Following the release of the acclaimed original game The Lost Crown, developer Darkling Room and publisher Iceberg Interactive now reveal that this was actually the first part of a trilogy of ghost-hunting games featuring the mysterious crowns.
Iceberg Interactive CEO Erik Schreuder says: “The Lost Crown series has that perfect balance of being very scary, but without becoming gory. We are delighted with this deal, as The Lost Crown is a very atmospheric and well written game with tons of challenging puzzles and several jump-out-of-your-seat moments, held together with a creepy and beautifully composed soundtrack. We expect nothing less from the two upcoming sequels and are eagerly looking forward to their release, as they will be as well-crafted as the origin, a Jonathan Boakes classic.
About The Last Crown
Written and created by Jonathan Boakes, 'The Last Crown - Haunting of Hallowed Isle' is a direct sequel to the indie-hit The Lost Crown. Set vividly on England's windswept coast, the game is shot and filmed on location, in the author's home county of Cornwall. Presented in crisp black and white, with vivid splashes of colour, the 'Crown' games explore British myths, folklore and ghost stories, providing a classic supernatural experience.
"The Last Crown definitely has a sea-faring queasy feel, as Nigel and Lucy attempt to navigate a fishing boat out to Hallowed Isle", says creator Jonathan Boakes. "It's spooky, fun, traditional fare, with plenty of new adventures for Nigel Danvers and his ghost-hunting partner, Lucy Reubans."
•Join young ghost-hunters Nigel Danvers and Lucy Reubans, as they begin a new 'Crown' mystery.
•Hallowed Isle lies just off the coast of Saxton, on England's windswept coast. It is a moody, melancholy place; haunted by those who lived, worked and died there. That, in itself, is not unusual in this uncanny landscape, where everywhere has a supernatural tale to tell… should you be brave enough to delve deeper.
•Hallowed Isle is different. It hides its secrets well, buried beneath centuries of bizarre history. Nigel and Lucy will need to use ALL of their new found ghost-hunting skills to unravel the mystery of who, or what, haunts the small, pine ridged island, four miles out at sea.
•Use a new ghost-hunting tool 'GhostGadget'. Received from a mysterious benefactor, it's a prototype, hence getting the most out of it will depend on your skill as an operator and technician. Along the way, find new parts, while trying to create the most effective and powerful ghost-hunting device ever.
•Grab your ghost-hunting kit, board the island ferry, and experience this truly spooky sequel.
To learn more about the game, visit