, Marian!

I have "3 Cards to Deadtime" and forgot about that one until oldbroad mentioned it. Were there any more? I also have the ones created by Jane Jensen (one of my favorite game designers) but can't remember the names. I think it's time I played them again lol !

And, oldbroad, if you're reading this, you must pick up "3 Cards to Midnight" and "3 Cards to Deadtime" in the next Big Fish sale smile. They're casual games starring Chris Jones, and I really enjoyed them.


Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1326087
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One of the games released on Big Fish by the Tex Murphy game designers has been removed from the Big Fish website. I have it and its name is Murder Island: Secret of Tantalus. Fortunately it's in my Purchase History. Unfortunately the publisher was Playfirst and all of their casual games were removed from the website years ago.

Others still on Big Fish include Escape from Thunder Island and The Race to Shangri La.

I think that's it, but I would have to do more research to make sure.

Jane Jensen casual games include (this is taken off Wikipedia):

BeTrapped! (2004) (designer)
Agatha Christie: Death on the Nile (2007) (designer, director)
Agatha Christie: Peril at End House (2007) (designer, director)
Women's Murder Club: Death in Scarlet (2007) (designer, director)
Dr. Lynch: Grave Secrets (2008) (designer, director)
Women's Murder Club: A Darker Shade of Grey (2008) (designer, director)
Agatha Christie: Dead Man's Folly (2009) (creative director)
Women's Murder Club: Twice in a Blue Moon (2009) (designer, director)
Deadtime Stories (2009) (creator, designer, director)

She also was the designer of Inspector Parker, another casual game on Big Fish.

Unfortunately, the Agatha Christies are no longer on the Big Fish website.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1326088
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Susan, I read everything except some stuff in the Darkside board. I keep a list of games that I'm interested in possibly buying and those 2 games have been on it for awhile but I wasn't sure how they played on Win 10 (and now Win 11 coming up).

Thank you, Marian for the list. I cannot find those first two games on Big Fish. Regarding the Jane Jensen list, Dr. Lynch has also been on my "possible buy" list and I have all of the other games but most of them are on disc only. I was never able to get very far in BeTrapped which is on the same disc as Inspector Parker.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1326089
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Betrapped can be found here on Big Fish.

Death on the Nile, Peril at End House, and Dead Man's Folly were removed years ago. Of those three, I only have Death on the Nile.

Chris Jones (Tex Murphy) did a voiceover in one of the Three Cards games, and it was so nice to hear him again. I would have bought the game just because of that!

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1326090
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Yes, I know Betrapped is on Big Fish. The game is too hard for me and I could not get very far in it. It's installed on my Win 7 computer and I have actually tried it out again in the not to distant past. Still couldn't get anywhere in it, and in fact, I'm probably even worse at it now than I was when I bought the game years ago. Have you ever played it?

The two I could not find on Big Fish are Escape from Thunder Island and The Race to Shangri La.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1326100
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I certainly have two Agatha Christie games - and have played both - but would have to check on the third - AND on the others in your list, Marian 🙂

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Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: oldbroad] #1326119
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Originally Posted by oldbroad
Yes, I know Betrapped is on Big Fish. The game is too hard for me and I could not get very far in it. It's installed on my Win 7 computer and I have actually tried it out again in the not to distant past. Still couldn't get anywhere in it, and in fact, I'm probably even worse at it now than I was when I bought the game years ago. Have you ever played it?

The two I could not find on Big Fish are Escape from Thunder Island and The Race to Shangri La.

You are right, ob! I just looked and it appears that they have both been removed. This removal must have occurred in the last year or two. Really glad I have them in my Purchase History. They still have the walkthroughs but not the games. What a shame. frown

I think I looked at Betrapped for about 15 minutes years ago, so I can't really say that I have played it. I don't think I really understood what was going on either, though, and would need to give it more time.

Mad, there used to be other Agatha Christie games on Big Fish as well as the titles I mentioned, but sadly most if not all of them have been removed. I wish now that I had purchased them when they were available.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1326133
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I have 4 casual Agatha Christie games; 2 from Big Fish and 2 on disc only. I've played all of them but just one time each.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1326136
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Yes, I could get most of them on a CD from eBay, most likely. I could look into that at some point.

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I finished Haunted Past: Realm of Ghosts last night. It took about four hours to play. It's very puzzle light with some HO scenes. Mostly you are looking around, finding items, hiding them, and then taking them out of hiding to use. I found it to be a nice, interesting, relaxing game. smile

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Hi, Marian!

Thank you so much for the list. I copied and pasted your post into a Microsoft Word document so I can check the list against the games I have. I know I'm missing some, so shame on me lol !

Have a nice weekend!


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That sounds right up my alley, ob! Thanks for letting us know. I have enjoyed most if not all of the Gogii games I have played. smile

Susan, you are welcome and have a nice weekend. I am sorry that two of the Big Finish (Tex Murphy) games I mentioned have been removed from Big Fish.

I finished Vampire Legends: The True Story of Kisilova CE yesterday. Nice game!

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Hi, oldbroad!

I'm sure I've replayed the Three Cards games since getting Windows 10 and they ran without any glitches. You might want to download the demos just to make sure they'll run on your system, but I don't think you'll be disappointed because I enjoyed them very much, and it was so nice to hear Chris Jones' voice again.


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Ob, the two Three Cards games are very different from other casual games; whether that is a good thing or a bad thing is up to you to decide. But you haven't played anything quite like them, I feel sure. I am vague about this because I don't want to spoil anything.

Re: What Casual Games Are You Playing Right Now? - Part Six [Re: Marian] #1326194
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Thank you Susan and Marian for the additional information regarding the Three Cards games. I will probably pick them up in a future BOGO sale.

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