I think what we need in these times full of doubt
Is something that we can get jiggy about

So how 'bout a day that will commemorate
Someone completely, incredibly great?
But who should we honour; who should we pick?
That rates with St. Patrick and jolly ol' Nick
It must be a person we all do admire
For kindness, compassion, and qualities higher
Hey, I know of someone! Soon I'll give her name
Who gives of herself for no glory or fame
You probably know her; she's here at GB
She moderates not one or two boards but THREE!
All long-standing members will know she's the best
But some that are newer still may not have guessed
So just for the few folks that still need a clue
I'll give you some hints 'til you figure out who
She started her game playing days on a Mac
But switched to PC once and never looked back
Now Riven and Shivers top her list of faves
But all the first person games earn her top raves
She doesn't like reading, but views every post
Which proves without doubt that she gives us her most
She's always so pleasant but won't stand no guff
Her word is the law when enough is enough <img border="0" title="" alt="[Cool]" src="cool.gif" />
But what we don't see of this courageous lass
Is her on her tractor when mowing the grass
Or calmly admiring the gardens sometimes
The soft yellow roses and gentle wind chimes
And when all is right in the world, then she goes
To bed for a treat of a few Oreos
And if on that day she's especially nice
She'll leave out a cookie for visiting mice!!
Yet most of us know her because we've each had
Our lives enriched by her in good times or bad
With that there can no more be any surprise
I speak of the one with the sweet butterflies
So now that you know, let there be no delay
It's time that we fully commence
Deedle's Day!!Please come join the party and share in the cheer
And celebrate someone we all hold so dear
Alas, Dee, we know that you're not feeling well
But if it would help we would all walk through hell
Just to spare you the pain for a short little while
To say that we care and to bring you a smile
And though we have chosen this April 19
Our fond words for you, we ALWAYS do mean
So sit back and bask in this warm, loving glow
Cuz after today it's again status quo
At least until next year when on this same date
We'll pop the champagne and toast you feeling GREAT!!
And now at long last, let me give up the floor
So others can tell you how much you're adored
Deedle's Day, gang, so get up and get dressed
And come spend some time with our most-cherished guest
Just say a few words at the least, don't be shy
We'll laugh and we'll play and if need be, we'll cry
It's good to have family at times just like these
And no one has one quite as big as ~MacDee's!
Yes, family and loved ones and closest dear friends
Are here now so this is where my poem ends.
Enjoy your day, Dee!!!

We love you!
P.S. Full credit to your great pals Namma and infernoj13usa for making this happen, Dee. As always, I'm just the front man. Ha!! I hear they're applying for a national holiday, but last I heard, approval was still pending. Governments, y'know...