An Open Letter to Bob and KarenDear Robert

and Sparky,
Thank you so much for the gift of Gameboomers. Without you none of this would be possible. Other forums use the word "community" when talking about themselves - but the big difference between them and us is they
talk about being one - we
are one. I know how determined you've been, in spite of some criticism by others, to keep Gameboomers exactly what it is - a place where a diverse group of people can talk about that which they love - gaming. We are able to joke and laugh with one another and also feel comfortable enough to cry on each other's shoulders. You've managed to gather together a group of intelligent, funny and thoughtful strangers and turn them into one of the rarest commodities on earth -
friends. You should be very proud of what you've accomplished.
Love always and Merry Christmas,
(**) Syd
And so on that note, without further ado, I present to you all (and it's a long one folks) :
GAMEBOOMERS, Y2K IN REVIEW‘Twas the night before Christmas, in the little white house,
With a mailbox in front, I believe facing south.
Our game lists were hung by the chimney with care,
Granny's double baaged the lists as much as she dared.
Pandora and blueEyes were snug in their beds,
Rick, Tom, Paul and Lisa worked puzzles instead.
Sparky's in her pajamas, and Bob's up real late,
He's looking for crayons (they're hid in the safe).
When out the front door there arose such a clatter,
Ashley left all her sims to see what was the matter.
Away to the driveway we gamers did jog,
We thought Puzzlewoman was stepping on Gog.
BeZoie, Baaglady, the Marys and Les,
Were hoping and praying they'd spy UPS.
What to Reenie and Ray's chagrin did we see?
A great big brown truck? No! A blue SUV!
And in it two drivers who looked out with glee,
We knew in a moment, ‘twas Witchen and Dee.
More rapid than Cindi when fleeing a maze,
They whistled and shouted and called us by name:
Now Jenny! Now Foofoo! Now Marcie and MaG!
On Zoly! On Zanthia! On Ozma and Syd!
Get back to the forums, we've boomers to show,
Where to buy all the games and put gifs in with snow.
We've got Kateri our own techno terror to train,
How to get games to run without causing her pain.
Laura, Debra and "dakid" mighty pirates became,
But they drank too much grog and were never the same.
Han bought him a Dreamcast and on it did raise,
A SeaMan who's story kept Jude entertained.
Then oldman announced, "there's bad news Simon Fans"
Scared the socks off Nolalou who thought it was canned.
To Cos and the others who play RPG's,
Feardust, Josie and Jasper and good ‘ole Doug B,
With Planescape, Diablo, Fallout 1 & 2,
When building a group----what to do, what to do.
Rosemary and Gordon, they're our favorite defenders,
For the use a mouse, to play our adventures.
Stephen Granade drops in because we want to know,
The latest and greatest on all game info.
Harlow's DH got her the ultimate computer,
And Midge finished Lighthouse before it consumed her.
Verm voted The Quivering as game of the year,
Legolas and Kehrin want Myst3 to appear.
Gabe turned Emma and Lizabeth's hearts into butter,
Marian, Kat and Bpeg fell for Baron Von Glower.
Mooey flipped for Mephisto, ZACAPOP- Guy Threepwood,
Rick1 Laura Croft and Jacqueline - Gage Blackwood.
Brian, Judy(s) and Clare, Doris, Phil, Susie Q,
Of course want to know what the game news is too,
So Andee announced Riddle of the Sphinx was delayed,
Still Cheryl hoped to receive it to play Christmas Day.
TallyHo, Norma and Linda wrote walkthroughs for games,
And saved many a gamer from going insane.
Flotsam writes his reviews so HappyGamer will know,
Which games use a mouse, or are keyboard controlled.
Pennyfeathers and Peter gave us Xiama to play,
Sent Cherie a-babbling trying to solve it one day.
Menehunes invaded John M's Crystal Key,
And caused jeannie much trouble, (was funny to see).
There's Becky whose posts are so funny and thoughtful,
And APL's notes, which by now are a truckful.
And Betty saw Bruce at the local health spa,
Bluebonnet got his number and liked what she saw.
Andy, Sylvia and chrisd play games and are merry,
Since learning that Clovis has saved games a plenty.
Without Mr. Bill's help, I'm not sure what we'd do,
Goes for Pokey, Jenny100 and Bogeyboy too.
LadyL, Katie and Beth, Dudet and Tamia,
Dawn, Rick (tss) - have a great Christmas season.
Softspoken, BouvMama, to Lexxy and Rayy,
May you get every game that you've wished for to play.
Lonelines love for adventures he shares with LenG,
And Pam Spears is our boomer who works with the trees.
Darlene of course found, Cassandra Galleries to play,
And Sassy played a thief, now what can we say?
To Carmen, Christina, to Helen and Bea,
And the rest of you boomers there under the tree,
We've had quite a year and of course in September,
Stitchman became our one thousandth new member.
To those who make games could we just recommend,
That you make more adventures, we've money to spend,
And keep gamers like Don from stooping so low,
They wind up playing a cockroach, like in Bad Mojo.
When I first started posting, no one could have told
Of the great many friends that I'd make on this board.
So my gift is this poem, Boomer friends far and near,
Baagy Christmas to all, and here's to next year. 
[This message has been edited by syd (edited 12-13-2000).]