'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
12/15/07 07:25 PM
12/15/07 07:25 PM
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‘Twas the night before Christmas and what do you know, Outside of the window it’s starting to snow. Pandora and MaG have been busy as bees, Hanging tinsel and lights on the Gameboomer trees.
“Let’s check out the rooms of which there are many, And see what the boomers are doing” said Jenny. A walk down the hall, a turn to the right, We arrive at Adventure, but the door is locked tight.
Rice Burner from Hints did suddenly appear, With a walkthrough and codes to the rooms that are here. Carla, Gremlin and Chief joined up for the tour, Three knocks and a kick, that should open the door.
The door opened wide, Becky ushered us in, sinotek asked a question that raised quite a din. Culpa Innata ripped-off TLJ could this be? Jenny100 said “nope, they’re both rip-offs of me”.
Metamorphium he thinks that this might be true, raylinstephens said royalties just might be due. nickie scratched at her head and wasn’t quite sure, If game about underwear would appeal much to her.
While underwear has BubbaJake concerned just a bit, ramona thinks the game might just be a classic. “If the game is a rip off” said Darlene2003, “Then please rip me off”, Sly One had to agree.
The Annual Twisty List flotsam did do, One for the lightside and darksiders too. Space Quest Fan was glad Beast Within rated so high, Stupid Invaders got three votes, Johnboy wondered why.
Cranberry Sass of the name the game thread, Is still going strong (thought by now it’d be dead). dragonuk44 gave a clue with answers to come, Rushes guessed Undercover: Operation Wintersun.
zookeeper guessed it might be Starsip Titanic, The answer came back, that nope that’s not it. Chrissie a terrible limerick did make, And now the cranberry sass is a Regifted fruitcake.
reikidave asked the group what game they liked least, PolloDiablo and old lady came up with Dead Reefs. Moments of Silence was named by caylin, Susie07’s torn : Conspiracies or Missing.
Penumba Overture is bad said TheHaze, SallyMG likes them all if there isn’t a maze orchgamer – Necronomicon, lsapce Next Life, Darlene and Butcher don’t like Paradise.
Aretha and Martin Mystere could not get along, wysewoman thinks Mystery of the Druids' a bomb. For Barbarosso and Gillan it’s Forever Worlds, upsydaisy : Evidence The Last Ritual.
Alright let’s hear favorites, we all must have some, Sassafras spoke up with her fav, Sanitarium. AquariaJade Last Express, Mary and cat they like Myst, Raybries cried Azrael’s Tears with a sob and a sniff.
Beyond Time is special for our Betty Lou, Ron.etti says Riven, oldmariner Gab 2. Kraken Still Life, Koalanut Grim Fandango, Blackstone Chronicles said catsmom is the way you should go.
Still Life, then Next Life, and now Still Life 2, Can it get better than that? Merlin said, I ask you. Cissy, judith and ces thinks it’s an awfully long wait, Karsten’s looking forward to 2008.
FlyingDutchman42 reported “there’s gamebabes aplenty. I hope Gus is back”. “Me too” said sierramindy. Qadventuregames is excited, so’s GBC, Taylor’s Mom wants to find out who the killer will be.
Inferno you’ve proven you’re gracious and fair, Though a certain individual didn’t play square. It pays to remember, in this I’m not wrong, You might fool some of the people, but not us for long.
The Happy Home for Gamers built a Developer’s Wing, Dedicated to gatorlaw (just seemed the right thing). Most Gameboomers can say that “we knew her when”, I have the privilege to call her my friend.
Six rights and six lefts then down to the cellar, Where the Darksiders whisper, “come hither fine fellow.” The monkyman leads, banana torch lights the way, Down creeky stairs, past fairies, where vampyres play.
Space bar, hit space bar, mutters Melanie1, As she battles her way through Oblivion. hagatha gave up her vampire ways, She’s Sheogarath now, so you all best behave.
fildil and VHL are both playing Loki, Maggie57 is at level sixty. Marian announced “there’s another Dungeon Lord” She knew oldman couldn’t wait, since the first he adored.
Draclvr has stopped whining ‘cause The Witcher is here, Milee10 and Drizzt did raise a great cheer. We heard there’s two versions, one with much spice, looney wasn’t all sure she had naughty or nice.
Mad is stuck in the swamp and may never come out, Debra said Dr. Pepper and vodka will help you not pout. rowen has Vista, and the game finally runs, threads said by next Christmas she just might be done.
Nipomo just finished The Dark Brotherhood quest, Poor Yankee Clipper can’t get the platform up yet. Smiley456 and Atheen are still fine, They’re entrenched in the Might and the Magic of IX.
Sig wanted some eggnog, burpee passed him a glass, He received Gods: Land of Infinity and hopes it will last. So to the darksiders we bid fond farewell, May they find armor and weapons and a meteor spell.
Two lefts and three rights is the door to Mixed Bag, With plenty of food and good friends to be had. texaslady said welcome, ya’ll all come on in, The coffee is hot, let the talkin’ begin.
The gang at Joe’s diner’s now snug as a bug, After answering the call that Glynn needed a hug. BrownEyedTigre took a trip down memory lane, Back to the 70’s, good grief we looked lame.
Barrel furniture’s the thing that caused Renee to drool, soot still has a jumpsuit in blueberry blue. foofoobunny had flashbacks of hip hugger flares, A ’74 Javelin solved Ahuber’s cares.
Barry called out for help, he just hit escape, “I’m still sitting at work, did I make mistake?” Cathy1 suggested shift, Dineke said to press home, L4Labs said hit windows, that might cause you to roam.
“Did someone need help?” 3dobermans came on the run, Trail almost ended existence, now how’s that for fun. Sorta Blonde is still looking for the terminate key, Celtic Lark just wants an alternate reality.
“Beam me up Scotty” Auntiegram said then looked stunned, When JennyP hit the num lock and her fingers went numb. Midge caught a virus, nasty thing was called WORK, Bouv mama is retired but is still on alert.
Winfrey showed us the perfect toilet for women, Lex thought that the gap was put there for aimin’. Homer6 thought it could work if the aimer was sober, Flutist said the idea had her laughing all over.
Kaki’s Sister said they’re expecting 10 inches of snow Gilligan thought her roof was on fire, was just steam don’t you know. Nightowl07 hates shopping almost more than winter, My9rugrats is snowbound says the grinch as got to her.
TLC made BAAG Specialist, let’s tip our hats. Connie and Mugsy both offered congrats. 5,000 posts Gimli said, wow I am impressed, Hope you still hang around said Retired at Last.
Do you know Christmas lyrics, did you get them all right? JoAmiga, Hawka, butterflybabe had to turn off the mike. Carousal wrote a poem called “The Christmas Fairy”, Dudemom’s tree topper’s a fish, now how’s that for scary?
So we continue, four lefts and three rights, And arrive at the Garden of Puzzling Delights. Tyke opens the doors, she’s smart as a tack , Says the rest of the geniuses are there in the back.
Urban Worrier’s party has presents so clever, Redz brought margaritas, wished the best ever. Curly brought champagne, cue walked in with toffee. LadyK brought the Guiness, Stitchman, did you bring coffee?
Bernard brought cognac, Koala, Budweiser, Maelstrom brought fondue, DoreenS brought a sweater. Sherlock brought veggies, Jema Vitamin C, NYLady a thermometer, Ccbomber, beef jerky.
BeaSong, Geo and croaker are discussing a squirrel, JimboBell hears screeching whenever he turns. Mineminemine and Satine know their Charlie Brown Christmas, DocPaul said Toyota’s got a plan for fat kittens. Crazy Billybob set out to find a new home, And they all tried to guess at the states he did roam. Funlcake said Wyoming, Sondi Nebraska, MsMercury Colorado, manxman North Dakota. Merry Christmas Leeana, lexxy and Bea, Luv2travel and my dear friends, Ms Janners and Dee, JoanieS, bkrytr and JohnnyK, Joanie39, kwbridge and Re.
Jldcat, Auntykitkat52, Exalthim2, Uncle Reg, owlluv and hugh, Jude, lorryrose, moonbeam and sassiladi, I hope that you’re visited by the little BAAGS fairy.
Liz thanks for the post, it is so nice to hear, That you still want this poem after all of these years. So I made up my list and checked it with care, And there’s 173 boomers in there.
And so my dear boomers we come to the end, Of another great year filled with family and friends. So from my house to yours as our tree twinkles bright, Merry Christmas to all, peace on earth and good night.
Love and a very :christmas:
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: syd]
12/15/07 07:32 PM
12/15/07 07:32 PM
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Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: syd]
12/15/07 07:36 PM
12/15/07 07:36 PM
Joined: Apr 2000
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Syd that was outstanding. We love you. Midge 
Just do it.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: MaG]
12/15/07 07:38 PM
12/15/07 07:38 PM
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In the Naughty Corner
 Now that's the icing on the cake! Thank you Syd....it's beautiful. Love and Hugs to you and your family this holiday season. Ana
Don't feed the Trolls
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: BrownEyedTigre]
12/15/07 07:41 PM
12/15/07 07:41 PM
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Absolutely fantastic Syd!!  So beautiful! I don't know how you do it year after year.  Thank you so much!  joe
There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven’t yet met.
William Butler Yeats
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: MaG]
12/15/07 07:41 PM
12/15/07 07:41 PM
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Betty Lou
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Oh thank you so much Syd, I needed that. You are the best! Don't work too hard. Happy Holidays Love, Betty Lou
I am 'the HAT lady"! and "who loves ya BABY?!"
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: nickie]
12/15/07 07:53 PM
12/15/07 07:53 PM
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Is there anything besides WOW that can express how wonderful you are Syd?  I just can't imagine Christmas without your hard work!  And Syd?... Merry Christmas! :santa:
Banana phone!
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: looney]
12/15/07 08:35 PM
12/15/07 08:35 PM
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Out of this world, Syd, fantabulous, outstanding, wonderful read, and I could go on and on.  Thank you, and a very :christmas: to you as well.
Reading is to the mind, what exercise is to the body - Joseph Addison
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: syd]
12/15/07 08:46 PM
12/15/07 08:46 PM
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Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: 3dobermans]
12/15/07 08:52 PM
12/15/07 08:52 PM
Joined: Nov 1999
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Thanks so much, Syd! You put so much work into your Christmas poem each year and it is much appreciated! Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas! :christmas: :santa:
The answer is....chocolate! Who cares what the question is.....
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: Mary]
12/15/07 09:10 PM
12/15/07 09:10 PM
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Syd, I think you have totally outdone yourself this year!
Now back to The Witcher....
Gardens put to bed. Time for more reading and gaming.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: Draclvr]
12/15/07 09:39 PM
12/15/07 09:39 PM
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How the heck did you get so many boomers in that fabulous poem. That must have taken an extremely long time. I look forward to your poems every year. Just thought I would say how fantabulous you are. Have a Merry Chritmas to you and yours. Your the best.
Cathy :christmas: :holidays:
" If Cornoil Comes From Corn Where Doe's Babyoil Come From "
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: Cathy1]
12/15/07 09:48 PM
12/15/07 09:48 PM
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WoW Syd  the poem is a piece of art  It's a classic  :christmas: SOOT
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Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: Cathy1]
12/15/07 09:49 PM
12/15/07 09:49 PM
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Thank you to you and all of the Gameboomer family for making me feel a part of this outstanding forum. Kudos to you on this beautiful poem.
Doldrums getting you down? Post w/ the Boomers and turn those frowns upside down!
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: owlluv]
12/15/07 10:23 PM
12/15/07 10:23 PM
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Thank You Syd !!!! I am lost for words...All the work & time to put a very special poem together for us Boomers.... Takes a Very Special Person That person is you !!!!! God Bless & :holidays: Hugs & Kiss's to you & family 
Luv Dar
GameBoomers "Games Are More Enticing Because Of Our "MaG"nificent Efficient Radiant Site"
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: Darleen03]
12/16/07 12:36 AM
12/16/07 12:36 AM
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 Holy cow, syd. You're amazing! Thank you for all of your hard, hard work! 
Last edited by Darlene; 12/16/07 12:37 AM.
Woohoo and booyah!  Have an easy peasy day!
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: connie]
12/16/07 04:58 AM
12/16/07 04:58 AM
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Somewhere ? in Massachusetts?
Thank You Syd,It wouldn't be Christmas with out your great poems  May you have the best of Holiday's :holidays: :santa:
I may not have gone where I intended to go,but I think I have ended up where I need to be.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: cailyn]
12/16/07 05:20 AM
12/16/07 05:20 AM
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Syd, a wonderful poem as always!  It means such a lot to everyone that you do this every year, Christmas wouldn't be the same without it. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!  Mary :christmas: :santa:
"It's not what you have in your life but who you have in your life that counts."  I'm not getting old....just 'Marvelously Mature'!
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: cailyn]
12/16/07 05:21 AM
12/16/07 05:21 AM
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Well done Syd! Sue 
Yesterday is but today's memory, tomorrow is today's dream. Kahlil Gibran
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: texaslady]
12/16/07 06:05 AM
12/16/07 06:05 AM
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Hi Syd  "Poem" just isn't an adequate description of your magnificent EPIC !! I fought my way out of the swamp to get here and read it  and boy was it some read !! Just fantastic ....  Thank you VERY much indeed  Cheers. Mad :christmas:
Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: Mad]
12/16/07 06:31 AM
12/16/07 06:31 AM
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Syd,  For me Christmas does not start until I read your poem. This year it is absolutely fantastic, to say the least. But they always are. :christmas: Syd. God Bless, Alice
Angels are friends who lift you off your feet when your wings have forgotten how to fly.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: threads]
12/16/07 07:49 AM
12/16/07 07:49 AM
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True Blue Boomer
True Blue Boomer
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Syd, thanks for yet another wonderful poem! Santa must have lent you his special tinselled crowbar for you to wedge 173 Boomers in there.  Hope you and yours have a very :christmas: :santa:
"Bleat, Watson -- unmitigated bleat!" ~ Sherlock Holmes
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: Bernard]
12/16/07 09:04 AM
12/16/07 09:04 AM
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:christmas: Thank you Syd  André :holidays:
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: BeaSong]
12/16/07 10:27 AM
12/16/07 10:27 AM
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What a wonderful surprise to log on and see this ! Thank you so much for the gift , Syd ! Well done !  Hope you have the best of holidays ! :holidays:
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: niteowl07]
12/16/07 10:51 AM
12/16/07 10:51 AM
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Oh, Syd!...WOW!!!....  When you announced that you were handing in your 'cap' so to speak, because you didn't have much spare time these days...I hardly dared hope for our wonderful annual traditional Syd's Christmas Epic...but, bless you...you came through and didn't disappoint us. You are one special lady...and you have excelled yourself this year, thank you so, so much for all the time, love and effort that you have put into it...we very much appreciate it and you.  A toast to you dear, Syd!...Cheers
If you can't take the heat, don't tickle the dragon.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: Tyke]
12/16/07 01:18 PM
12/16/07 01:18 PM
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Hip hip hooray for Syd. What an absolutely fantastic poem. You have done us proud.
Bill and I wish you and your family a very :christmas:
Cory and Amber send doggy kisses and Moxie a kitty purr.
Corgis fill your life with Joy, your heart with Love, and your soul with Sunshine.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: syd]
12/16/07 01:31 PM
12/16/07 01:31 PM
Joined: Jun 2001
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Thanks Syd, now its Christmas.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: 3dobermans]
12/16/07 01:50 PM
12/16/07 01:50 PM
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This was great and fun! thanks Syd! CU danyboy 
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: syd]
12/16/07 02:08 PM
12/16/07 02:08 PM
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Kentwood, Left my heart in New...
Too cute as always! Thanks, Syd.
I Baag, Therefore I Am. Update: I Don't Baag Anymore, Therefore I Ain't! Update: I'm baaging again but just a little. JohnBoy ----------------
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: auntiegram]
12/16/07 09:35 PM
12/16/07 09:35 PM
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Thank you Syd, you're truly amazing. A beautiful poem again this year. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and wonderful New Year.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: 3dobermans]
12/17/07 11:11 AM
12/17/07 11:11 AM
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Syd, you are soooooooooooo clever  thank you for the mention
Last edited by JoAmiga; 01/07/08 06:25 AM.
What are we? Women - What do we want? We don't know - When do we want it? Now
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: ]
12/17/07 12:36 PM
12/17/07 12:36 PM
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Thank you Syd! I honestly don't know how you do it and the work involved must be something else  ! Marilyn :christmas:
Everyone has a photographic memory...some just don't have any film. Mine was over exposed.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: 3dobermans]
12/18/07 09:43 AM
12/18/07 09:43 AM
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the desert foothills
Absolutely fantastic, Syd........you never disappoint!! Now take a break and have a little eggnog! Thanks for a stupendous work of art as always!  You are priceless!!!
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: syd]
12/19/07 12:18 AM
12/19/07 12:18 AM
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Syd, every year I think your poem can't possibly get any better, and the next year you once again prove me wrong.  Thank you for all the time and effort you put into these gems. A very :christmas: to you and yours. :santa: Jema
Wouldn't that jar your mustard!
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: wysewomon]
12/19/07 01:58 PM
12/19/07 01:58 PM
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THAT WAS BRILLIANT! (yes, I did mean to yell that) Thanks for the great poem and I'm happy to be a part of the GB christmas tradition! 
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Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: Taylor's Mom]
12/19/07 08:07 PM
12/19/07 08:07 PM
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Body in California/Heart in Ha...
Thank you everyone for the kind words - glad you enjoyed it - actually I half wonder if most of you didn't doze off before the end. This one seemed to take on a life of its own  Again - have a very :christmas: boomers syd MaG - love you too  and I did give Jer a hug 
Dark Side : Risen Light Side: I can only please one person a day. Today isn't your day. Tomorrow's not looking good either.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: looney4labs]
12/21/07 12:41 AM
12/21/07 12:41 AM
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Wow! You've outdone yourself, Syd!! That's wonderful!
Thank you!
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: Melanie1]
12/21/07 09:42 AM
12/21/07 09:42 AM
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Thank you, Syd! I think there's some Guiness left over for you. Merry Christmas!
When life shuts a door, open it again. It's a door. That's how they work.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: LadyKestrel]
12/21/07 09:59 AM
12/21/07 09:59 AM
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As usual, another great one, Syd. Thank you. And, all, do have a :christmas:
If something gets your goat, it just proves you have a goat to get.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: Homer6]
12/21/07 08:28 PM
12/21/07 08:28 PM
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Long Beach, Australia
As others have said - now it really IS Christmas. Way to go Syd 
Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: flotsam]
12/23/07 08:48 AM
12/23/07 08:48 AM
Joined: Aug 2000
Posts: 53,369 Upstate NY
Sonic Boomer
Sonic Boomer
Joined: Aug 2000
Posts: 53,369
Upstate NY
We're all feeling the love, Syd. Thanks so much.  :christmas:
I'm not brave. I'm just past the age where running is an option.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: syd]
12/24/07 03:03 AM
12/24/07 03:03 AM
Joined: Nov 2004
Posts: 22,586 Bucks, England
Urban Worrier
True Blue Boomer
True Blue Boomer
Joined: Nov 2004
Posts: 22,586
Bucks, England
Absolutely superb, Syd - a true labour of love. Thank you so very much!!
To waste one second of one's life is a betrayal of one's self. I wonder what's on television...?
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: Urban Worrier]
12/24/07 03:51 PM
12/24/07 03:51 PM
Joined: Aug 2002
Posts: 10,663 Massachusetts
Adept Boomer
Adept Boomer
Joined: Aug 2002
Posts: 10,663
Excellent syd!  I honestly don't know how you do this every year.  Thank you, Rusty 
Even monkeys fall from trees sometimes.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: Liz]
12/24/07 05:10 PM
12/24/07 05:10 PM
Joined: Mar 2001
Posts: 2,853 United Kingdom
Addicted Boomer
Addicted Boomer
Joined: Mar 2001
Posts: 2,853
United Kingdom
Excellent Syd!You are really a poet! :christmas: and thanks for the beautiful poem
Carla  “Come what come may, Time and the hour runs through the roughest day.”
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: Carla]
12/25/07 11:57 AM
12/25/07 11:57 AM
Joined: Apr 2001
Posts: 4,667 New York
Addicted Boomer
Addicted Boomer
Joined: Apr 2001
Posts: 4,667
New York
Syd ...Thank-You so very much ...for remembering me..... I cant tell you how much it meant to me to see that I was included  Thank You for yet another year Your Twas the Night is getting not only greater and greater but more and more intresting  Thanks Syd Great work as always 
'Worry looks around, sorry looks back, Faith looks up.'
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: chrissie]
12/26/07 06:56 AM
12/26/07 06:56 AM
Joined: Jun 2005
Posts: 2,330 Switzerland
Addicted Boomer
Addicted Boomer
Joined: Jun 2005
Posts: 2,330
Hey Syd, so sorry I couldn't come earlier to congratulate on the wonderful poem! Tell me: are you really a poet or are you a natural? Every year such a great poem. Thank you so very much.
"You ask me what life is. That's like asking me what a carrot is. A carrot is a carrot is a carrot" (A. Chekhov)
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2007
[Re: bouv mama]
12/27/07 08:41 AM
12/27/07 08:41 AM
Joined: Nov 1999
Posts: 10,323
Adept Boomer
Adept Boomer
Joined: Nov 1999
Posts: 10,323
Wow Sydderelly amazing effort (as usual) I didn't get here til now...  Wasn't sure if you found the time this year for the annual Christmas epic poem and here it was all this time. One thing for sure, without the support of so many (on the pages and behind the scenes) I wouldn't have hung in through so many  and  , so thanks to you, the "girls", Cap'n Mags and all the wonderful Boomies who I am proud to know and call friends.  to GB and all the folks who make this little slice of the web a cyber home for so many.