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Dragon Age ::: party makeup and social #576470
12/11/09 01:08 PM
12/11/09 01:08 PM
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Hey everyone !! I was just wondering what you guys preferred as your party makeup while traveling around defeating the Blight ??? Also who do you prefer to play while in a battle . . . does it depend on the situation at hand or do you tend to control the character you created solely ??

Personally I've been swapping back and forth between two different combinations of party members . . . it's either (1) rogue, mage, mage, warrior or (2) rogue, mage, warrior, warrior . . . I really liked having two mages in my part at the same time but the battles seem to be quite a bit easier to handle with only 1 squishy party member and 2 warriors to just soak up damage.

I generally control my created character ( a cunning shadow clingy Rogue ) unless I'm in a very tough fight, in which case I will switch over to control the Mage so I can conserve mana . . .

What about everyone else out there playing??

"Not all those that wander are lost" - J.R.R. Tolkien
Re: Dragon Age ::: party makeup and social [Re: Asha'man] #576668
12/12/09 04:37 AM
12/12/09 04:37 AM
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I "play" all of my party members in a battle. I've disabled the tactics, I put on the "hold" function, and I issue orders to each party member as the batlle progresses.

It's just so much more tactical than having them each do their own thing, which isn't always the optimal thing, no matter how well you've tried to program your tactics.

I have found the best combination to be Shale (a mixture of tank and DPS dealer)- my own dualwielding warrior -a sturdy DPS dealer, Wynne and Morrigan. I just couldn't do without their buffing, stun, and area effect spells.

If I had to trade Shale, I'd trade for Alistair or Dog, both nice sturdy tanks with nice stun capabilities. I am a little sorry that I did not do my main playthrough as a mage, as there are so many cool spells available. Perhaps next time...

The idea with mages is to hold them back out of the fray of battle, since almost all of their spells can be effected from a distance. wink

`Curiouser and curiouser!' cried Alice
Re: Dragon Age ::: party makeup and social [Re: Moondancer] #576748
12/12/09 11:34 AM
12/12/09 11:34 AM
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Moondancer : Yea . . . I have tried controlling all of the party members as that does make the battles flow much better, however I am playing DA on a PS3, so it's a little harder giving all of the individual commands on the console version then it is on the PC version . . . I tend to just make sure my Tank ( Shale at the moment ) grabs all the aggro and then control my Rogue as I don't have alot of tactic slots available with him and left to his own devices the AI just doesn't do him justice wink I am really looking forward to the opportunity to play the game through on a PC though as everything I have read said the PC version was by far the superior version of this game, as they had to "dumb down" the fights for both the XBox 360 and PS3 versions of the game.

Yea it sounds like you have stumbled across the same party makeup that I find myself preferring at the moment. Until I had gotten Shale I was questing with Morrigan, Wynne, Alistair and my Rogue . . . I'm now trying out Shale in Morrigan's place although I really miss her barrage of spells . . . she is one tough cookie !!! I especially like her shape changing for when Mana begins to run low . . . but for now I've been poking around having Shale tank, Alistair DPS ( He just finally got enough STR to wear the Dragon armour that comes with the game . . . looks pretty neat! ) , my Rogue DPS , and then Wynne just stands back and keeps us all alive wink

I definitely agree with you on the massive amounts of cool Mage spells . . . I am certainly playing a Mage on my next play thru, that way I can have THREE mages in my party at once . . . =)

I'm currently trying to figure out if there is any kind of " Market " for any of the craftable items you can make ( such as the traps or potions etc ) or if it is better to just craft what you plan on using in battle, and keeping the rest safely tucked away in the bottomless storage chest . . . I dunno'.

Anyways . . . enough babbling for now . . . more coffee !!!

"Not all those that wander are lost" - J.R.R. Tolkien
Re: Dragon Age ::: party makeup and social [Re: Asha'man] #576874
12/12/09 04:21 PM
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Hm, I suppose I'm quite close to the end of the game by now, and so far, the only crafting jobs I had found were in Lothering - which as you know one cannot return to.

I got a bit tired of Denerim - found it rather boring, so it's possible I might have missed some opportunities there, though.

Nevertheless, I do think it's worth making what you have recipes for - I'm not so much into rogueing, but I have Morrigan do us lots of poultices, first-aid kits and lyrium potions.

Yes, Shale is a star. smile

Regarding the spells, I feel quite cross that I probably won't have managed to try them all out by the end of the game, let's not mention explore all the specialities like shapeshifting.
I guess the game has some replay value in that regard.

My, but they've made the site look pretty with all this green!

`Curiouser and curiouser!' cried Alice
Re: Dragon Age ::: party makeup and social [Re: Moondancer] #576939
12/12/09 07:05 PM
12/12/09 07:05 PM
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This is only my first play through but so far Denerim has been kind to me, but maybe that's because I'm playing with a Rogue? There are alot of "shady" jobs to be found in Denerim . . . just have to make sure Wynne isn't tagging along as she doesn't exactly approve of some of them wink

As far as trying everything out spell and ability wise I have already resigned myself to the fact that it won't be possible on my first play through LOL , hopefully on my next I will use a totally different party makeup as well as class combinations, just to see/experience more !!!

I am not very far at all . . . just finished off the Arl of Redcliffe series of quests and am currently heading to the Dwarven homelands to try and secure their alliegance . . . should be fun wink

Okay house just got really quiet and with a 2 year old that is never a good thing . . . more to come later!

P.S. LoL I didn't even notice the Christmas touches until you mentioned them . . . only 2 more weeks !!

"Not all those that wander are lost" - J.R.R. Tolkien
Re: Dragon Age ::: party makeup and social [Re: Asha'man] #577065
12/13/09 02:09 AM
12/13/09 02:09 AM
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It is technically possible to make a profit off of craftable items. Since some of them use ingredients that are infinitely available, it's even possible to generate unlimited funds if you really want: buy as many ingredients as you can afford, make them all into potions, and sell the potions for profit. Potent lyrium potions, for example, make a profit if you buy most of the ingredients from the bartender in Denerim (supplemented with lyrium dust from the Circle Tower.) Doing so ruins the game's carefully balanced economy, though, so I don't particularly recommend it.

Re: Dragon Age ::: party makeup and social [Re: Demosthenes] #577164
12/13/09 10:27 AM
12/13/09 10:27 AM
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Demosthenes : Yea I certainly am not trying to do anything that would ultimately make the game less fun .. .. .. I was considering having my Rogue begin to learn Trapmaking though, and wasn't sure if selling them would be a way to pad my coinbag!! So far everytime I save up 50 or 60 gold pieces I end up spending them almost immediately on a book to acquire new skills for <someone> LOL.

"Not all those that wander are lost" - J.R.R. Tolkien
Re: Dragon Age ::: party makeup and social [Re: Asha'man] #577272
12/13/09 06:31 PM
12/13/09 06:31 PM
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I probably played 90% of my game with the same party: two warriors and two mages. My main was a duel wield Templar/Champion. For several of the quests, I swapped out a mage and specced the remaining mage for health and AoE damage/crowd control.

I only controlled my main character. The rest I set up tactics which worked quite well for me. The only times I'd control someone else was to disarm traps and that was only if I had a rogue in my party (most times, I didn't).

I completed the end game with two warriors, mage and rogue archer.

Last edited by toger; 12/13/09 06:33 PM.

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Re: Dragon Age ::: party makeup and social [Re: toger] #577350
12/13/09 11:29 PM
12/13/09 11:29 PM
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I'm afraid I get rather attached to my companions and use the same ones as much as possible unless the game calls for a particular one.

I like to have Wynne as a healer Morrigan with cone of cold and flame spells, and then a rogue archer with lock pick and trap skills plus summon spells.

Wynne can also bring a fallen character back if you choose the right spell.

You laugh because I'm different
I laugh because you're all the same

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Re: Dragon Age ::: party makeup and social [Re: oldman] #577363
12/14/09 01:49 AM
12/14/09 01:49 AM
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How did you get Wynne to join your party? I didn't get that option this is the old woman right? If I remember correct she was by Duncan's fire right?

Did anyone find Sten was worthy of keeping in a party? I can't see him ever confiding anything to me. I don't like the guy and he killed a whole family with children so how can you trust someone like that in your party? Besides I don't think he likes my character who is a female human noble rogue. I have just kept him in camp thus far but should I just tell him to leave? What happens if you do tell him to leave will he come back and try to kill you? What evil looking eyes he has! The party I have thus far is

my rogue character who can open any door and chest. Allison who is a Warrior, Morgona the mage, Dog my best friend. I am like you John I also think of my party as a family, and you get funny comments between Allison and Morgona.

The best part playing the human noble is I get my dog right at the start and he is such a dear pet and saved me in many a battle.

Re: Dragon Age ::: party makeup and social [Re: oldman] #577364
12/14/09 01:50 AM
12/14/09 01:50 AM
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How did you get Wynne to join your party? I didn't get that option this is the old woman right? If I remember correct she was by Duncan's fire right?

Did anyone find Sten was worthy of keeping in a party? I can't see him ever confiding anything to me. I don't like the guy and he killed a whole family with children so how can you trust someone like that in your party? Besides I don't think he likes my character who is a female human noble rogue. I have just kept him in camp thus far but should I just tell him to leave? What happens if you do tell him to leave will he come back and try to kill you? What evil looking eyes he has! The party I have thus far is

my rogue character who can open any door and chest. Allison who is a Warrior, Morgona the mage, Dog my best friend. I am like you John I also think of my party as a family, and you get funny comments between Allison and Morgona.

The best part playing the human noble is I get my dog right at the start and he is such a dear pet and saved me in many a battle.

Re: Dragon Age ::: party makeup and social [Re: Sherryah] #577368
12/14/09 02:06 AM
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You get Wynne when you do the Mage Circle Tower quest.

Just keep Sten standing around there in your camp, he doesn't do any harm. I never use him either, but I did get him to confide in me , and I did do his personal quest. He is useful as an extra fighter when your camp gets attacked and everybody pitches in to attack the invaders.

`Curiouser and curiouser!' cried Alice
Re: Dragon Age ::: party makeup and social [Re: Moondancer] #577374
12/14/09 03:13 AM
12/14/09 03:13 AM
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Sherryah (and others)

If you tell someone to leave, they'll leave for good. And no, they won't come back to kill you.
(Although at some point another npcs might try this...)

Just leave Sten in camp, if you don't want to use him. Just give him what he likes most to raise his confidence in you.

And yes, you can get Wynne, when you do the Mage's Tower quest. A word of warning, though. Having Morrigan (Morgana) in your party at this time could maybe change things a bit. Morrigan isn't exactly to fond og the Circle of Magi.

But there is a way to make it work, I think.

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Re: Dragon Age ::: party makeup and social [Re: Karsten] #577422
12/14/09 08:32 AM
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Morrigan didn't change anything at all in my setup. I took her with to the circle of magi, and it worked excellently.
In fact, Morrigan is the one person I have NEVER left out except on her personal quest, which is a given for her quest.

In fact I also sent her into the fade for a certain quest to do with the eamons. and she performed like a star.

Just give Morrigan lots of necklaces and other jewelery, and she will love you. She loves me 100% on the approval scale.

`Curiouser and curiouser!' cried Alice
Re: Dragon Age ::: party makeup and social [Re: Moondancer] #577746
12/15/09 05:14 AM
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I have finally been able to pick this up again now when I'm almost done with everything school-related. Yesterday I finished the quest with the Dalish elves...I also saw the cutscene with Lelianna singing. That's a prime example of what I consider to be good game design - it's like they're trying to make the game into a more cinematic experience. More of that please, game developers. smile

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Re: Dragon Age ::: party makeup and social [Re: Drizzt] #577781
12/15/09 09:14 AM
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Thanks everyone for the information. I don't have a clue what Sten would want though, I know that Allison likes booze of any kind. LOL What does Sten want so he confides in me?

I will leave him in camp . Lelianna was not a good fighter I nearly lost the game with her just doing the victory song. Morgonna is one of my favorites for the party and I really need a healer I am shocked she doesn't heal.

Congratulations Dritzz, who did you use in your party to do the Dalish quest and kill the werewolf? What did you find useful in your party to help with the haunted forest as well as who in the party helped you the most in killing the werewolf. I am where you are now and setting out to go into the forest.

Re: Dragon Age ::: party makeup and social [Re: Sherryah] #577824
12/15/09 11:20 AM
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Sherryah: Sten likes paintings. Alistair likes statues; save the booze for another character you've yet to meet.

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Re: Dragon Age ::: party makeup and social [Re: toger] #577888
12/15/09 02:59 PM
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Patience about the healer: Wynne is a healer. wink

..which is why it might have been a better idea for you to do the Mage's Circle first if you wanted a healer - or at least Redcliffe, which sort of then follows on to the Mages' Circle.

`Curiouser and curiouser!' cried Alice
Re: Dragon Age ::: party makeup and social [Re: Moondancer] #577915
12/15/09 04:22 PM
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If you go to the elf merchant in the Dalish camp, I think he sells elfroot? and then go Bodahn at your camp, I think, he sells glass vials? Just buy as many of these as you like, then learn herbalism - and presto - you have health poultices (as potions are called in this game - for some odd reason?)

And here I thought that Sten likes cookies? And Alistair likes cheese?

Last edited by Karsten; 12/15/09 04:23 PM. Reason: content added

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Re: Dragon Age ::: party makeup and social [Re: Karsten] #577917
12/15/09 04:25 PM
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Sherryah, I have come to use what I refer to as my "Standard" party - Me, a tank (very tough fighter), Alistair, Morrigan and Lelianna. There probably are better ways to compose your party but I am keeping to this simply for story reasons. I like their interactions with eachother. I'm sure I will do different next time through.

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Re: Dragon Age ::: party makeup and social [Re: Karsten] #578046
12/16/09 04:26 AM
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Originally Posted By: Karsten
If you go to the elf merchant in the Dalish camp, I think he sells elfroot? and then go Bodahn at your camp, I think, he sells glass vials? Just buy as many of these as you like, then learn herbalism - and presto - you have health poultices (as potions are called in this game - for some odd reason?)

And here I thought that Sten likes cookies? And Alistair likes cheese?

Morrigan already has basic herbalism, so yes, you can use her at once to make some basic poultices, if you have the recipes. In fact, while Sherryah is there in the elf camp, she should buy Elfroot off of Varathorn - he keeps them as standard stock, while Bhodan has the vials, but his elfroot is only occasional, he doesn't stock them as a standard.

Since Morrigan is my constant companion, I have built up her herbalism skill, and she makes lots of nice potions and poultices for me. You do need to buy the recipes before you can make anything, though. Some of the recipes (like health poultices and lyrium potions) are worth their weight in gold.

Talking of crafting: I'm REALLY into poisons and bombs now - they make your character who has the skill just so much more lethal... evil

`Curiouser and curiouser!' cried Alice
Re: Dragon Age ::: party makeup and social [Re: Moondancer] #578059
12/16/09 06:09 AM
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Thanks for everyones advice I have learned so much from all of you. I am so grateful to everyone that recommended this game. I play my human noble rogue and she is really buffed up and is both archer and duel sword and seldom faces a door or chest she cannot open.

Morigan the mage, Alistar, Dog, I love my dog but when I get a chance to get Wynne I guess my pup will have to stay back home at the camp. Never has he even been stunned or knocked down, he is one tough war dog and I wish we could keep him no matter how many join our party.

Moondancer I have my rogue taught teir 2 skill in trapmaking but how do I make a trap? How do I get to use all the poisons I have collected to put on the swords? How do I make bombs?

This is an urgent question no one has answered yet, when I need to rest at camp how do I get there quickly? Is there a fast way to camp? When I kill monsters in certain areas and it is cleared out will they return if I go back the same path? Will I have to face the same hard battles?

Big hugs and gratitude to all of you for your help from Ireland. hearts :holidays:

Re: Dragon Age ::: party makeup and social [Re: Sherryah] #578110
12/16/09 10:33 AM
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Sherryah, no, no instant fast travel - you have to go to an exit shown on your map as a crossed thru circle to exit an area, unfortunately, but happily foes you have already killed don't respawn.

For poisonmaking you need at least the basic skill for basic poisons, and higher up for more advanced poisons. Only characters who have the skill can apply it to their weapons, so if you want to use them, make sure you choose it the next time you get to choose a talent, since I find it more useful than traps ; which I personally don't really use at this stage; since one has only so much space in your inventory which quickly becomes full with all the ingredients, bombs and poisons.

`Curiouser and curiouser!' cried Alice
Re: Dragon Age ::: party makeup and social [Re: Drizzt] #578153
12/16/09 12:40 PM
12/16/09 12:40 PM
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Toger : Did you ever find a tactic to make the rogue disarm traps automatically? My limited poking through the available skills hasn't shown me anything that would do that yet ..

Oldman : I completely understand your dilemma, actually that was one of the reasons I was curious how everyone else played!!! So far all I've really used is Alistair, Morrigan, Wynne, and then Shale swaps in and out .. .. .. I would love to use Sten and some of the others in my camp, but I just can't bring myself to kick Alistair or Wynne out of my party! :grin12:

Sherryah : As Karsten said you will pick Wynne up when you venture back towards the Circle of the Magi, for whatever reason you choose to wander that way! Sten seems like he would be a beast of a fighter, however I haven't utilized him at all this play through as my party already has a great "tank" character . . . for sure on my next time through though! I love the WarPaints that you get to put on the dog, aren't those great !?!?! As far as poisons and bombs go, as Moondancer said it's just a matter of having a character that has learned the appropiate level in poison or trapmaking, then acquiring recipes from merchants or drops, and then finding the right materials. Then you just select the Poison/Trapmaking option and click away =)

Moondancer : :eek12: Someone is going to attack my camp??? Hmmmmm .. ... .. in the words of a very famous bunny rabbit, " You do realize of course, that this means war ... " wink I chose to send Morrigan into the Fade as well for that nameless quest . . . I'm glad I'm not the only one that took the long way around!!! The gift giving absolutely cracks me up in this game, I have actually started to save right before I hand out gifts ( L4L would never let me hear the end of that ) so that if I give the 'wrong' gift to someone I can try again LOL . . . I don't have Morrigan's full approval yet .. ... .. but I'm getting closer =) Also ... ... ... did you actually complete Morrigans Quest?? I don't want to give away anything so I'll just leave it at that .. .. .. I tried, but I was level 7 at the time and just got ... well ... obliterated. hardwall

Karsten : Yup Yup you can make it work with Morrigan, I think it just gives you some different dialouge choices!

Drizzt : <3 your name !!! Yes the storyline and cinematics in this game have swept me away for sure, I intended to try it out for a day or two before returning to my fallback games, but it has held my attention incredibly well!! But, I would expect nothing less from Bioware after all this time!

Last edited by Asha'man; 12/16/09 12:47 PM. Reason: Didn't see page 2 :P

"Not all those that wander are lost" - J.R.R. Tolkien
Re: Dragon Age ::: party makeup and social [Re: Moondancer] #578156
12/16/09 12:44 PM
12/16/09 12:44 PM
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Back to the topic of party makeup, having a character choose the Ranger benefit is quite useful. Rangers can summon beasts to help in a fight and they become a fifth member of the party. Rangers can summon a wolf, bear, spider, and at top level they can upgrade each beast to a tougher version. They can take a lot of damage and I've only rarely lost them in a fight. Of course, then you just resummon one. I also like sending my summoned beast in advance to trigger traps or scout out the area. Best of all, a bear is so fat it can block a doorway so you can hold a large group of enemies back while the bear swipes them with his claws and the rest of your group fires away with ranged weapons or spells.

Asha'man, I did finish Morrigan's quest but I was at a much higher level when I did it. I also came back several times before I survived the toasting.

Last edited by Rowan; 12/16/09 12:49 PM.
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