First, anagram the group of letters into one word using each letter only once.
Then, anagram that group of letters into two words using each letter only once, but "not" using individual compound word forms of your first one word solution.
Example: EEHOPRRSU = SUPERHERO but not SUPER & HERO its compound words
= 1. EIIMPSSST [ 1 ] ________________ [ 2 ] ________ [ 3 ] ________
= 2. AADEIIRRT [ 1 ] ________________ [ 2 ] ________ [ 3 ] ________
= 3. EELMNNORT [ 1 ] ________________ [ 2 ] ________ [ 3 ] ________
= 4. AABBCEHLL [ 1 ] ________________ [ 2 ] ________ [ 3 ] ________
= 5. AEIMNRTTY [ 1 ] ________________ [ 2 ] ________ [ 3 ] ________
= 6. ACEFHINRS [ 1 ] ________________ [ 2 ] ________ [ 3 ] ________
= 7. ABCDINOTU [ 1 ] ________________ [ 2 ] ________ [ 3 ] ________
= 8. ACEELMNTT [ 1 ] ________________ [ 2 ] ________ [ 3 ] ________
= 9. ABEHNRRTU [ 1 ] ________________ [ 2 ] ________ [ 3 ] ________
=10. EEIJLNSUV [ 1 ] ________________ [ 2 ] ________ [ 3 ] ________